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Zhang Yang doesn't know what kind of situation others practice qi, but he has a feeling that his cultivation state is absolutely different. Zhang Yang has never heard of anyone who can practice fighting spirits and can enter the water without leaking. At this moment in Zhang Yang's feeling, layers and layers of water-based energy particles are gradually attracted with the operation of the grudge core, and then adsorbed on the grudge core. Originally, Zhang Yang thought that this was the whole process of cultivation, but he realized it only under his subtle observation. The attracted energy particles do not mean that they are their own. Only when they accelerate the operation of the qi core, will the qi core absorb and digest a small part of the absorbed energy particles, and then convert it into another This gentle energy turned into two parts, one part was absorbed by the core of grudge, the other part was passed to Zhang Yang's body, and was absorbed by his internal organs and **. Zhang Yang slightly felt that this day's cultivation did not increase much physical strength, as if the absorbed energy was only slowly changing his physical fitness. Perhaps it is because of your poor physical fitness now? This is just Zhang Yang's guess, or many days of practice to make new changes? Thinking of this, Zhang Yang estimated that the time should be late. Is it getting dark? So he slowly withdrew from the practice state and stroked the limbs vigorously, quickly swimming towards the water.

Neil Jelena was really anxious. Seeing that the sky was about to get dark, and the water was still as calm as before, Lord Wright was still out. If it weren't for Neil Jielina who is not familiar with water, I'm afraid I couldn't help going into the water to find it. Anxious Neil Jie Lina could not help walking back and forth by the water, only to see that the sun on the horizon had fallen halfway up the mountain, and was rubbing lazily down. A few strands of freely floating clouds in the sky have already been dyed orange-red. At this time, a group of unknown birds are twittering to the woods on the shore, and the birds have returned to the nest. It is estimated that when there is another half leak, the sky will be dark, right? Neil Jielina was waiting anxiously, and suddenly, staring at the water, Niel Jielina saw a weird body floating down the river from the upper reaches of the river! I saw that the corpse was about one meter two, three, three, yellow-green skin, like humans, with arms, legs, and legs, but the body and head were like a big fish with disgusting and vicious! Murloc! Seeing here, Neil Jielina knew it. As the murloc corpse drew near, Niel Jielina saw several wounds on the murloc's body, but the fatal one was a knife wound on the head that nearly cut off the fish's head. When she wanted to salvage the murloc corpse, there was a vague voice of fighting and calling for help upstream. Neil Jelena instantly remembered the group of young mercenaries she saw in the afternoon. It's just that she was hesitant at this moment. What if she went to help and Wright couldn't find her after she landed? Thinking about it, Neil Jielina suddenly saw Zhang Yang's shield on the shore, but she ran to draw a big arrow on the ground, and then put the shield below the arrow. It could be a waypoint for Zhang Yang. After doing this, Neil Jielina no longer hesitated, grabbed the bow and arrow and ran quickly toward the direction of the upstream sound.

Binny's intestines are now regretful! My heart is full of regret and worry. At this time, he did not have the spare time to regret, but could only endure the numbness of the arm and the pain on the thigh to dance the long sword in his hand. There were also nine exhausted companions beside him. At this time, everyone could only defend desperately. Benny looked at dozens of fierce and cunning fishmen with spears and short swords in front of him, and a trace of despair rose in his heart. At first, thirteen partners were eager to become mercenaries, thinking that they would win honor and money through adventure. Who knows that I just started to take some tasks such as searching for objects in the mercenary union, but everyone is not satisfied. This morning everyone urged to take this level 3 task of clearing the fishman. Who knows, this fishman is only Will it show up until the next night? And as soon as they appeared, there was a large group of people who were killed by the fire and cooking, and Eminem and Abi were killed at that time! Afterwards, although the people also took out their weapons to counterattack, but there were too many murlocs, they ran away while surrounded by large groups of murlocs, but some still pursued them. In order to protect the girl, Anso and Blar were actually killed during the escape. You must know that Blar is their most powerful companion. In this way, the original thirteen companions are now only nine, and Benny feels that everyone is probably going to die here, because the river is still more than 10 miles away from Balxus!

