Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 397: Druid family 1

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"I thought I came early enough, but I didn't expect you to be earlier than me."

Zhang Yang didn't pick up Man Zhu's words, because he knew that it was likely to touch the mold at this time, it was better to divert the topic.

"Huh! It's not for your business! I'm not afraid you know, I can stay up late but I can't get up early. According to my usual habit, I was sleeping soundly at this time."

Man-zhu knows that Zhang Yang's remarks are to distract the subject, but she is also not really angry and hates Zhang Yang, otherwise she must stay up all night without sleeping here and wait all night. As for her performance at the moment, it is just Shi Shixiaozi.

"That's really a big thank you, but I don't understand, why should I choose this time? Where are you who can cure my injury?"

"Ask so many things to do, just follow me. Actually, I can't guarantee whether she can cure you, but there should be a great chance. Besides, if you don't give it a try, how do you know if it will work? Okay? By the way, how can you, a big man, ink this way, do n’t go nonsense and just follow me. ”

After Man-zhu said this, she stood up from the chair. She almost sat here reading a book for a night, so she unconsciously stretched her waist. Although Manzhu's appearance can only be regarded as ordinary, her figure is excellent, even if she is too lazy to exercise on weekdays, the proud double peaks and the slim waist held by Yingying look more shocking than women of the same age. . It's just that because Manju is a bright sacrifice, he always wears loose robes on weekdays, so even the young and vigorous young guys in town don't know her little secret.

Zhang Yang naturally saw it, but his concentration was far more than ordinary people, and he only appreciated the beauty, so when Manzhu found it inappropriate, she found that there was no trace of ** in the eyes of the gang opposite. , It seems to be a deep spring, deep and cold.

(I did n’t expect this man to be a gentleman, although he looked annoying. There was no trace of ** in those eyes, only the incomparable peace. Can this guy feel no emotion?)

Many thoughts turned around in her heart, and she began to develop a little interest in this strange guy named Wright. Women are all sentimental animals. They are naturally attracted to secrets. Attractive men do not necessarily have secrets, but men with secrets must be very attractive. But if it is said that Man-zhu is interesting to Zhang Yang, it is nonsense. She is just curious.

At this time, it was only about four o'clock in the morning, the sky was just beginning to light up a little, and everything seemed a little hazy under the shadow of the morning mist. Even the most diligent farmer did not get up at this time. At this time, the town of Rose Flower was extremely quiet. At this refreshing moment, even the birds had not gotten up.

Zhang Yang followed Man Zhu to leave the town quietly. Instead of walking along the road, they quickly crossed the sea of ​​roses and flowers outside the town and into the deep forest. There is almost no Warcraft in the place where humans live, even the beasts are relatively rare. It is only in the deep forest that bugs are the most annoying thing. Fortunately, in the morning, when most bugs are resting, otherwise they will be annoying unless they prepare the anthelmintics.

The more I walked deeper into the deep forest, the more true Zhang Yang felt. There are countless flowers and trees and countless insects and beasts. Although each of them looks very weak individually, it can make people feel a vigorous vitality when they are gathered together.

Zhang Yang has never asked Man Zhu where he is going. This is because he is confident that he can cope with any danger. More often, he has guessed a rough idea! Based on the information I learned from Lyon last night, Zhang Yang estimated that Manju should have known the Druids, but he did not know the relationship between Manju and them, and whether he would heal himself.

Manzhu and Zhang Yang thought about their own affairs, and no one had the intention to speak. In this way, when there was a leak, when the sun above the deep forest had begun to bloom, Zhang Yang and Man Zhu turned around in the deep forest. After drilling a thorn, a thousand suddenly appeared in front of him. A multi-square meter open space, in the middle of this open space, Zhang Yang saw a magical tree house!

Among the four major human kingdoms today, only the nobles of the French Empire like to get a tree house in their backyard. They think this is a very retro and very identity thing. However, those tree houses are generally built with tall trees as the main body. Although the appearance looks simple, the interior decoration is still very luxurious.

However, the tree house in front of Zhang Yang completely exceeded Zhang Yang's imagination!

This is a three-flowered banyan tree that looks at least three hundred years old. This kind of tree especially likes to develop horizontally. In many cases, the diameter of the three-flowered banyan tree will exceed the height of the tree. Take this plant in front of me as an example, the tree is only 12 or 3 meters high, but the diameter is 20 meters away! Even more exaggerated is that the crown of the three-flowered banyan tree is often three times the diameter of its trunk! Calculated in this way, only such a tree completely occupies more than 300 square meters of area!

The three-flower banyan tree is a relatively rare tree. In the past in the French Empire, if adventurers found this tree in the wild, they could even sell the news to the nobility. Because the three-flower banyan tree itself hangs many air roots from the branches to the ground, these air roots can be made into rope ladders and the like with only a few changes, so only a simple processing can become a decent tree house.

However, if only the three flower banyan trees were used as the base to build a tree house, Zhang Yang would not be surprised. The changes that took place in front of this three-flower banyan tree can only be described by the word "magic"!

With Zhang Yang's eyesight, it can be seen naturally that this three-flower banyan tree has grown naturally from the trunk into a three-story wooden building! Natural growth! There is no trace of artificial carving on its thick trunk! Whether it is a step-by-step ladder, a window sill with vine windows, or a gate covered with mysterious trees, it is clearly visible! Looking further up, the location of the tree branch at the height seems to be a terrace full of flowers! Its fences are lined up with staggered air roots. After a closer look, Zhang Yang also discovered that under the dense foliage of the branch of the three-flower banyan tree, part of the air roots were naturally woven into a hammock and swing!

Even more amazing is that, driven by some mysterious power, a clear water flow spiraled down the edge of the treetop terrace along the tree body, and finally converged to the place above the root of the tree. Banyan tree naturally grows in the water basin. If you look closely, the water in the basin can always be kept at two-thirds of the position, whether it is high or low. The spring water that can't stop flowing seems to never be able to fill it up, but it is free to control the water cycle. Technology is enough to make Zhang Yang marvel!

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