Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 395: Li Ang's Story 3

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In a simple and direct raid, two giant bears instantly killed four mercenaries who turned away from the deep forest. At this time, the leader of the shooter who used the longbow responded much faster than the others. Seeing that his four people died at once, he instantly guessed the identity of the attacking giant bear!

Druid! The two giant bears are clearly two advanced druids that can change their shape!

Li Ang looked at the four people who were splashing down on the ground and got blood everywhere. He was dumbfounded at that moment. Above the increasingly transparent holy shield outside him, an incomplete ear was still hanging! Li Ang is a bright pastor, and he went out to work with mercenary groups on weekdays. However, although he has seen many injuries, he has never seen such a tragic **** scene! Even if he had seen the death of the enemy, but it was mostly the wound caused by some swords, such a scene of tearing people into pieces all the time, Li Angping really encountered it for the first time!

Seeing that the two violent giant bears were about to make a terrible attack again, the mercenary leader who made the bow suddenly took a gray scroll from his arms, and as he shook his hand to spread the scroll, a bright white light passed In front of the shooter mercenaries, a bunch of white metal armor engraved with mysterious runes and a huge epee appeared! The armor was originally piled on the ground in random, but after two or three seconds, the magic runes on the white metal armor lit up one by one! With the sound of tinkling, this set of color-preserving metal armor spontaneously formed a metal man under the drive of mysterious power!

The white metal armor Li Ang recognized that it was nothing else, it was an alchemy creation ‘Holy Kay’ inside the Light Temple! The production of this thing is said to be very complicated. Li Ang only heard vaguely that a true Paladin can seal the soul of a senior Paladin. Although he ca n’t use his arrogant strength and his speed will be reduced a lot, After the combination of Kay, not only will the strength increase several times, but the defense and recovery will be doubled!

Li Ang had only heard of the existence of this thing before, and it was the first time I saw this with my own eyes! With a golden light inside Shengkai's faceplate, it glanced left and right, then pulled up the huge epee on the ground directly in front of it, and took a heavy footstep towards Li Ang and the girl!

The two giant druids that were changing druids obviously came to rescue the girl behind Li Ang, so when Sheng Kaiyan sang his sword like a girl and rushed over, the two giant bears had no choice but to give up the pursuit of the remaining mercenaries, Instead, he rushed towards Sheng Kai. In fact, the soul fused into this Shengkai is a fourth-order silver junior knight of death, so the strength of this Shengkai also has at least a fourth-order silver level at this time. Giant Bear Warcraft and Shengkai are both players with strong attack and defensive power but only a little slower speed, so when the three of them hit one place, just listening to the sound will know that they are full of power.

Senior Druid is already good at recovery. After changing the giant bear, it is very difficult to fight and resist and recover. And Sheng Kai is driven by magic core and magic circle. As long as the damage is not too high, or find the corresponding restraint method, Sheng Kai is almost a full metal turtle shell!

Because of Sheng Kai's containment, the remaining six people, including the shooter mercenary, disappeared at the end of Li Ang's sight. After two full leaks, the two giant bears paid the price of numerous wounds, and this Shengkai finally exhausted energy and became a scrap metal again ...

Druid's transformation is really magical, and many people even think that natural magic is more like some kind of magic. It's just that magicians think that gods are nothing but powerful creatures, just like the ancient gods who suddenly disappeared. Li Ang can clearly see through his [Holy Shield] that after flashing a peaceful green light, those two giant devil bears turned into a man and a woman, two middle-aged humans! Their costumes are almost exactly the same as the Druid girls behind Li Ang, even the appearance is astonishing five or six points similar! It seems that this is actually a Druid family.

Although it looks weak, Li Ang Sheng Dun still exists outside. When he embarrassedly explained that his Shield had some flaws, and even his releaser could not cancel or disperse, the male druid opposite was just Stretching out two consecutive punches, Li Ang and the shield outside the girl shattered.

What a strength!

From beginning to end, none of the three druids said anything to Li Ang. However, from their expression, Li Ang knew that the other party had eliminated their hostility towards themselves. Until the end, when the male druid carried the girl and was about to leave, the female druid suddenly took out an emerald green seed and gave it to Li Ang. Then in his inexplicable eyes, the druid family turned and entered The deep forest soon disappeared.

Li Ang stared at the direction of the three people's departure for a long time before he recovered. He didn't know what the green seed in his hand was. The inexplicable light in the eyes of the druid girl made him wonder. Speak? Or is there another reason?

Druids on the mainland of Orlando are very few. Most adventurers, like Li Ang, only learn a little bit of their information from books and legends, so in addition to knowing that the druids have natural facial lines, other Everything becomes mysterious.

After going through this incident, Li Ang lost his mind to continue to play. Later, when he returned to the city, he happened to meet Manzhu, who was picking flowers. The only thing left after him was eating and drinking in Rose Flower Town. It's easy to say.

"I don't see that you really have the talent to be a bard!"

Unconsciously, Zhang Yang and Ingir listened to Li Ang about his experience while eating. Two leaks passed, Li Ang spoke vividly, and Zhang Yang and his two heard nothing boring. Hearing Ingir praise him, Li Ang laughed and then wiped out the wine in a glass. After a few clicks, Li Ang said:

"When I did n’t study with my teacher before, I liked listening to troubadours telling various stories, but only because I used my energy to study the magic of light, so I did n’t have time to listen to the story. , I haven't fallen yet. "

Li Ang's words were actually incomplete. At first, his dream was to become a bard who could travel freely on the mainland. Only later, when he discovered that he had the potential to become a bright pastor, did he change his mind. In essence, Li Ang is a kind and simple person who has no big dreams and ambitions and is a kind of simple optimist.

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