Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 398: Druid family 2

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Zhang Yang's surprise is not without reason. It should be known that the living conditions on the mainland of Orlando are actually very backward. If the content of science and technology is at most only the level of the Middle Ages. Judging by Zhang Yang ’s experience after rebirth, the magic lamps and the like used by Rio Felia, the headquarters of the Silver Pegasus Corps, can be regarded as the highest technology. Although in a sense, Zhang Yang is actually a bun that has never seen the world, at least in the capital of the French Empire and the Pompey of the Magic Empire, magic has begun to integrate into human life, although only a small number of people can Enjoy it ...

But the scene in front of him is real! Zhang Yang didn't know how this tree house was created, but he knew that it must use magical power to achieve this miracle!

Just when Zhang Yang froze, a large group of colorful birds suddenly flew out from the dense branches of the tree tops. They freely screamed, jumped, combed their feathers and sang! At the same time, the first rays of morning sunlight finally broke through the morning mist, and then she was sprinkled on this open space and tree house hidden in the deep forest with her most warm and shining posture!

All of a sudden, the tree house became vivid, reflecting the warm morning sun, and the three-flower banyan tree showed its beauty without scruples! Golden yellow, emerald green, dark green, this is the color of the leaves of the same three-flower banyan tree, and its name is also derived from it. The shadows of the trees are mottled, the mist is filled, and the sky is full of color. At this moment, here is a fairyland on earth!

"What a nice view……"

Even if he has seen it many times, Manju will still be intoxicated by the scenery in front of him. That is the most harmonious and natural beauty, I am afraid that only the city of the forest elves can match it,

"It's ... so beautiful!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh, even if he couldn't find a way to treat his right hand, but just seeing this tree house, Zhang Yang felt that he didn't come in vain this time.

(Maybe one day when I travel to the whole continent, it is also a good choice to get a tree house to live like this ...)

Zhang Yang's willpower is extremely strong. Although he is deeply shocked, he will not be lost in this beautiful scenery. No matter how beautiful the tree house in front of him is, he is not his own, and he still has too much to do.

"Manju, is this the druid's residence?"

"Hey? How do you know?"

Under normal circumstances, warfighters do not need to learn too much knowledge. Warriors only need to work hard to cultivate their qi and temper their skills. Only magicians will learn all kinds of knowledge. Therefore, Manzhu regarded Zhang Yang as a general combatant.

"Guess, I think no one but Druid can have this kind of power. I am afraid that even ordinary elves can't do it?"

"Yes, there is indeed a Druid family living here. They almost live a life completely isolated from the outside world. I also met with them in an accident, and then I was allowed to come after a long time of contact. They are guests. They have strong magic protection, there is no special method, even if they are stronger than me, as long as they have not reached the seventh order legendary level, they can not come in. "

"It's so magical? I remember I didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of magic when I came?"

"Oh? A person like you who doesn't practice any kind of arrogance, can you feel the fluctuation of magic ?! You seem to have a lot of weirdness in you! But I warn you, it is better not to be malicious, Druid They are amazing professionals. Their perception is very special and they are very sensitive to danger and maliciousness. And they are much stronger than me. If you annoy them, I will be implicated. "

"Then you can take me here with confidence?"

After listening to Zhang Yang, Manzhu glanced at him and hummed, turned his head to the tree house and said:

"If I could heal the injury on your hand, I wouldn't risk taking you!"

During the talk, Zhang Yang had come to the door of the tree house with Manzhu. Before he could knock on the door, the door of the treehouse opened. Zhang Yang looked into the door. The door was opened by a middle-aged but very strong middle-aged man. Unlike ordinary people, this middle-aged man has very long hair and just a simple bunch on the back. There are large vines on his face. Like a face pattern, wearing clothes made of unknown plants, this is almost exactly the same as the dress of the Druid girl described in Lyon's mouth. It seems that this person is probably the father of the Druid girl. It was the former Druid who could transform into a giant demon fight.

"It turns out that Manju is here, don't we say that we should not bring outsiders easily?"

The tone of the middle-aged man is obviously not very pleasant, which makes Manzhu a little puzzled. He is usually a very kind person, what is happening today?

"Sorry, Uncle Loza! This man is my friend. He has just returned from the extreme northern Slavic snowfield, where he suffered serious injuries to his right hand while fighting the Undead to protect the caravan. I do n’t know why, I The healing magic of the light system he mastered didn't work for him, so he took the liberty to take him to see you. "

What Man-zhu said surprised Lotsa. The undead spirit has not appeared on the mainland for a long time. Is this the holocaust that appeared in the bimonthly year from the extreme north snowfield? Should it be the home of the Slavs?

"Okay, please come in and talk, but this time your aunt Alizee may not be able to prepare something for you."

Manju has become a frequent visitor here in recent months. She and Angela Druilosa's daughter Angela are not too different in age. After a long time, the Luoshas have already seen that Manju is actually a 'greedy cat' essence, so whenever Manju comes to visit, she will bring some food from the town of Rose Flower to her family. It will also prepare some natural desserts and delicacies for Manju.

After entering the house, Zhang Yang saw all kinds of magical things in this tree house! The trunk of this three-flowered banyan tree is almost completely empty, and the wood grain naturally growing on the wall looks as beautiful as a magic pattern. The tables and chairs in this house are all made of wood. The most amazing thing is that not only humans are here, but also many nests for small animals! Just a cursory look, Zhang Yang has seen at least fifteen small animals on the first floor! With so many animals living in the house, how do they keep the air so fresh all the time? It seems that the druid is indeed the most magical caster.

"Auntie, is she out?"

"not because of……"

Lothar was distraught, he could n’t always say to Manju: “A group of adventurers with a“ holy armor ”was ordered by your bright temple to come and arrest us. If it ’s not our family, I ’m afraid you wo n’t see us now. ! My daughter was seriously injured in the attack. Aunt Alizee is taking care of her upstairs, right? ! ’

At this moment, Zhang Yang, who had not spoken, suddenly made a soldier's salute and asked calmly:

"Master Lotsa, what poison has your daughter got, hasn't it been dispelled yet? Li Ang told you about your affairs, he still remembers the injury of the Druid girl."

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