Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 42: Practice in water

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Looking up at the dazzling sunlight in the afternoon, Zhang Yang was now ready to launch. Zhang Yang, who wanted to live the previous life, liked swimming very much, and the water is quite good. At this time he ** his upper body, revealing a slightly thin but muscular chest. A few days ago, the injured area had scarred and fell off, and it seemed that only a few pink scars were left. Neil Jielina was practicing archery at this time. When she saw Zhang Yang's upper body, which didn't look toned and wide but already scarred, her hand shook involuntarily, but the arrow was directly missed. When Neil Jielina was a little bit ashamed to look at Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang's bland voice came at this time:

"Focus, attention. Plus shot, a hundred arrows."

Only this sentence turned the blushing beauty face into a bitter gourd face. With a slight glance at Neil Jielina, Zhang Yang turned his attention to the sense of grudge. Since practicing this deep-water fighting spirit, Zhang Yang has developed an additional induction of water attribute energy. For example, the water attribute energy he sensed when standing in the water without waist depth is a bit thicker than on the land. It is also because he is always exposed to subtle energies, otherwise it is difficult for him to distinguish the subtle differences.

It seems that his idea is right. After thinking so, Zhang Yang dived directly into the water and dived underwater. As Zhang Yang dived deeper into the water, he was still thinking about how to breathe, but when he actually dived, he found that he could not even breathe for a long time after running a grudge. Under water, the convergence speed and number of light blue energy light points increase linearly, and as the water attribute energy continues to absorb Zhang Yang, you can rely on the absorbed energy to survive underwater! At this point Zhang Yang had already stayed at a position about 8 meters underwater. After a little rejoicing, Zhang Yang immediately captured the mind and began to focus on the magical deep-water fighting. Let the light blue energy particles attach to the grudge seed, and the grudge seed gradually begins to grow larger and smaller under more and more packages, so it should be right? Zhang Yang is not very accurate in his heart. After all, he has no experience in this area, and he has never been in contact with it before. Now, this method of practicing fighting spirit underwater is completely explored by him in the dark. I don't know if anything will go wrong. When he got the grudge inheritance, he just understood the basic grudge running method.

The focused Zhang Yang didn't realize that time quietly passed by with the current ...

Niel Jielina now has a very strong desire to rest **, the arm holding the bow and pulling the string feels sore! Opening bows and practicing archery 200 times in a row has already made her arm muscles reach the limit they can withstand. She was sitting sweaty on a rock by the river. This is where Zhang Yang often sits and practises. The hard work of training and the heat of summer made her sweat completely soaked in her clothes, and the fabric soaked in sweat was wetly attached to her beautiful body, making her seem to have a different kind of temptation. However, at this time, Neil Jielina was not in the mood to show her charm, but carefully cooled the slightly red and swollen arms with the cool river water. As the clean water washed away, Niel Jielin felt the pain in her arm was relieved a lot. She remembers what Zhang Yang said to him. The road to becoming stronger is full of hardships and hardships. Only with unremitting efforts can we gain enviable power. Gaining a little power is actually at the expense of a lot of time and hard work. Therefore, there are no unpaid things in the world, and if there are, it is probably a trap.

Neil Jelena looked slightly fascinated at the water. Lord Wright has been in the water for too long, and has never seen him come out to ventilate. Is there anything wrong with the cultivation of fighting spirit? Or is there any danger encountered under water? Niel Jielin thought with anxiety in her heart, and her left hand consciously kneaded the sore and swollen right arm. Suddenly she suddenly heard a clutter of footsteps coming from behind the woods. Zhang Yang told her keenly that she had always kept in mind. Soon after, more than ten young people stepped out of the woods and entered her vision. I saw that these eleven people were mostly around fifteen or sixteen years old. Nine men and three women were dressed like mercenaries, but these clothes and armor looked a little new. At this time, this group of men and women also saw Neil Jelina by the river, and then they went straight to Neil Jelina, until one of them was more than ten meters away, one of the boys, who looked like a leader like a knight Road:

"This beautiful lady, how long have you rested by this river? Did you encounter any danger? Be more careful here, there are murlocs here."

"Thank you for your concern. I will pay more attention. But I haven't seen any murlocs here for a day?"

Hearing this question, Neil Jelena got up and returned.

"Don't underestimate this murloc! Their recent activities have become more and more frequent, and they have attacked several sailing ships carrying goods a few days ago. And the murlocs are cunning and brutal. It ’s not easy to deal with. Our Bar Sword Mercenary Corps has accepted the task of killing the people and is looking for them! "A girl with a spear shouted when she saw Neil Jelina as if she did not take it seriously. .

"Then you are going to cheer on, may your sword be always sharp."

Neil Jielina did not have the interest to talk with this group of young people at this time, because staying with the mature and indifferent Zhang Yang for a long time, Niel Jielina saw these peers even had a feeling that they were so childish. So Neil Jelina just politely blessed them with the mercenary etiquette, and then sat back on the rock by the river.

"May your arrows always be accurate! Be careful."

The boy who looked like the leader was immediately excited when he heard Neil Jelina's blessing, as if he had suddenly become a real mercenary. Then he also blessed Nier Jielina loudly, these are the etiquette between the mercenaries. Neil Jielina also said that she was also followed by Zhang Yang and the Pegasus Legion. The knowledge is naturally much more than those of the big children who have never been far away. The etiquette between the mercenaries was also learned with Zhang Yang when he was in Sardinsk. Thinking of this, Neil Jielina couldn't help worrying about Zhang Yang.

"Master Wright, don't you have an accident ..."

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