Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 281: Ice Temple 1

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"Idiot Wright! Do you know what the Ice Temple is? Do you know how wonderful the Six Elements Temple is ?! If you miss it, I'm afraid it won't happen again in your whole life ?!"

After all, Kai Neng has the knowledge of the Titans, and she knows more about the secrets of the Orlando world than Zhang Yang! But these are really not as important as the life of a friend to Zhang Yang, so he still firmly said:

"That is also something that can't be helped. Emma's life is more important than those treasures that may not be available!"

Zhang Yang's words moved Emma in agony. As a native of the Slavic Snowmen, Emma grew up listening to legends about the Ice Temple. For the meaning of the Ice Temple, she was in her heart. Very clear! But now, the Ice Temple has disappeared for thousands of years, and Wright has given up the opportunity to find treasures to save himself! This impressed Emma!

"Wright ... I ..."

"Relax, Emma, ​​you will be fine!"

At this point, the ice cave where Zhang Yang and others were located was violently shaken, and the rumbling sound could not be heard from the way.

"Not good! Wright! The hole when we came started to collapse! This passage is not safe! We must enter the Ice Temple immediately, and it will be too late to delay it!"

Zhang Yang's originally huge soul power was consumed by half when it was 'hatched', and then a part of it was consumed when forming the body of Eure, otherwise it was close to the seventh-order legend that he had accidentally obtained before. For the power of the soul, all objects within a thousand kilometers can be detected clearly.

But now Zhang Yang, although he has achieved the body of Ere who can continue to be strong, but almost everything he once got, it almost disappeared! Fortunately, Zhang Yang's unique mental scanning ability is basically inherited by Kai Neng. Although the effect is much worse, there are still many benefits. At the same time, his spiritual power, which has been raised from qualitative to soul power, is also retained.

At this moment, Zhang Yang and others have no other choice. It is impossible to return the same way, and now the only chance is to enter the mysterious ice temple in front!

"Emma, ​​hold on, I will find a way to save you! Certainly!"

Although everything in the previous life has gone through the [Painful Nightmare] Zhang Yang has been downplayed a lot, but looking at the state of Emma, ​​Zhang Yang couldn't help but think of Xiaowei who was once lost. He really didn't want to lose anymore, whether it was a relative or a friend. Therefore, after Emma nodded firmly, Zhang Yang carefully carried her back, glanced at the channel that had begun to crack, and rushed toward the gate of the Ice Temple without looking back.

Emma, ​​who was lying behind Zhang Yang, felt a little numb at the moment. Although she had taken some healing potions, the tremor that had fallen before had already hurt her organs. Zhang Yang had also learned first aid and medical treatment for several years. He had discovered this situation during the previous examination, but Zhang Yang did not tell her to let Emma not lose her confidence.

However, her body, Emma, ​​knew that she could feel her strength and consciousness disappearing bit by bit. If no miracle happened, death was only a matter of time. However, Emma was not scared at this moment. Although she did n’t get along for a long time, if Wright could stay with her when she died, she would n’t be scared and would n’t leave much regret ...

Although there was a person behind him, Zhang Yang's running speed was still fast. But even so, the speed of falling and falling ice wall is a little faster! Seeing that it was less than two hundred meters away from the gate of the Ice Temple, this ice crystal channel that had not been known for a long time finally began to collapse!

(It's **** it! Why did the good tunnel suddenly collapse ?! There are still 200 meters away. If you go all out, you should be able to rush over it? Fight!)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang's soul power instantly transported, and with the slight electroluminescence of his eyes, the power of [Lightning Enhancement] has poured into his body! In an instant, Zhang Yang's speed suddenly increased, and the distance of 200 meters ran away in just two instants!

Just before the passage collapsed completely behind him, Zhang Yang finally rushed into the porch of the Ice Temple with his Emma! Just as he crossed the entrance corridor, a wave like a water ripple slowly swayed from the entrance of Zhang Yang, and then the unknown huge multiple pieces of ice rock were blocked outside this thin layer of water! This scene left Zhang Yang and others dumbfounded.

(Is this the enchantment of the Ice Temple that has been protected for thousands of years? It ’s really magical! Can it distinguish between living bodies and rocks?)

Standing outside the porch of the Ice Temple at the moment, Zhang Yang looked at the channel that had disappeared completely in front of him, feeling very helpless. The Ice Temple behind him was full of mystery and unknown. He didn't know what he would encounter there, but without choice, Zhang Yang had to go forward with a scalp. It's just that the biggest question is: how to open the gate of this ice temple? !

As an elemental temple that existed in ancient times, the gate of the Frost Ice Temple looks really simple and mysterious. It was a giant door that seemed to be made of blue crystal as a whole. The door was ten meters tall. Zhang Yang and others stood under the door as if the mouse at the foot of the giant was as small as a mouse. Zhang Yang reached out carefully, and the door tentacles were cold and hard. Zhang Yang originally thought that there would be no prohibition or magic circle on the gate. Apart from feeling extremely hard, it was no different from the ice rock in the previous channel!

How is this going? ! Is this gate a false one? ! However, the barriers that block the ice fragments outside are still real. Is there any special way to open the door?

"Energy, do you know how to open this door?"

After groping for a long while, there was still no clue, Zhang Yang had to ask for help and was carefully checking the opening of the gate.

"This is the Temple of Elements! The legendary places, I only knew about these places in Titan's materials. The temple I saw was the first one! As for the specific method of opening the door, I don't know, but Titan ’s data once mentioned the phrase “touch it with your heart, the temple opens”, but I still ca n’t guess what it means ... "

('Take it with your heart, the temple opens automatically'? How does the heart touch? Is it necessary to sacrifice the heart or the like? Impossible, if it is not to dig out the heart to touch the door, then the meaning of 'heart' Could it mean ...)

Although the information of Kaineng does not directly provide a way to open the door, at least it also gives a direction for thinking. Zhang Yang, after carefully pondering this sentence, seemed to have realized it. He saw his hands gently pressed against the gate of the Frost Temple, and then slowly closed his eyes. Then the whole person was silent. After going down, it seems that even the breathing has become non-existent!

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