Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 400: communicate with

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Druids are a fairly old profession. Legend has it that druids were born during the existence of the ancient gods. They appeared a thousand years earlier than the elemental magician! The only similarity is the shaman sacrifice. Although the two systems are different, they are the same old profession.

Lothar told Zhang Yang that he needed twelve star-spotted water snakes to set up magic arrays, so if Zhang Yang counted as a failure, then he had to collect at least twenty-four magic nuclei. Lotsa and Zhang Yang now have a lot of things to do, so after finding a solution, several people will no longer carry out extra politeness. After learning about the characteristics and habits of the star-spotted water snake from Lotsa, Zhang Yang and Manzhu left this place. Beautiful and magical tree house.

On the way back, the sun had risen, and the thin mist on the road in the deep forest had dissipated. Walking on the soft dry branches, Zhang Yang can feel a vitality full of natural freshness. This feeling is somewhat unspeakable, as if the originally sleeping world suddenly woke up. Zhang Yang has also experienced a similar breath before, but it is not as clear as this. Is it because he drank Druid Losana lightly The reason for the green tea?

"Wright, do you want to go to Shenxing Lake by yourself? I heard that there are many Warcraft nearby and there are more than Tier 4 and there is no strength above Tier 3 black iron level. It will be very dangerous to go there."

Although Manzhu is lazy, she is still more attentive to the things she is interested in. Zhang Yang has many secrets in her body, which makes her have the idea to find out. Furthermore, she is a person who promises a lot. Once she agrees, she will always try to find a way to complete it.

At this time, Zhang Yang was still immersed in that magical state of perception. It wasn't until Man Zhu's words sounded that he suddenly left the state. Although it is a pity, Zhang Yang didn't blame Manzhu, that state might be undesirable, but even if he lost it, he wouldn't blame someone who helped himself for a little insightful gain.

"Well, I'm going to take a look. After all, if my hand can be cured, the combat effectiveness will be improved a lot."

"So you still plan to go by yourself?"

"This is also something that can't be done. Ingrid is no longer an adventurer with Zou Ran. She still has a group of people who need to lead. I can't ask her to take risks with me."

"But it is said that many of the World of Warcraft infested near Shenxing Lake are gregarious! I believe that with your strength you can deal with one or two third-order Warcraft alone, but if you encounter a group? You do n’t even need a group of third-order Warcraft, even a dozen or two Ten Tier 2 Warcraft will put you in danger? "


"Do you think you can avoid all Warcraft? Even if you have this ability on land, but once you enter the lake to fight the star-spotted water snake, then you will definitely attract the attention of other Warcraft, as soon as you leave the water. , I am afraid that Warcraft will trouble you. "

Zhang Yang knew that Manzhu was right. His [Thunderbolt Enhancement] skill duration was too short. Even if it could be used twice in a row, the total time would only be about three points. Although Zhang Yang can almost defeat a Tier 5 World of Warcraft within the duration, if this time is faced with a large number of Tier 2 and World of Warcraft, how many can he kill with great effort?

Manzhu looked sideways at the silent Zhang Yang, and he felt a little proud in his heart. Who made Zhang Yang grab her chair before, and said that the woman's heart was a needle, but Manzhu's temper was a bit elusive. But when she thought about it, she was a little bit overwhelmed. Anyway, Wright's hand had been injured, and Manju felt a little panic when she looked at it. If she changed to herself, she might have collapsed.

"In fact, there is no way to solve it. You can go to the mercenary union to issue tasks! You can hire some people to accompany you when the time comes. Of course, if you do n’t have gold coins, you can also go there to find some related tasks, and then Go with the other mercenaries. "

Manzhu said this, Zhang Yang's thoughts suddenly broadened. Recently, he is used to solving problems by himself, but he has forgotten the force of mercenaries. Not only that, Zhang Yang suddenly thought that his enemies were either demons or undead spirits. Therefore, he has recently absorbed the power of these two attributes. If he did not suppress himself for promotion because of balance, I am afraid that Zhang Yangzao would be Stronger than third-order black iron or even fourth-order silver.

Why is it not balanced? Of course it is due to lack of life force. Although Zhang Yang did not kill less in the battle with the Cove Slaves, how could he have the opportunity to absorb the power of life at that time? Besides, absorbing the power of life is not like absorbing the power of elements. As long as it is discovered, Zhang Yang will definitely be regarded as a very evil existence!

Generally speaking, as long as it is a caster with a level of mental power above the third-order bronze level, Zhang Yang can feel the special fluctuation of Zhang Yang ’s absorption of the power of life in the vicinity. Zhang Yang himself knows this, so he has not absorbed anything recently. The power of life. In this way, if the natural restoration magic released by the druid is to repair the body of the subject with the force of nature, then if Zhang Yang directly repairs it with a stronger life force than the force of nature, will it be the same Or a stronger effect? !

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang's heart suddenly eagerly, the power of life contained in Warcraft will only be higher than that of human beings. If he can hunt a lot of Warcraft this time to extract the power of life, then his right hand injury is not a big problem. Now! Even if this trick does not work, he can also take the star-spotted water snake's magic core to find Druilosa help!

"Thank you Manju, what you said makes sense. I will go to the mercenary union to release the news when I go back, but I don't know if there will be enough mercenaries to take risks with me."

"Hehe ~ Wright, you are really anxious! Where is the mercenary union in Rose Flower Town ?! There is no Warcraft and robbers here, except for the few low-level mercenaries who come with the merchants. How many mercenaries are willing to come here. Although you can also publish missions in the tavern here, but no one has the ability to complete it is not in vain ~! If you want to find the nearest mercenary union, I am afraid you have to be with the British. Miss Gil can go back to Bros. City together! "

Hearing Manzhu's smile, Zhang Yang suddenly had a slight embarrassment, but fortunately he always maintained a calm and calm expression on his face, which was almost rigid and generally printed on his face, so Manzhu was a little bit Disappointed to find that the expression on Wright's face has not changed!

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