Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 298: Death of Ulbert 2

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In order to avoid steel nails, Orbault has changed his body in a hurry, but the sharp shape supported by the cloak at this time is clearly two wooden thorns inlaid with steel nails! Thanks to his stupid head, this step is actually within the enemy's calculation! !

At this time Orbot was already a bit chilly. Although he could still deal with the situation before him, the series of arrangements in this short moment had made him feel a fatal crisis! Therefore, Erbote unreservedly turned on the grudge in his body. With the strength of grudge, he swung it on the dagger in his hand, and the cloak in front of him and the steel peg under it were suddenly cut open! But at this time Orbot did not feel the slightest peace of mind, on the contrary, the sense of crisis in his heart actually rose to the highest peak in his life! The continuous action and the last grudge, put Orbot at the stall where the old force has gone to the new one! As long as he can land safely, then he can adjust it!

But will the painstaking preparation of Neil Jelena end in failure? of course not! !

Just a few moments before Orbote shattered his cloak, Niel Jierina, who was hidden on the roof, leapt silently! At the beginning, there were no grudges on her double-edged blades, all for the sake of concealment. However, when she jumped from the roof, as the height decreased, a burst of grievance light like water waves began to gradually light up from the double blades in her hands! When Neil Jelena came to the top of Orbot, her double-edged blades were completely covered by the bright light blue grudge!

Crisis can stimulate the potential of life, which is not false. Just as Neil Jielina's double-edged blade was about to pierce Orbot's back and neck, Orbot actually managed to turn halfway in midair! But this does not change his fate, but makes him more painful!

Nier Jielina in the state of battle completely inherited Zhang Yangping's expressionless indifference. Although the prey turned over slightly, the sharp blade under the thorn will still stab it! The only difference is that the perfect blow, which was originally fatal, failed to do all the work. Niel Jielina's long sword in her right hand was slightly blocked by the green leather armor, but still pierced Orbot's right arm, and then continued to pierce his under the ribs. Chest. At the same time, Neil Jelena's dagger in her left hand instantly cut half of Erbote's ears and half of her face together!

With only one blow, plus the power of the previous trap, there were only about three instants before and after, and the quasi-strong man of the third-order black iron summit of Orbot became the present half-dead look!

Poof! bump!

At the moment, the blood spattered Orbot had no resistance at all, and the remorse in his heart was enough to flood the entire city of Dalaran! If he knew that this woman was so powerful, he would not take this task even if he increased the price several times! At this time, he was injured so badly, even if Neil Jelena did n’t kill him, she just threw him here. If there is no leak, Orbott ’s life will pass away with the splattered blood!

"Cough! No, no! Don't kill me! Cough! I can give you gold coins! Use gold coins to buy my life! Cough cough ~! 1000, no! 2000 gold coins! I give you 2000 gold coins! My All belongings !!! "

Orbott was stepped on the feet by Neil Jelina at the moment. He coughed blood in his mouth. The fear of death defeated the charm of money. This greedy assassin hoped to use the gold coins he had saved for himself Life!

(If I had the money, would I have enough money to pay for it? But doing so would leave hidden dangers for myself and the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps. If Lord Wright, what would he do?)

Suddenly, Niel Jielina suddenly remembered Zhang Yang's slightly cold eyes in the calm, and the coldness made her wake up involuntarily!

(Either you do n’t do it, you have to cut the grass! To leave some trouble for some money is unwise! If Master Wright knows, I am afraid that he will be disappointed? Then ...)

"Oh? Is this all the property? Are you not hired by the Fitch of the Leinster family? With your strength, how can you earn such a little money ?!"

Neil Jelina knew that as long as she pulled the long sword from her body, he would not be far away from death. The centipede dies and does not stiff. Neil Jelina does not want the guy to bite herself before she is completely desperate, so she asks, staring at Erbot's eyes with interest.

"Cough ~! Fitch's ten miser! He doesn't have much income ... cough ~! Unless he can seize the position of Allen's heir, he can't freely enjoy the wealth of the Leinster family! I ...! "

Orbote is trying to say, he feels that he still has some hope, 2000 gold coins are not a little money! As far as the strength of the Lightning Division is concerned, the **** mission of two hundred miles can only be paid for about 150 gold coins. In addition, Orbault was deceived by Neil Jelina's attitude, so when Neil Jelina suddenly succumbed to the killer, Orbult could not even do the final desperation!

With Neil Jelena's long sword pulled out after a turn, Orbot's chest was almost completely cut! Blood donation rushed out like a flood that opened the gate, glaring at the incredible eyes, Orbault twitched and died completely. In accordance with the principle of non-waste that was taught by Zhang Yang, Neil Jielina searched the body of Orbott calmly.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually has a big slap inferior space bag! ! To know that Neil Jielina knows the goods, the space bag Neil Jielina that Ophelia gave to Zhang Yang was carefully read. So when she found this little bag made of some materials that couldn't be opened at all, Niel Jielina knew that she had found the treasure. If it's a good guess, all the money of Orbot should be there?

(Um ... this thing is said to require a lot of mental power to crack, I do n’t have to think about it, if Lord Wright might have some solutions. But we are very short of money recently, so do n’t look for Alan What about the origin of this thing ... headache ...)

This problem that couldn't be solved had to go back and say that under the serious search of Neil Jelina, some scattered gold coins and some powerful poisons were found from Orbote. As for the pair of daggers, although it is not bad, Neil Jielina has absolutely no love for the sloppy shape. So after simply tidying up the scene, Neil Jielina quietly left.

Niel Jielina has a good memory. At least Alan only took her once to the commercial street she could find by herself. After repurchasing a dark gray cloak, Niel Jielina returned to the Leinster family's mansion as usual.

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