Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 415: Target Shenxing Lake 1

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This night Zhang Yang did not rest at all. He just sat on the pub seat and drank slowly. At this time, the wine he drank was not the slightly sweet ale. Because of his mood, Zhang Yang ordered the strongest spirit wine. This kind of high spirits sold everywhere in the human empire, the lowest is 60. Degrees, it is said that the highest degree can reach about 75 degrees!

Even if it is only 60 degrees of fiery spirits, one bottle of fifty silver coins is sold, and the higher the degree, the more expensive the price. Many mercenaries who are still alive like to paralyze themselves with spirits, and spirits are the only choice. The entrance is **, the drink is like swallowing the fire, and the belly is like burning. Ordinary people will get drunk after drinking a glass of about 100 crees. Although the warriors urge their grievances to effectively disperse the alcohol, but almost no one will do that. Drinking is just to get drunk, otherwise spend the money to drink what it does ?

The table in front of Zhang Yang was already filled with empty bottles of fiery wine. He just drank slowly, bit by bit, watching the pub that was full of voice gradually becoming deserted, and finally he was the only one left. This kind of tavern can not afford magic lights, it needs to consume magic core. Although several oil lamps are not as bright as magic lamps, they are enough to provide lighting.

(Huh ... Sure enough ... I am not a pure human anymore?)

Looking at the gradually brightening sky outside the window, Zhang Yang woke up slowly from his memories. He had drunk 24 bottles of fiery wine unconsciously all night, even though he was full of alcohol now, Zhang Yang could not feel the feeling of being drunk. Too strong physical qualities, so that he can be immune to most of the toxins, this alcohol has been insignificant for him.

Twenty-four bottles of fiery fire wine are twelve gold coins, but Zhang Yang does not feel that he is wasting. He remembered a lot this night and wanted to understand a lot. Some things and some people will never come back after they have passed. The only thing that can be done is to cherish the present and grasp the future. Very simple truth, but trapped too many people. Just try your best to do what you want.

Since it was already dawn, Zhang Yang simply didn't go back to his room to sleep. Compared to spending twelve gold coins for a night, the room money for two silver coins for one night was nothing. Unconsciously, Zhang Yang liked the taste of fiery fire wine, and some were like the "Beidahuang" in his hometown. Spicy and energetic! So when the pub owner got up, Zhang Yang, under the gaze of the boss's awe-inspiring gaze, swallowed all the remaining fiery wine in the pub! For this alone, Zhang Yang spent more than one hundred gold coins ...

When Manju woke up early in the morning, she was a little confused. This is the first time Manju has grown to drink alcohol. In the past, in order to practice, she was drunk. Traditional magicians believe that alcohol will affect people's mental power and judgment, and these two points are very important for magicians, so most of the time, magicians only drink pure water. Some extreme guys even only consume the magic water created by the Arcane Master.

(It ’s a weird experience. It turns out that it ’s the feeling after drinking ... the head is a little dizzy, but I feel like I slept soundly.)

Thinking wildly, Man-zhu sat up and suddenly found that his right hand was a little numb. When he looked down, he realized that he was firmly holding a cloaked corner! This frightened her, and then an important question came to mind that made the whole person stiff, and that was: How did I get back to my room? How does this cloak look familiar? !

When the eccentric Manju and Li Ang went downstairs to the floor drain tavern, they discovered that Wright was sitting at the place where he had breakfast last night. Manzhu didn't know where to hide the cloak, and Zhang Yang didn't ask. Zhang Yang bought several spares like this yesterday. At this time, he has worn a new one. The wine was put into the space ring together.

After breakfast, the three arrived at the Borough City Mercenary Union on time. At this time, the seven mercenaries hired by Zhang Yang had arrived yesterday, and the blacksmith Joey would be ready to go. Entering the deep forest is no better than performing missions in the plains, where the ancient trees and vines are not suitable for horse riding. Unless there is a Warcraft mount, it is not as convenient as walking on foot.

Waiting for about very leaky, forging master Joey was late. But when Zhang Yang and others looked up, they were surprised to find that Mi Lai came with him behind Joey! I saw that he and Joey were wearing a set of thin gray leather armor. The difference was that Joey was carrying many digging tools behind him, while Millai was carrying luggage and bedding. The appearance of Millais made people think that he was a female warrior, and he was totally unreliable.

"Master Joey, it is clear from the contract that we only need to protect you to Shen Xinghu. What do you ask him to do?"

Zhang Yang's tone can't be said to be polite, he didn't have any good feelings about this obscure employer. If Joey wants to violate the contract and increase the difficulty of the task, Zhang Yangning can give up this task and don't want to be played by a fool.

"No, no! Mr. Wright, you misunderstood! How could I break the contract? It's just that I'm older and I have been inconvenient to do a lot of work, so I brought a helper. You can rest assured that I was going The mercenary union revises the content of the mission, and now I just want to ask your permission first. For this, I am willing to pay an extra 50 gold coins! "

In Joey's view, 50 gold coins has exceeded the standard that the task should be, but he did not know that Zhang Yang hired these seven mercenaries to pay 1 gold coin per person every day, which is not counted as hunting Warcraft on the road. Each participating mercenary can earn 10% of the income, which can be used to obtain the price of the World of Warcraft materials, or it can be directly exchanged for gold coins. If luck is good enough, everyone on this trip can harvest nearly a hundred gold coins, so the 50 gold coins given by Joey at the moment are really nothing to Zhang Yang and others.

Zhang Yang ignored Millie and looked at Millais. He never liked to force others. If Joey forced Millai to take risks, Zhang Yang would directly refuse Joey to give up this task. Anyway, other people's hands are enough. Not that bad reward.

"I ... I want to go ..."

Millai's words were insincere, but since he said it was voluntary, Zhang Yang didn't care. Although it would be a lot of trouble to bring an ordinary person, it was not unacceptable to Zhang Yang.

After Joey revised the content of the mission again, the group moved towards the west gate of Bross City. If they wanted to enter the deep forest, they had to walk 20 miles west, and then 60 miles southwest to reach Shen in the deep forest. Star lake. If all goes well, this trip will only take five to seven days, but the crisis is deep in the deep forest, and no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents. Everything can only be done by luck ...

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