Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 282: Ice Temple 2

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In the ancient world of Orlando, there were countless powerful creatures, some of which had large and powerful bodies, and some were born to control elemental energy. In this wild and primitive world, a small number of creatures with their powerful strength dominate large areas, and each of them has a long life and super power. The power of these creatures once exceeded the imagination of other species, so most of the very weak intelligent life directly regarded them as gods and called them the ‘old gods’.

No one can tell clearly how many ancient gods there are, but from legends passed down, the descendants roughly estimated 18 ancient gods. The 'Six Elements Sanctuary' that has gradually disappeared in history is legendarily built by six 'Elder Gods' who control the six elements ...

In essence, Zhang Yang does not know how to use magic. To become a magician, he must go through arduous study and hard work. Although talent is very important, it is really a dream to want to gain strong power for no reason.

The magical knowledge inherited from the blood of the devil, coupled with the unexpectedly powerful soul power, allows Zhang Yang to release the very limited seal magic of several soul systems. As for the tricks he used to explore the power of thunder and lightning, it is only for the application of the mysterious thunder and lightning power in the body, not to mention the "lightning chain" and the "thunderbolt" that he barely used in terms of his current physical condition Arrow] There is not much power at all, and even a trace of current can have some effect on ordinary people. Therefore, in a sense, Zhang Yang is a pure warrior.

It's just that Zhang Yang, with his eyes closed and his hands touching the gate of the Ice Temple, seems to have found a way to open the gate of the temple! It is really amazing to say that the method of opening the Ice Temple actually needs to absorb the power of pure soul!

Although there is not much power left in Zhang Yang's body, from the qualitative point of view, this magical energy is higher than spiritual power

Enough to push the door of the temple! Therefore, after Zhang Yang Quanli instilled the power of the soul on the door, starting from the position where Zhang Yang's hands touched the door, a beautiful layer of bright blue halo began to spread around!

At this time, Zhang Yang only felt that the gate was engulfing the power of his soul like a bottomless hole, no matter how much he input, it seemed to be a mud cow entering the sea. It's just that in the eyes of Emma and Kai Neng, this all-in-one, unexplained multiple temple door is directly above, and those bright blue halos are converging toward the center of the door! But a minute or so, when Zhang Yang's soul power is about to run out, the gate of the Ice Temple finally quietly opened a thin gap!

(Huh! Tired! The power of the soul is almost exhausted! But this door is finally opened, but it is a very simple method, why can't anyone else think of it?)

Zhang Yang did not know that the gate of this temple was actually very 'picky eating'. If it is ordinary spiritual power, then the result must be ineffective. Only the advanced energy of spiritual power: the power of soul can open this door! After all, Zhang Yang was really lucky. When he wandered in the chaotic space, his consciousness carrier changed metamorphosis. At that time, the original spiritual power was miraculously transformed into soul power! This change has given him countless benefits after rebirth.

However, Zhang Yang was not aware of this at this time. After all, he had no systematic contact with magic, so he didn't know much about the speciality of his soul power. But no matter how the door of the temple can be opened at present, Zhang Yang is already satisfied.

After barely squeezing through the door gap of about half a meter, Zhang Yang and others finally entered the interior of the Ice Temple. Upon entering the gate, it was a crystal clear corridor. Although there are no sculptures and decorations in the human palace, but only those ice walls shining with a faint blue light around it, it looks more mysterious than any luxurious decoration!

Zhang Yang's nerves have been tense, and here is quiet and terrible at this moment, only the footsteps of his footsteps in the huge corridor can't echo. However, President Zhang Yang felt as if something was watching them in an unknown place. This feeling of being monitored made him have to be more careful.

Inadvertently, Zhang Yang looked down. The ground here seemed to be frozen. Under the clear ice, Zhang Yang could see a slowly flowing dark blue! Is it bottomless water under the ice? Under this polar arctic? impossible? !

While walking, Kai Neng suddenly exclaimed!

"Oh my god! Leta! Look on the roof!"

Zhang Yang's nerves were tight all the time, and as soon as Kai Neng spoke, he instantly raised his head and made defensive moves. In fact, there is nothing dangerous on the roof. The reason why Kai Neng exclaimed was because she saw a very strange and strange magic figure! At the top of the more than twenty-meter-high corridor, on the same transparent ice wall, several clumsy arcs and some unintentionally twisted runes jointly constructed a less standard diamond pattern.

In Zhang Yang's view, this thing is very different from the style of today's circle-based magic arrays. If it is not at this moment, it is radiating a cobalt blue light, maybe Zhang Yang will think that it is just a random graffiti.

"Energy, what is this?"

After discovering that it was not dangerous, Zhang Yang relaxed a little bit, but at the same time, a question quickly rose in his heart, what could Kai Kai exclaim?

"I didn't expect to see this mark here! This is the magic array of the water elemental plane! I thought that when the Titans first visited the Orlando world, they had no chance to enter these mysterious element temples. Most of the gods are still missing, only one or two are still active on the mainland, which is recorded in Titan ’s database. "

"I forgot to ask Kai Neng before, when did the Titans first come to Orlando?"

"According to records, it should be around 2419 in the chaotic calendar period of Orlando World"

"Chaotic calendar ... Bi-monthly calendar ... Magic calendar ... Isn't that already almost five thousand years ago !?"

"Yes! The Titans had mastered the use of elemental energy. They were more curious about what the pure elemental plane looks like. Therefore, I heard that the builders of the six elemental temples are" gods "from the elemental plane, so I have spared no effort to find, but unfortunately I only got some information about the element plane. I did not expect that I can actually see the real thing today! "

Kai Neng gave Zhang Yang a little more understanding of the secrets of the Titan and Orlando world. It's just that these don't have any substantive help to the current status quo, so after recording the appearance of the diamond-shaped magic array, Zhang Yang continued to walk inside the temple.

This time Zhang Yang discovered that this temple, buried deep under the ice, was so huge! The former promenade alone is more than three thousand meters long! As for the hall with the size of seven or eight football fields in front of it, it is already an amazing level!

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