Just as Binny's heart grew desperate, an arrow suddenly shot from the woods not far away, and it was nailed to the forehead of a murloc in front of Binny! The fishman's very simple fisheye turned white and died after falling backwards.

There are reinforcements! ! The teenagers on the verge of despair suddenly rekindled hope. They couldn't help looking in the direction of the arrow. I saw a beautiful woman with a short hip-sword and a bow and arrow pointing at the murloc. Isn't this the beauty I saw at the water's edge in the afternoon? But she was alone! The problem cannot be solved at all! The fire of hope that had just risen in the hearts of the teenagers was gradually going out. It's just that Benny couldn't bear to be involved in this beautiful, kind and brave girl, so he directly shouted:

"Run! There are too many murlocs! Leave us alone!"

Just when Binny just shouted, Neil Jelina shot again. But this time, the head was not enough. The arrow hit the shank of a murloc, and directly nailed the unlucky guy to the ground, letting it scream and show its sharp fangs! I heard that these brutal murlocs would eat people! Niel Jielina heard Binny's cry, and she couldn't bear to let them die regardless. Then he made up his mind to shoot Zhang Yu quickly with an arrow. The murlocs are not stupid. When they saw that the archers who were not far away were more threatened, they directly divided the seven or eight murlocs and rushed towards Neil Jelena.

Neil Jielina saw the murloc waving her weapon and opened her mouth with a sharp fang to her, and she was very scared. At this time she had to tell herself to calm down! Be calm! Think about what Master Wright will do? How do you teach yourself? In an instant, Neil Jelina released her arrow and turned to start running towards the woods. Although the thick bushes among the trees would reduce her speed, the dwarf murloc was even more difficult to move. If you want to do this, you just need to open the distance to shoot archery, right? Just like training these days!

Neil Jelina thinks so and does the same. Benny saw that the beautiful girl quickly shot an arrow and then turned around and rushed into the bush, but less than 5 seconds later, she flew another arrow from the bush and directly hit the big eye of a murloc! Benny was shocked in her heart, but was also inspired, calling everyone back to the woods.

Neil Jelena ran a short distance and turned back to shoot an arrow, but the accuracy was worse. At her current level, within 20 meters, it is not easy to stand still and hit the target. Most of the wonderful arrows before were still blinded. Despite this, her tactics are correct. The murloc was not good at running. She swayed from side to side, not to mention, she was still a guy with short legs and long body. Therefore, after chasing half a ring, he didn't shorten the distance to Neil Jielina. Instead, he was killed by Nier Jielina even Mond and killed 4 or 5 murlocs. So the rest of the murlocs began to hesitate, and immediately gave up Neil Jelena and turned to rush to Binny and others. Who said that the murloc was brainless? They are just small brains, and the response is slow ...

After running for more than a dozen points, Neil Jielina also saw sweat on her head. After all, her physical strength was not very good, and she only started to train for more than ten days and achieved initial results. But this time even running and shooting made her feel a little confidence. Seeing the murloc running back, Neil Jelena stopped and eased her breath, then ran to the trapped crowd resolutely.

However, Nil Jielina, Binny and others did not find that there were several gray-black skinned murlocs nearly one meter five or six from the back of the forest! Leading these murlocs is a "tall" murloc holding a scimitar on a webbed hand and a long scar on the left eye! I saw this scar-eyed murloc running fast while chewing something in his mouth. It can only be seen by the afterglow of the setting sun that a human arm is chewing and eating in the mouth with scarred sharp teeth. At the same time that the minced meat and muscles are splashing, you can see the fierce and crazy red light flashing in the remaining one eye of the scar!

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