Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 301: Crystal Blue Storm 1

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In addition to the cold and ice that has not been melted all year round, there are several extremely dangerous weather conditions on the mysterious polar ice sheet. The crystal blue storm is one of the rare ones!

According to legend, the crystal blue storm originated in the northernmost ice floe on the mainland of Orlando, and the crying storm that whistled all year round encircled countless ice crystals in that place. The first batch of humans who moved to the Slavic snowfields at that time, once had a strongman go to the edge of the ice sea adjacent to the Orlando continent, but after that time, from the few strongmen who returned alive, people were surprised I learned that there are still powerful monsters from ancient times that survive! Not only that, it is said that there are entrances to other planes, but no one will go crazy to that place!

Since then, no one has set foot on that barren ice field. Up to now, people only need to know that the crystal blue storm that can only occur once in ten years is scraped from there. As for why it appears, it seems to be no longer important.

The crystal blue storm is extremely dangerous. It is different from a simple blizzard, and its destructive power is more reflected in the impact of its huge ice crystals and ice blocks. Many foreigners used to wonder why the houses and cities built by the Slavs were so huge and heavy. The answer lies in this crystal blue storm! Only after experiencing this kind of violent and violent world power first, people will deeply understand the importance of this boulder-built house!

Imagine the hurricane of the eleventh level with countless ice cubes ranging from fist size to larger than people, and this is the crystal blue storm. Unfortunately, in the eyes of Emma, ​​Kai Neng, and the unconscious Zhang Yang, the crystal blue storm is rolling!

"To die! To die !!! We are really dead this time !!!"

At this time, not only was Emma anxious, but even the knowledgeable Kai Neng was at a loss. Seeing the crystal blue storm in the distance on the horizon getting closer and closer with the speed of the naked eye, I began to hear a rumble from the far and near, as if the earth roared!

"Emma ... It seems that we really have no choice this time ... I am very happy to meet you! It is my greatest luck to get to know Wright!"

"... Enable, I ... woo ... I'm tired of you ... woo ..."

At this time, it is not blamed that Emma and Kai can produce desperate emotions. Around them, in addition to the snow, it is a hard ice wall! After only a short two minutes, the Crystal Blue Storm will sweep here, so even if they turn around and run, it is just struggling for an instant or two!

At this moment, Zhang Yang, who was thrown on the snow in the distance, suddenly made a violent cough! Soon I sat up at once!

"Wright? !!! Wright !!!"

"Wright, are you awake ?! Hey! ..."

Although Zhang Yang's sudden awakening made Emma and Kaineng extremely excited, but at this juncture of despair, what can Wright wake up to change? Can he still do miracles again? !

Emma's strength from nowhere came to Zhang Yang's side even crawling, looking at Wright who was still weak and still looking calm, the despair and fear in Emma's heart suddenly faded a lot! Wright with a calm look can always bring confidence and strength to the people around him. Facts have proved time and time again that he can always create miracles! !

"... Emma ... Kai Neng, are you all okay? Where are we?"

After a short period of confusion, Zhang Yang confirmed the status of Emma and Kai Neng for the first time. After discovering that the two were okay, a deep sense of crisis suddenly enveloped his heart! At this time, Kai Neng's excitement mixed with helpless words suddenly lifted his doubts.

"Wright, we have escaped from the Ice Temple. Now we should be near the northernmost part of the Slavic snowfield. Let me say nothing else. Did you see the blue light over there ?! That thing is called 'crystal' "Blue Storm"! There is about one minute and thirty minutes left, and the Crystal Blue Storm will swallow us ... Wright ... Sorry! We have failed your trust, yes ... "

Hearing Kai Neng saying this, and then looking at the strange and peaceful look on Emma's face, Zhang Yang's heart's understanding of the Crystal Blue Storm instantly rose to a very high level! First, this thing is dangerous and deadly! Second, the speed of this thing is very fast! Third, there are no bunkers nearby to hide! The situation is really bad!

(What to do ?! What to do ?! Now that my body is extremely weak, I can't do it in a very short period of time to make a bunker for hiding! I accidentally touched it when I got up, the ice rocks here Hard as hard as iron! No wonder they are starting to despair. There must be some way to do it! Certainly ... yes !!!)

Suddenly, Zhang Yang remembered something! Before obtaining the space ring from the Titan on his finger, Zhang Yang and Kai Neng had sorted out Titan's relics together. Although many things are materials and parts prepared for Titan, there is one thing that still attracted Zhang Yang's attention! That is: 'Crystal Energy Festival'!

The development and manufacture of the Crystal Energy Festival is the embodiment of Titan's high-end control of crystal energy and magic power! The crystal energy festival looks like a rectangular crystal column one foot long! Its pale pink interior is filled with very powerful crystal energy!

In each new standard crystal energy section, there are approximately 100 units of energy. In terms of conversion, it is roughly equivalent to the total energy of a fifth-level gold intermediate professional! As the driving energy for many creations of the Titan family, the structure of the crystal energy node is already very stable. Unless its crystal container is directly damaged, it will not be dangerous even if it is dropped hard.

At this time, there is no other way to think, Zhang Yang can only fight with his own consciousness! Therefore, he reluctantly emphasized the power of the weak soul in his body, and in the blink of an eye, he took out three crystal energy nodes from the ring of space.

"Energy! You can now go to the left of the ice wall and use [Space Blade] to make a hole! As long as you can put down this crystal energy festival roughly! Be sure to leave at least one time to release the spirit of [Space Blade] ! "

"Ah? Ah! Okay! I'll go!"

Kai Neng didn't respond at first, but with her wisdom, when she saw the crystal energy festival held by Zhang Yang, she guessed it! So she flew below the ice wall on the left without saying a word. After a short period of mental strength, Kai Neng waved a small hand, and a gray-white transparent blade-shaped energy body with a length of about 12 cm was on the ice wall in front of her. Cut out a long and narrow trace of unknown depth!

"Not enough! You have to do it again! Kai Neng, how many times can you issue [Space Blade]?"

"At least twice! Maybe three times?"

After undergoing the baptism of purified water, the ability to open energy has also been slightly improved, so the "Space Blade" magic can only be issued at most three times. In terms of her current state and mental strength, she can barely issue four Times. It's just that if Kai Neng really supports the release of the four "blades of space", she will definitely consume her mental energy and coma! In this way, Sanfa is basically the maximum number she can safely use! But is this really enough?

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