Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 399: Druid family 3

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"Oh? Are you a friend of the little fat pastor ?! Thanks to his help that day, otherwise my daughter might be taken away by the group of bastards, but these two days have been trying to get rid of Angela's toxins, so still I did n’t take the time to thank you. Since you are his friend and Manju, then it ’s my guest. ”

It stands to reason that since it is a visit, it should naturally follow some etiquette. Although the druids like to live in isolation, it does not mean that they do not understand etiquette, but compared to the red tape noble etiquette popular today, the druids still use the ancient etiquette thousands of years ago, simple and natural.

After a brief conversation, Lothar cut into the subject. Manju actually wanted to see Angela ’s situation first, but was rejected by Lothar. According to him, Angela ’s mother, Alizee, was performing a Druid mystery technique, and it was not convenient for others to go up. Take a look at Zhang Yang's right hand injury.

Zhang Yang's right hand was injured when he rushed out of the Frost Temple. It has been more than a month now. It stands to reason that the serious injuries like Zhang Yang's flesh and blood left only the hand bones, let alone hands-on, it is a blessing to not discard it, but his hand can not help but not even discard it, and even Zhang He can use it! If not afraid of scaring others, Zhang Yang ’s right hand does not even need to be wrapped up with bandages.

When Losa saw Zhang Yang's injured right hand, the druid's eyes were also full of surprise. Although their family lived in isolation near the town of Rose Flower, it was because someone secretly pursued the Druid in recent years. When Lothar was young, Druids still lived in towns, and they would treat people's injuries and get rid of diseases. Therefore, Lothar's vision was broadened even if he was not innumerable.

"This injury is really strange! Although it looks like it was caused by burns or corrosion, but your hands can still move? I'm afraid your physique is not something ordinary people can have."

The feeling of orthodox druids is often sharper and more accurate than most warriors and magicians, which can even be regarded as a unique professional talent. Although Zhang Yang has always behaved like an ordinary person, Lothar can feel it. This man who seems to have not practiced any grudge and magic is very dangerous. He stands in this man's strength with his fourth-order silver senior druid. Around me, it is difficult to suppress the feeling of wanting to keep a distance! This is really weird!

"Uncle Loza, can you heal his hand?"

Manzhu saw Luosa frowning at Wright's hand and observed it. She couldn't help but ask.

"It seems that apart from the ridiculous high strength of flesh and bones, he is no different, Xiaomanzhu, your light magic does not work for him?"

"Yeah, otherwise it won't bother you."

"In this way, I will release a [natural healing] to him to see the effect, but since the light restoration magic cannot produce the desired effect, then I ca n’t guarantee the success of the natural spell."

Zhang Yang also came to try his luck. His physique is rather special, so he doesn't have much expectation of success. However, when Druilosa raised his hand to release a green light with a natural atmosphere, Zhang Yang clearly felt the change from the right hand!

Under the green light filled with natural breath, the muscles of Zhang Yang's wrists have a tendency to re-grow, although only a few, but this is enough to show that the natural magic released by the druid can play an effect on him. of!

"Huh ?! How could this be?"

Lothar is very clear about the healing effect of this second-order magic [natural healing] released by herself, even if it is clearly visible that bone wounds will heal quickly under the effect of this magic. However, although the magic he has released now has a little effect on this person, the effect is really too weak.

The magic power of Druid cultivation is derived from the absorption of natural forces in nature. It is a derivative of the power of life. Although it is the closest to the power of life in nature, its power and purity are inferior to the power of life. A lot. Judging from the current effectiveness of this magic, I am afraid that it must be released at least a thousand times before it is possible to restore Zhang Yang's right hand!

Thousands of second-order magic released continuously? I ’m afraid I ca n’t stand it! Based on the magic and mental power of a fourth-order silver advanced caster, he can theoretically release up to 108 second-order magic at a time, but the talent and level of the caster will be somewhat different, so take Narosa as an example. In fact, what he is good at is the natural magic such as Transfiguration. When he uses Transfiguration, not only will his power be much greater than normal, but his cost will also be reduced a lot. But on the contrary, Losa is not so good at other natural magic, which makes him only release 80 second-order [natural healing] at most if he consumes the magic power of the whole body, and then he has to reply in nearly a day The magic power is that if all of Luosa's treatment is for Zhang Yang alone, he basically wouldn't want to do anything else for half a month.

Man Zhu naturally found this problem, please ask Druid Luosa to treat Zhang Yang once. It is already a face for her. Before her daughter's injury is healed, it is impossible for Luosa to leave her daughter behind and to treat Zhang Yang as a stranger Half a month's work. So she didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Wright, this ..."

Zhang Yang's mentality is much better than that of Manzhu. Now that he knows that natural magic can heal this kind of injury, he has found a way to recover. So even if he couldn't solve it in a short time, he still felt that this trip was worthwhile.

"It's okay. Now that I know that natural magic can work, I'm not in a hurry. Master Losa probably has no extra energy to consider other things recently. I'll find a way to find other druids."

"This ... I'm afraid it's difficult. You shouldn't know yet. The druids that exist in the French empire are already very rare. As far as I know, I'm afraid something has happened in the Temple of Light. "

Lothar wanted to help this person heal, but now he really can't divide his extra energy. Originally, he did not want to say this in front of Manju. He just looked at it as it is now. Even if he didn't say it, Manju would know it for at most a few months.

"What happened to the Temple of Light ?! Uncle Lothar, what do you mean?"

"Don't mention this for the time being, is your name Wright?"

"Yes, Master Lothar."

"The word" master "really doesn't dare. I haven't broken through to the fifth-level gold level. I'm not a master at all. If I now have the strength of the fifth-level gold level, then I can use the fifth-level natural magic [the light of recovery]. It will not be so troublesome to treat your injury. But now there is no other way. If you have enough strength, you can find someone to accompany you to find Shenxing Lake in the center of the deep forest in the south. The magic core of the starred water snake in the lake can be Used to set up a natural circle, as long as there is an increase in this circle, I have a way to cure your right hand! "

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