Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 280: Emma's fate

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No matter what, Niel Jielina is just a girl under the age of 20, although she seems to be quite mature due to many experiences, but when there is no one, she still relaxes herself a little, revealing a hint of girlishness .

Although the size of the Leinster family is only moderate in Dalaran, the house is still gorgeous and huge. It is said that the grandfather of their family is a top-fifth-level gold magician, and even Allen's father is a fourth-level silver-level strong man. Although these have nothing to do with Neil Jielina, but for other interested people, it is a great temptation.

Neilina loves this garden in the backyard of Allen's house. On this beautiful night, strolling in it always makes her happy. Sometimes she even thought that after finding Lord Wright, if she could stabilize, she also wanted to build such a garden in the backyard of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps.

"Miss Neilina, am I not entertaining well? Why do you look a little unhappy?"

Kielina was sitting on a bench in the garden and was fascinated. Allen's polite voice suddenly came from behind.

"Mr. Allen? Thank you for your thoughts. I'm fine, I just don't like those parties and balls."

"Ah! That's it. I thought a young and beautiful lady like you would like a banquet."

Allen had come to Neil Jelina during the talk. To be honest, Allen was good in appearance and family, and his polite temperament was indeed very attractive. Although Allen ’s magic is still relatively shallow, at his age of 24, he can reach the level of a third-level black iron primary wind magician, which is not bad.

"You are talking about the ladies of the nobles in the city. I am just a mercenary. Such a luxurious and comfortable life may not be suitable for me. And I have never thought about that ..."

"Is that true? It's a pity. With your appearance and temperament, it will definitely become the focus of people's eyes. Just like this tonight."

Hearing this apparent flattery, Neil Jelena turned her head to look at Alan lightly, then smiled gently and said:

"Perhaps, it's just that I'm used to the life of a free mercenary, and I'm not going to change anything for the time being. It's late, I go back to rest and see Alan bye."

"... Good night, Miss Neilina."

Watching Neil Jielina leave, Alan couldn't help but feel a bit lost. He is also the orthodox heir of the Leinster family. Although the magical power is only mediocre at present, it is still more popular with girls just for him. But Allen has never had such a strong emotional sensation. The surprise when she first saw it, her determination and calmness in battle made Allen have a feeling of love at first sight!

It's just that Alan can also feel that Miss Neilina doesn't seem to think of herself as the same thing. Does she already have a sweetheart? Looking up at the stars in the sky, Allen felt that his heart was really messed up ...

Zhang Yang walked inside along the ice cave but found Emma who had been comatose about 100 meters away. When he quickly stepped forward, he found that although Emma was comatose at this time, her hands were still dead. Clasped the hard piece of ice under him. At the moment Emma's legs were twisted unnaturally, and it seemed that he should have broken when he fell. This situation made Zhang Yang's heart just put down again. She was so kind and she was in her youth. If she lost her legs in this way, it would be too miserable.

Finally, Emma broke her hands and fed her most of the intermediate treatment potions. After feeling that Emma's breath is a little stronger and there will be no worries about life, Zhang Yang has time to look at the surrounding environment.

This is actually the entrance of a huge underground snow cave! From a distance, the cave in front is at least more than 20 meters high and more than ten meters wide. The whole is made of solid blue ice. It seems to Zhang Yang that there are too many artificial traces here, although there are no frescoes and carvings, but the flat ground like a knife is obviously not naturally formed! Looking farther away, Zhang Yang unexpectedly found a gate with the same color as the passageway at the end of the passageway that kilometer away!

However, when Zhang Yang hesitated whether to go and find out, Emma, ​​who was seriously injured beside her, woke up with a loud bang!

"Emma! How are you feeling ?! Don't be afraid, I'm here."

"... Wright ...? Wright ?!"

"Yes! I'm Wright! Don't move!"

Emma thought she was dead this time, but when she was still in a coma, she felt that someone vaguely poured something on her. As the liquid entered the stomach, she felt weaker and weaker. strength. However, when Emma opened her eyes, the intriguing back was so familiar! ? Is it Wright? ! Am I dreaming? ?

It wasn't until Zhang Yang spoke that Emma was completely awake, but as her consciousness returned, a burst of intense pain from her lower body almost made Emma feel faint again!

"Ah ~! My leg ?! It hurts!"

Emma is not like Zhang Yang. The bursts of pain and the fear of losing her legs made her almost collapse. Looking at Emma, ​​whose face was pale due to severe pain and fear, Zhang Yangzhen regretted that he had not prepared some castor to relieve the pain in advance.

"Strengthen Emma! It's okay! The little leg hurts, I will find a way to save you! Trust me!"

Having said that, Emma's injury made Zhang Yang know in her heart that her leg bones shattered from the thigh down! How easy is it to recover? ! But if I do n’t say this at the moment, I'm afraid Emma will lose the courage to live?

At this moment, when Zhang Yang was very anxious, the little elf Kai Neng, who did n’t know where she was flying, appeared in front of Zhang Yang ’s eyes. At this moment, she did n’t want to avoid Emma ’s eyes, but eagerly rushed to Zhang Yang. Said:

"Wright! I know where it is! It was here! That temple that has disappeared for countless years!"

Kai Neng may be too excited. What she said at the moment is really unclear. I saw her gesturing for half a day, her whole body was shining, but she didn't say the most important part. Why does this make Zhang Yang not anxious?

"Calm down! Kai Neng! What made you so excited? Where is this?"

After hearing Zhang Yang's question, Kai Neng calmly calmed her emotions by covering her small chest. After five short moments, she said again:

"This is the Ice Temple! The Ice Temple among the six elemental temples in ancient times! We are so lucky! Wright!"

"It turned out to be this place? I didn't expect that the legendary Ice Temple could be found under the ice field !? No wonder people can't find it! It's just that Emma's injury can't be delayed, we don't have time to explore here Now I have to find a way to leave this ice cave and find someone to treat her leg injury! "

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