Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 300: Howling Gorge 2

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"Oh! God! Are you crazy?"

Emma watched the [Blade of Space] fly towards the slender trunk of Tianyan Guoshu. This was completely beyond Emma ’s expectations. Ca n’t you know how precious this thing is? !

However, when Emma screamed, the space within three meters near the little tree suddenly fluctuated violently! Immediately afterwards, the fluctuation of this small space became larger and larger, that is, after two or three instants, it suddenly broke like a mirror!

"Ah? !!! What was it then ?!"

Emma is dumbfounded at this time, all of this has completely exceeded her cognitive scope! Just before the location of Tianyan Guoshu, at this time it was completely changed to another look! A strange plant covered with dark purple fluff like an upright caterpillar has replaced the position of the Tianyan fruit tree. Under it, about three meters of snow is showing abnormal black and red! Indistinctly, Emma can even see the outlines of several biological bones!

"This is ... velvet? It's actually velvet! Oh my God! What the **** is going on ?!"

After careful consideration, Emma actually recognized the name of this strange plant! I saw Emma seemed to have seen the most terrible thing, and she quickly backed off more than ten steps! Until then, she paled and gasped quickly!

"Emma, ​​do you know what this is?"

Now that Emma is out of danger, Kai Neng's curiosity suddenly jumps up, and Kai Neng is most interested in the unknown biological species and geographical characteristics.

"Huh ... huh ... thank you ~! Kai Neng! I owe you again! You are right, if I move forward a little bit, it is really dead! Huh ... this is too weird!"

Emma, ​​who was easily relieved, glanced at the plant with fear, then dragged the still-soft body back to Zhang Yang, who was in a coma. It wasn't until Emma slumped on the snow all at once that she slowly told the legend about that thing.

The velvet is said to be a very, very old species. Legend has it that it evolved from the cilia that fell from the ancient **** ‘Cricket’. As a part of the legendary extremely powerful ancient gods, although they are very small, but they have a little ‘chitty’ character!

To confuse prey with illusions, and then kill the prey with its own poison, and those prey that died under the toxin of the citron will soon become pus and absorbed by the root of the citron to become its nourishment. The way of survival of velvet. Its essence is an existence between plants and animals. All its actions come from instincts. If Emma grew up listening to these myths and legends, she might not be able to recognize ‘Tianyanguo’ and ‘Rongju’.

"In this way, this thing is really not the same as the ordinary life form, but how does it attract Emma from your past?"

"Ah? At first I saw a Tianyan fruit tree, and the snow-capped mushrooms under the tree. I was lucky before. I was so lucky that I could find these legendary treasures, but who knows ... The legendary murderous creature ... "

Kai Neng listened to Emma's explanation, and his heart suddenly became transparent.

(The old face and the food that is most in need at the moment. So, can Rongju even pry into the heart of man ?! Not right, not right! It can be determined that it has no soul and self-awareness. So, speaking, the previous layer Will the role of the world reflect the most urgent ** in people's hearts ?! Very likely!)

Thinking of this, Kai Neng suddenly wondered, why wouldn't he be fooled by it and see its body when looking at the velvet? Really weird, is it because of elven blood? These unknown things are really wonderful!

No matter what, Emma is okay after all, and Kai Neng has not forgotten the fact that the velvet stubbornly suffered her [Blade of Space] without incident. So after a short break, Emma left Zhang Yang with her back on her back. However, just after the three had just left, the passage leading to the Ice Temple from the three before suddenly disappeared under the squeeze of the ice walls on both sides! Soon after, the cold wind and snowflakes in the canyon raged, leaving no trace of the passage here!

The **** of luck seems to be making a joke with the three of Emma. When they searched and made three leaks in this canyon, they didn't find any plants during this period! Not only that, there is nothing in this canyon except the bare ice wall and snow pit! This is so strange! !

Not to mention, in Kaineng ’s view, at least some of the front ants that feed on ice water can live well. An independent ice canyon without competition and natural enemies. For certain species of insects, it is already an excellent blessing. If we consider the extremely tenacious vitality of the front ants, how can we explain the desolation here?

After walking for more than a dozen points, Emma suddenly fell softly and fell to the snow! Zhang Yang, who had been carrying her behind, was even thrown out for nearly four meters!

"Emma !? How are you? Does it matter! Emma !?"

Seeing Emma's trembling legs, and the sweat in his head. Kai Nengqiang endured the waves of increasing dizziness, and flicked to Emma and asked.

"... I really can't do it ... I don't have any energy at all ... Kai Neng ... Maybe we really can't get out ..."

It has been so long, but the ice gorge in front of me can't see the edge at all. This made Emma's heart hungry and tired began to produce a hint of wanting to give up!

"Emma! Hold on! We escaped from the Ice Temple after we were born and died. Seeing that we are about to succeed, if you give up now, how can you stand up to Wright who is desperately fighting for you until now? Ai Ma !! "

At the mention of Wright, Emma's eyes were obviously dumbfounded, and a struggling look flashed on the bright and clear face. All of Zhang Yang's previous appearances suddenly appeared in Emma's mind like a movie!

(Yeah ... To save me Wright has put so much effort, how can I let his efforts be wasted ?! But, it has really reached the limit ...)

Twice and twice wanted to stand up, but Emma's legs were a little bit obedient. This made Kai Nengji scratch his hair straight! She wanted to reach out and help Emma up! But Kai Neng is just an elf with a big slap! Kaineng really has the most profound experience of the four words "heartlessness"!

Kai Neng, who was entangled in his heart, turned to look at Zhang Yang who flew out, but at this moment, in the direction of the horizon on the far side of the north, a beautiful blue light suddenly appeared, which could be distinguished with Kai Neng's eyesight. The blue light is approaching here at a very fast speed! Unknown why, but felt a word of repressed Kai Neng suddenly turned his head and asked:

"Emma, ​​what is that blue line in the distance?"

When enabled, Emma, ​​who knelt half a knee, suddenly froze, blue thread? horizon? ! ! Is it the crystal blue storm? ! !

Thinking of where Emma turned her head suddenly, the movement was so great that her neck even made a crunchy sound!

"Gosh! What a crystal blue storm !!"

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