Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 394: Li Ang's Story 2

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At that time, the girl had lost her resistance. According to Li Ang's analysis, there should be some toxin on the arrow that hurt her. Fortunately, Li Ang is a bright pastor, and this injury is not a problem for him. While opening his hands and slowly approaching, saying "I am not malicious, just to help you heal", Li Ang sees that the anger on the girl's face has not diminished, which makes him secretly think, is this little girl listening Don't understand mainland Chinese?

In fact, the girl couldn't move anymore, so even if she was angry or unwilling, Li Ang's hands exuding the light of recovery had been pressed against the wound on her shoulder. The magic of Li Ang is also a natural talent envy of the casters. The effect is really immediate. After about a minute, when Li Ang took his hands away, the grim wound on the girl's shoulder was completely healed!

However, under normal circumstances, the healing effect of low-level light magic cannot be eliminated like the fourth-order [Healing], so although the wound on the shoulder of the girl has healed, the scary scar still looks extremely dazzling.

Li Ang has always had a pure white robe in his backpack. Although it was just ordinary clothes, it was a gift from his tutor when he officially became a junior bright pastor. This common robe on Li Ang was always worn when he was on the road. Unless there was a very formal occasion, Li Ang was reluctant to wear that pure white robe.

Like the magician's magic robe, the light pastor also has their special pastor's robe, which is also a magical equipment with powerful power! Although Li Ang studied under the high priest in the Temple of Light in the French capital of Franks, he was only a child of an ordinary peasant family. Even the cheapest Tier 3 priest's robe, which can only slightly improve the stability of casting, needs at least 200 gold coins or more! Li Ang doesn't have so much money, even if he has it, he can't buy it ...

Because of the injury, the simple clothes on the girl's body have been damaged. As long as the movement is slightly larger, there may be a risk of the spring light leaking out. So even if there was some reluctance in his heart, Li Ang still covered the girl with the white robe in his package.

Li Ang's series of actions seemed to be beyond the girl's expectations. I saw her pale green eyes widened. Although there was still a wary look, the previous hatred and anger had subsided. She stared at Li Ang for a certain amount of time, as if she wanted to see through the humble man in front of her. But just when she opened her mouth slightly and seemed to say something, there was a messy footsteps in the distant woods!

It was a team of ten mercenaries. Li Ang eased his vigilance when he saw that Warcraft was coming, but this group of people were all eye-catching! I saw their eyes focused directly on the girl's body along the blood stains left on the ground. When they saw the girl's healed wound and the white robe on her body, several cold and murderous eyes also appeared. He turned to Li Ang together.

Li Ang could n’t understand why the mercenaries attacked this beautiful Druid girl, but he knew that now is not the time to speak, even if Li Ang felt that he was very innocent, but this group of mercenaries had already included him as well Among the targets!

How strong is Li Ang's talent magic [Holy Shield]? He had estimated many times but did not really experiment, and it was then that after Li Ang released [Holy Shield] for himself and the mysterious Druid girl, he finally got the answer!

Six second-order bronze-level warriors, three third-order black-iron swordsmen plus a third-order black-iron peak shooter! Li Ang, a siege of ten people, came to life! ! If this result is replaced by a [Silver Shield] released by a Tier 4 silver senior or a Tier 5 gold priest, it is quite normal, but Li Ang is only a priest of the third tier black iron! His [Holy Shield] is really a little bit abnormal.

However, even if Li Ang's talent magic is relatively strong, his magic power and spiritual power are limited after all. In terms of his current strength, supporting two third-level magic [Holy Shield] at the same time let him do his best! There are too many people attacking them around. Li Ang's [Holy Shield] can only persist for at most half a point under ten mercenary hacks! And Li Ang can use [Holy Shield] eight times due to the reason he cast [Restoration Light] before!

When there is strong, there is weakness, just as there is light and there is darkness. Li Ang is good at shielding and healing magic, but has no talent for attacking magic! Even the first-order light magic [Holy Light Bomb] Li Ang can't master it! This made him already an alternative and secretly ridiculed object among a large number of teachers and brothers, which is one of the reasons why Li Ang decided to travel abroad.

Seeing that one after another [Holy Shield Technique] was broken by this group of mercenaries, Li Ang, who had always been careless about the world, couldn't help but lift his heart! According to the current posture, this group of people really want to kill him! And that Druid girl might be caught by them too! With the mentality of sticking to the moment, Li Ang concentrated all his energy to force himself to calm down. Even if there was a little more magical power, his [Holy Shield] can insist on more points ...

Until the sixth holy shield was broken, not to mention Li Ang's hard work, even the grudge attached to the mercenary weapons of the siege was almost consumed! You must know that the combatant's grudge is an explosive force. If it is a one-to-one fight, it will not be possible to break the one-by-one holy shield of Li Ang together with the longest Paladin in the class! However, there are too many enemies, even if you do n’t use grudge, the ten-two and three-level warriors ’turns attack is enough to break the last two [Holy Shield] of Li Ang after one point leak!

Seeing the holy shield with bright white light blooming outside the body was getting weaker and weaker, Li Ang was dizzy and his heart slowly sank. However, just when Li Ang and the druid girl's external shield began to linger and the waves were about to disappear, the two giant brown and gray fierce bears standing nearly five meters suddenly rushed out of the deep forest behind the mercenaries!

The weights of these two giant bears are steadily more than 1,500 Pacres. In this volume, the general action must be relatively slow, but the attack speed of these two giant bears is as fast as lightning! Bear paws that are half a foot long and have sharp claw tips, as long as they are photographed on the mercenary, they are directly fanned out for more than ten meters! Even if it is just scratched by the tip of the claw, the idle iron armor will be easily torn apart like a knife cut through the butter! Just a sneak attack, the mission mercenary instantly killed four!

This sudden change really terrified Li Ang! He was clearly seen in the holy shield, and the yellow and green magic light was clearly shining on the two giant bears! This is no ordinary giant bear, they are Warcraft! !

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