Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 297: Death of Ulbert 1

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Neil Jielina didn't look back. She knew that if she turned around, she would be surprised. So she deliberately turned to the corner road, and then under seven turns and eight turns, Niel Jielina came to the depths of this unmanned alley!

This alley seems that no one has been here for a long time. A thick layer of dust has accumulated on the steps in front of the door around the road. Judging from the wood and bricks placed nearby, it may have been used as a public warehouse by the surrounding residents.

Under normal circumstances, if an ordinary woman came to such a dilapidated alley alone, I am afraid that you will be able to scare yourself to death without intimidation. However, Neil Jelina is not an ordinary woman, she is already an experienced warrior! In her view, the environment here is suitable for setting up some small traps and the like. If you look purely from the perspective of the killing battlefield, Neil Jielina thinks that this is really a good place!

Taking advantage of the man behind him, Neil Jelina took out the rope and steel needle she carried, and made two concealed and delicate traps from the local materials. Then she took off her cloak and put it behind the trap. Behind a pile of wood, she felt a faint killing from far and near!

Neil Jielina looked back orderly at the intersection, and then took the hook that she carried with him and threw it into the room. Then she saw her jump up suddenly, her feet on the wall above the pile of wood. With a few taps, the whole person hid silently on the roof over five meters high! At this moment, Orbot just happened to be chasing the entrance of this alley. Unconsciously, the identity of the hunter and the prey was quietly exchanged ...

(Did this chick get water in her head? Or she didn't know the way at all? She even ran into such a secluded place indiscriminately, so God help me too!)

Orbot was quite confident in his tracking technique at that time. Fortunately, he was an assassin at the top of the third-order black iron. If he could n’t even trace at least, would n’t he be laughable? ! And the other party is still such a beautiful and moving woman. This kind of behavior like a pervert makes him excited!

(Well ... Fitch ’s guy said to be complete. According to the habits of the previous guy, he can only at most have a sibling desire. If he wants to take a deeper step, I ’m afraid Fitch will turn his face. Can't find such a beauty ?! Or grab her and go back to the business first ...)

Although he thought very well, when Orbot turned into the alley by the wall, the sight of the empty man still made him a little more careful. This chick is not an ordinary woman with no power, and the fierce and decisive scene just now Orbot did not dare to forget! But compared to this, he is more confident in his strength.

He slowly pulled out his pair of daggers, because he wanted to catch it alive, so he did not quench the poison. Gently leaning down, Orbot looked down at the faintly winding footprints left in the dust on the ground. Orbot looked at the obvious pile of wood 40 meters away, and he already had a conclusion in his heart.

(This chick seems to have found someone to follow, but she does n’t know each other ’s strength! Want to hide behind the wood pile and ambush me? How can she do it with her strength? Let Or Master Bot gives her a lesson!)

Thinking of this, Orbault slowly transported his own wind-type grudge to support his feet, which can effectively strengthen his legs, so that he can be silent between actions. However, at this time, Orbote, who was gradually approaching the wood pile, was not clear. Even if he did not make a sound, his every move was within the sight of Neil Jelina!

Although the strong man will have a sense of looking directly at him, on the one hand, Orbault is still far from that height, on the other hand, Neil Jielina is not looking directly at him!

When Zhang Yang took her to carry out her mercenary mission in the delta jungle around Balxus, she used a cheap crystal chip and special ink to make a small mirror that would not reflect! At this moment, Neil Jelina is using this small mirror on the roof to observe Erbot's every move!

As Orbott moved closer and closer to the pile of wood, suddenly a gray cloak that exposed the edge of the pile of wood came into his sight! This made him more sure of his guess. Seeing that the distance to the wood pile was less than five meters, Orbote suddenly accelerated. He did not bypass the wood pile with a dagger in his hand, but after a few steps of the run, he jumped to the wood pile. Above!

According to Orbott's guess, Neil Jelena would most likely stare at the corner of the wood pile. He was originally planning to hit Neil Jelena by surprise, but he didn't know that his move had already been caught Neil Jelina expected that it wasn't the frightened woman who was waiting for him now, but the trap that Neil Jelina had carefully prepared!

Just when the feet of Orbot had just stepped on the pile of wood, a string that was barely balanced under the wooden board broke instantly! Just when Ulbert secretly shouted, three extremely sharp steel nails were blasted out from the gaps in the wood pile! Orbot can clearly see the green color on the front of these steel needles, and the assassin is also considered a poison expert. Therefore, Orbot is not going to test the strength of this steel nail with his body, so He can only hide!

Evasion is actually very particular. In the eyes of the strong, evasion is actually to organize the next attack. Orbot is not a strong man, but he understands this truth and has been working hard in this regard. So Erbot made a decision that he regretted! The three steel nails were shot straight up, so he made a forward decision after thinking about a tenth of an instant! He wanted to come, so that he could not only avoid the attack of the steel nails, but also further narrow the distance with the woman. At this moment, Orbault was not ready to think about any ideas like life capture. He knew at the moment, at the moment The target person is a more sophisticated hunter than himself! Although he has stronger fighting strength, but in terms of calculations and traps, his gap with the woman is enough!

But then, just when Orbot had just dropped and avoided three steel nails and shot, a scene that appeared in front of him suddenly made Orbot's heart fall into the ice cellar! He never imagined that there would be no one after the pile of wood! Where is she? ! Judging from the footprints, she is hiding here? ! Does your proud tracking technique even go wrong? ! Relative to being trapped, the feeling of being put together in a proud area makes Orbot angry!

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