Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 302: Crystal Blue Storm 2

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"Turn on, let's come back in the same position as before! Hurry! Our time is running out!"

As soon as Zhang Yang's words fell, the [blade of space] that he could send out hit the position just now! At this time, the ice in that place had already shattered. Zhang Yang took out the only bone dagger in the space ring that could be used. Ding Dang Dang Dang Dang continued to make a shallow pit that could put down the energy node of the crystal. At this time, the crystal blue storm on the horizon was less than ten miles from Zhang Yang and the three others! Judging by its speed of progress, Biao can reach here at most thirty seconds!

It seems there is only one chance! It is not possible to get a deeper hole, so let ’s get started!

"Everyone retreats first! Turn on the energy! Launch the [blade of space] to the crystal energy festival 20 meters away! Success and failure are not achieved here! Let's do it!"

Hearing Zhang Yang's cry, Kai Neng withdrew with him more than 20 meters after Emma. On their left, Crystal Blue Storm had begun to show its horror power! I saw everything on the ground thousands of kilometers away, and even the surrounding ice rock canyons that were more than iron and stone were instantly ruthlessly swallowed by the crystal blue storm. In the rumble of the loud noises, the piercing friction sound was still clearly identifiable It is the sound of friction between ice crystals wrapped in the crystal blue storm and ice rock canyon!

"Energy! Quick launch !! It's too late !!!"

In front of this kind of prestige of heaven and earth, Kai Neng, who is at the critical moment of life and death, has lost his mind! The already slim hope of survival was compressed again! Now even if the crystal energy festival can blow a gap in the ice wall, Zhang Yang and others may not have enough time to hide!

"[Space Blade]!"

You can feel extremely blamed for the blushing! How weak I am! The wisdom and calmness of the past all disappeared in the face of the real crisis of life! Let's not talk about this with Letby, even Emma, ​​who has always been regarded as a barbarian, will perform much better than herself? ! What's wrong with me?

Not to mention the complex emotions in her inner heart, when she released the [Blade of Space] successfully hit the crystal energy festival that was soon stuffed into the ice wall, in a very violent explosion, the three Zhang Yang Almost at the same time was knocked to the ground!

Zhang Yang ’s eyes can clearly see the entire explosion process, just at the moment when the [Blade of Space] hits the crystal energy node, the original crystal energy node, which is as hard and stable as a crystal stone, is twisted! Then, after being hit in less than one tenth of an instant, it suddenly became brighter and brighter! In the fierce flash that followed, the crystal energy festival instantly released the energy enough to match the fifth-order gold powerhouse in the most primitive and wild way!

Bang! !

Different from the explosion effect known by Zhang Yang, the explosion energy released by the Crystal Energy Festival turned out to be colorful! I saw a colorful cloud of fire accompanied by splashing ballast, and in an instant it covered a range of nearly fifteen meters! The loud noise from the explosion moment was so sharp and clear that the crystal blue storm was getting closer and closer!

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Get up! Hurry to hide in the ice cave! Quick !!"

Just when Emma and Kaineng felt dizzy and completely lost their sense of balance and direction, Zhang Yang was completely red-eyed! At the moment, he used his left hand to pull Emma's arm, and his right hand bone hooked to the open clothes. The whole person was crazy and rushed diagonally toward the shallow shallow ice cave that had just been blown out!

Perhaps it is because the crystal energy node is too shallow into the ice wall. Although the explosion just now was very violent, the ice cave in front of it was only more than three meters deep! Even more terrible is that this ice cave is completely funnel-shaped from the deepest point outward! In this way, there are no two adults at all! When the crystal blue storm passes by, the wild suction force caused by the wind speed will definitely pull out the outside people like claws! The only good news is that after the explosion of the crystal energy festival, there is no continuous burning flame. After a complete and unrestricted energy release, the crystal energy festival has no residue left!

Zhang Yangzhen hoped that he was not injured. If so, he would have enough power to reach the cave before the Crystal Blue Storm. Not only that, Zhang Yang felt that he could even dig one and a half meters inside! That way, the three of them might be able to safely carry this terrible storm!

But, destiny always makes such a bad joke with him, Zhang Yang always seems unlucky! At this time, Zhang Yang, who was in a rush, even had time to think: If his strength is strong enough, then such a danger is not enough to fear? Similarly, you can protect the people you really care about ...

Strength ...

From the corner of my eye, Yu Guang and Zhang Yang can see that the crystal blue storm seems to be a huge shock wave. At this time, the destruction power with a height of thousands of meters and no glance at the edge is only hundreds of meters away from him! At the speed of that storm, it only takes two to three breaths to come here!

Fortunately, the ice cave is already in sight! Almost exhausted all his strength, Zhang Yang used his left hand to tuck Emma and Kai Neng into the innermost part of the ice cave, but he still didn't feel safe enough. Therefore, Zhang Yangfei quickly pulled out a metal frame more than one meter long from the space ring, and looked at the angle iron like a mechanical part. At this time, Zhang Yang could not care much, suddenly sprinting forward sideways, the metal frame suddenly stuck in front of Emma!

However, Zhang Yang, who had just squeezed out the last strength in his body, suddenly felt as if he was passing a high-speed subway passing 500 per hour! A violent suction seemed to come from the mouth of the giant beast, and Zhang Yang, who was so weak all of a sudden, knew clearly that he had no resistance against this suction! But even so, Zhang Yang did not give up his last bit of effort. He stuck to the right side of the ice hole with his whole body, his hands scratching on the smooth ice wall, but this was only the last struggle! However, after three instants, under the desperate gaze of Emma and Kai Neng, Zhang Yangdui was suddenly swept away by the whizzing storm!

"... Wright ... no ..."

Although the whole head is still faint, and the body still does not listen to the call, but the consciousness of Emma and Kai Neng is still sober! They watched Zhang Yang in order to save the two of them, but they were scrapped away by the crystal blue storm. At this moment, Kai Neng and Emma felt that their hearts were almost broken in pain! !

Without Wright, there would be no open energy today. He is not only my master, but also my loved ones! He must not die! I firmly believe that I am going to find him!

Emma ’s tears were like turbulent streams in the mountains, and she could n’t stop it. The ridiculous ** hairless man who nearly froze to death in the Great Tundra at first had been deeply engraved into Emma's heart at this moment. To save himself, he has done too much, too much ... is it to repay? But you saved us so many times, and I have already paid back the favor we saved you. But now you are ... let's go back to your heavy feelings ... Wright ... you can't die! If we owe you love, if you can't finish this life ...

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