Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 414: Heartbreak

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Even with a 10% discount, Zhang Yang eventually spent 63 gold coins. That heavy metal bow is about to go for 30 gold coins, four bags of standard fifteen feather arrows each bag of 30 silver coins, this is 1 gold coin and 20 silver coins, the wide blade sword is much worse than the metal bow, only I received Zhang Yang's 10 gold coins, but in the end the price of the leather armor and the flying knife was almost the same as the metal bow, plus 28 gold coins for both.

Actually, after the 10% discount, Zhang Yang only had to pay 62 gold coins and 28 silver coins. However, after seeing Millai ’s thin figure busy and tired, Zhang Yang simply gave him 63 gold coins, and the remaining 70 Even more silver coins are a tip. This amount of money is nothing to Zhang Yang, but in Millai's view, it is worth ten days of wages. If not for raising so many orphans living together, Millai's life will not be tense at all.

Sometimes Miley even secretly rejoices, because the Northern Army is stationed here, the owner and nobles in the city of Bros are very duty. It is said that in the southern hinterland of the French Empire, a man like him may have long been reduced to a noble plaything, even if he wanted to make ends meet with his own hands.

Thinking of this, Millai suddenly felt that it seemed like a long time ago? Except for the group of orphans that they adopted, no one has treated him like a calm mercenary today.

(Oops, I forgot to ask the man what his name is. This person is a mercenary. It seems that he has his own team. If he works under his staff, he should not suffer so much blindfold, nor will he stay in the sky. Are you happy?)

After dealing with these three Zhang Yang, I can finally take a break. In fact, this kind of life is almost stress-free for Zhang Yang, who is used to running, but Man Zhu and Li Ang can't compare with him. The two had to fall apart the next day.

Before getting dark, Zhang Yang and Man Zhu followed Li Ang's suggestion and found a hotel called 'Crow and Whistle'. They didn't find out until after they went in that the hotel is not best known for its comfortable rooms, but The pub on the first floor! In this 150-year-old tavern, the black pepper pork chops and sour sauce stew are unique in flavor, coupled with the refreshing ale with heavy sweetness, many people who come to do business in Bros. City say that if If you do n’t come here, you wo n’t be in Bros City!

Feeling the cheerful and lively atmosphere in the tavern, tasting delicious food and sweet ale, including Zhang Yang, the three of them were completely relaxed. Talking about Miller, Li Ang is still a little awkward, but in order to avoid embarrassment that Manzhu and Zhang Yang are not broken, Li Ang is better. It was only after a while, after watching two glasses of ale, Manzhu chatted and started to tease Zhang Yang's attitude towards Millais.

"Hey! Wright, I found you so strange! You do n’t even need to be like a stone man. You spend money to pay for it. You know, let ’s eat and drink like this. It ’s less than twenty silver coins in the store! You just gave that person a gold coin. You said, do you, hiccup ~! Do you like him? Hey ~! "

I didn't expect a girl who was quite quiet, so dare to nag after drinking some wine! It looks really unsightly.

"You drink too much and think too much. Millai is a man. Do I look like a quirky person."

"Hiccup ~! Who knows, I heard that many nobles in the south of France like this bite! Hiccup ~!"

"I'm not from the south of France, nor the nobility."

"But I don't see how you feel about women? Are you a" stone man "?! Hiccup ~!"

With a drunken face and blurred eyes, Manzhu fell on the table at this time. The reason why she didn't fall down was that her right hand barely supported her head.

"My orientation is normal and my body is fine. Manzhu, you are already drunk, let Li Ang help you to rest."

Li Ang was eating right now. After a while, he had already killed three servings of pork chops and five large glasses of ale. If he counted the amount of food in the fighting power, Li Ang was afraid that he would have steadily surpassed Zhang Yang. According to his words, if it were better than eating, he could top six ...

In desperation, Zhang Yang had to stand up and help Man Zhu, who was still talking nonsense, and walked to the second floor hotel. At this time, Man Zhu not only had red cheeks, but also a thin body, and the whole body exuded a faint aroma of rose flowers! This section of Manzhu's road was almost completely hung on Zhang Yang's body, and finally came to Manzhu's room. When Zhang Yang carried her carefully to the bed, Manzhu had slept deep! It was just that her hand was still tightly clutching the cloak outside Zhang Yang.

"Mom ... Mom ... I am ... I miss you ..."

Listening to the unconscious whispers in Man-zhu's deep sleep, Zhang Yang suddenly felt very sad. Because of their own relationship, their parents and family members were killed. Although they had avenged themselves, they never came back. Even if the body's mother and grandfather were also killed in the attack of the fire leopard that night, it has been a year, and the original Wright's father has no news, I am afraid he is not alive.

Most of the people who grew up in this world like Xiang Manzhu are also suffering all kinds of sufferings. Because of war and Warcraft, too many people have lost their loved ones. What can I do? Is it like being a savior? Zhang Yang knew in his heart that he was not the material at all. After experiencing too much life and death and killing himself, he had soaked in too much darkness in his consciousness. Apart from those he recognized, he might occasionally express emotions about the life and death of others. But it can't really care. Maybe one day when you have enough strength, it will be the limit to protect people close to you.

He shook his head vigorously, as if to get these ideas out of his mind. At this time, there was no light in the house. With the light of the full moon outside the window, Zhang Yang could see the face of Manzhu without any difficulty, and she dragged her cloak to sleep and looked like a baby. In desperation, Zhang Yang gently took off his cloak to cover Manzhu, and then left the room without looking back.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang missed Niel Jielina. The girl was equally lovable. Although she had learned how to be strong, she always inadvertently showed deep attachment in front of herself. I have been away for too long, and I should go back after curing the injury of my right hand. If Neil Jielina still works as before, you should have advanced to the third-tier black iron level now?

Walking and walking, Zhang Yang suddenly stood still. He suddenly found that his love and memory for Shi Xiaowei had become weaker and weaker, so that the shadow of Shi Xiaowei had become weaker and weaker in his heart. Er Jie Lina's appearance is getting clearer!

Is it because of the magic of the [Painful Nightmare] who has been hit by the Succubus King? Or has his heart changed after a long time?

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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