Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 396: Rose Tavern

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At this time, there were more people in the tavern. Although Zhang Yang and Yinger knew the cause and effect of the incident, the last words of the mercenaries who were released were still puzzling. Why do they call the Temple of Light the Temple of Light? Why go after the Druid girl? That ‘holy armor’ is not an ordinary thing, but it is an alchemy puppet with a level 4 silver power! Not to mention the general mercenaries, even Li Ang, a bright high priest student, is not eligible to receive the ‘Holy Kay’!

This matter is full of strange things, but with the current information, Zhang Yang and the three people just want to break their heads and can't analyze the secret behind the incident. In this case, the three of them no longer waste brain cells, but chatting with each other from all over the world. The experience of Zhang Yang in the nearly one year event can almost be written as a legend that can be sung by the bard, but he ca n’t easily disclose the content to others. This is not only related to some of the core secrets of Zhang Yang, but also because he wants to It makes people think he is too special.

But even if we only talk about some of the things that can be said, such as the knowledge of the mercenary country of Radovia and the extreme northern snowfield Slavic Kingdom, Zhang Yang's experience is enough to make ordinary people pay attention. It is very difficult to travel to other countries when transportation is extremely inconvenient. It is not just a matter of route and security. Without sufficient strength and money, it is also impossible to achieve the goal.

In contrast, although the experiences of Ingir and Li Ang are not so exciting, there are also many fascinating things. This time the three people chatted and became more speculative. With a large table of food and more than a dozen glasses of fruit wine, the sky has darkened completely unconsciously. However, it wasn't until this moment that the tavern was really lively!

Whether it is a farmer, a gardener, a shop owner, a guard or a mercenary who farms in the daytime, after this dinner, people will always come to the only tavern in this town. Click on a dim sum with a strong rose fragrance, and then a glass of sweet and sour fruit wine, listening to the young bart in the tavern gently sing, this relaxed and comfortable feeling can be much stronger than the cold and stiff silver coins Now!

If you spend more than a few silver coins, so much the better. No matter the fat barbecue, exquisite pastries and fresh wild fruits, it will definitely make you happy! If this is not enough, then a few large glasses of mellow ale will definitely make you thoroughly peeled!

Ingrid was of noble origin and naturally did not care about a few silver coins in that area. In the same way, although Zhang Yang is of ordinary background, he has the ability and a lot of deposits, so he will not care. But Li Ang is different. He is a simple person without much effort. In many cases, he saves people without asking for rewards, and he is not alone like Zhang Yang. Li Ang has parents and siblings in Franks. He wants to be raised there. A good life in a city is impossible without enough money. So most of his income will be sent home, but the rest can't support him to consume like this all day long.

Zhang Yang likes this town very much, and also likes this pub with a light rose fragrance. This is not only because the food here is delicious and unique, but also because the atmosphere in this pub makes him happy. Unlike the pubs in the mercenary countries of Ladovia and the Slavic Kingdom, no spirits are sold here, so even a dozen glasses of fruit wine and ale will not create a drunkard. Without a drunkard, the pub will decrease. The odds of fighting ...

Zhang Yang felt that he had not enjoyed such a peaceful and comfortable life for a long time. His initial dream was extremely simple. He wanted to travel through this magical continent of Orlando, wanted to see the beauty of the world, and wanted a peaceful life. But all this seems to Zhang Yang to be so far away. He is now like a man who is in the water within the vortex of the sea. Even if he struggles hard, he does not have the power to escape to heaven, which is enough to defeat fate ...

The happy time is always short, and the crowd in the tavern is gone after a toss and half. Ingir is no longer the free adventurer she used to be. She is now an officer, so when Li Ang went to sleep, she returned to the barracks.

Although Zhang Yang felt a bit lazy at this time, he still didn't have much drowsiness. His spiritual power has already transformed into a more advanced soul power, even compared with many magicians, Zhang Yang is no less inferior. At the same time, he inadvertently achieved the body of Ere, and the power of ** is already far beyond ordinary people, which makes him feel tired and tired even if he does not sleep for a few days.

Looked at the pub that was gradually empty; looked at the pub owner who was still full of sweat and happy face after the bar, and watched the two come and go for half a night but because of the rich tips The equally pleased waitress; looking at the bard who was humming in a minor and slowing down. Suddenly, Zhang Yang felt that this was the life that ordinary people should have. Despite hard work, it was equally easy to satisfy; although he was busy, he could see hope.

Because of the small number of people traveling in the town of Rose Flower, the backyard of the tavern is reserved for travelers. Each of the rooms here is not large, and Zhang Yang is estimated to be seven or eight square meters at most. Apart from a soft bed, there is only a square table and chairs in the room. Not to mention that the house is small, but each one has a window. The curtains and futons in the room have long been washed white, but they are very clean. Just like this beautiful town, everything exudes a charming rose flower fragrance.


When Zhang Yangtian came to the front hall of the bright temple in the middle of the town before dawn, he unexpectedly discovered the figure of Manzhu! I saw that she was squatting on a chair with no image of a lady at this time and was reading a book with interest. Until Zhang Yang made a deliberate noise, Manzhu discovered his existence.

"How can you walk without sound ?! Are you a thief?"

Manzhu's attitude is not so good. Apparently she still remembers the fact that Zhang Yang snatched her chair. It is said that women and Warcraft are the same vengeful creatures, Zhang Yang finally believes now. In the past, the woman he had contacted was either a female man like Ingir or a docile girl like Neil Jielina and Anna. Ophelia ’s origin was more noble than Ingir. She never even showed that. On the side of the little woman, only Charlotte is quite normal, but she is a little confused. Therefore, seeing Manzhu showing a little woman's grumbling expression at this moment, Zhang Yang would only find it interesting.

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