Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 462: Passing crisis

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(I ’m done ... I did n’t expect that it would take so much soul power to put this into the ring of space ...)

Zhang Yang ’s state at this time is not very good. Although the seed of the world of Tandani has been successfully put into the ring of space by him, in the process, Zhang Yang ’s soul power, which has been changed from spiritual strength, is also exhausted at the same time. ! In fact, Zhang Yang couldn't help but have a headache and a soft body, and even his eyes became blurred! If Zhang Yang did n’t need to breathe or breathe underwater, he might have choked to death in the dizzy state just now ...

(It seems to be more careful when loading things into the space ring in the future, if it becomes too stupid to become an idiot because of excessive mental energy consumption. Huh ~ But here things finally come to an end, Terna ’s Things are still frustrating to think about now, and I went up after a break. After so long in the water, I am afraid that they have already waited for Manju and Li Ang?)

"Sister! You can spare me! I really don't know how to swim! It's nothing to say that the reluctant swims like the small rivers are usually, but, but! I don't know how deep it is under the Shenxing Lake! And the mine column that suddenly appeared just now didn't know how to get it out, but in a few moments, the surface of the water fell down dozens of meters at once !! In my opinion, under the Shenxing Lake, I am afraid there is no bottom at all. Really ?! Sister! Let me go! I am still young !!! "

At this time, Li Ang stood on the shore of the original Shenxing Lake in horror, but this time it had become a cliff-like existence. Because the lake water was suddenly evaporated by thunder column, the original beautiful Shen Xinghu looked like a big mouth with a huge monster at the moment, so people looked at it and felt scared.

"Ah ?! How dare you guys! How can you be a man too ?! Do you want me to do such a thing when you go into the water? Let's talk about your talent magic [Holy Shield] then Special, you should have no problem protecting under water? Do you really want me to push you down? "

"Who said men must be brave! Let's honestly wait for Wright here. We usually see you working against him, but I didn't expect to worry about him in my heart! Is it because you like Wright?"

"... Li Ang ~! You will talk nonsense about your food, be careful I kick you down!"

"Hey ?! Did I fail?" Oops! What do you do by blessing yourself? Don't! It's really annoying !!!! Help ... hhh! Look there! "

Li Ang, who was struggling with all his strength, suddenly excitedly screamed under the cliff behind Man Zhu! Manzhu heard the sound and turned his head back to the rear. On the edge of the water surface not far below the cliff, he actually saw Zhang Yang who had just climbed out of the water!

"Speaking of Wright, is there really a community under Shen Xinghu ?! What the **** was the horrible thunderbolt just now?"

"Yeah! Yeah! What is there at the bottom of the lake ?! How did your right hand recover at once?"

When Zhang Yang endured a headache and climbed the shore of the lake, the questions asked by Man Zhu and Li Ang Lianzhu almost made him annoyed. The secrets of the Terna people are really amazing. At this stage, Zhang Yang feels that it is better not to tell the two. In fact, if only Manzhu is in Zhang Yang, she might tell her. However, Li Ang, who wants to be a bard, has a big mouth. Can't keep any secret? Therefore, even if Man Zhu and Li Ang were questioning, Zhang Yang just accused him of having the opportunity to give more details in the future.

"I didn't find Wright, you turned out to be a stingy ghost! Even if you got the benefit under the lake and don't give it to your companions, you don't even let us know! Hum! I thought you were a good person. Now it seems that Li Ang is better than you much better!"

"... Sister, are you complimenting me? Why does it sound so awkward ... Speaking of Captain Wright, are you stealing anything underneath and doing so in a hurry?"

Zhang Yang was almost annoyed by these two guys since going ashore, but with the inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart, Zhang Yang even took the time to rest and took the two quickly torn down the camp and left. In fact, from Zhang Yang's launch to the return of the total, it was only about half a leak. Even after counting it, the camp was demolished to hide the whereabouts. However, just after Zhang Yang and others left in a hurry, a middle-aged man with a pair of blue light wings suddenly appeared above Shenxing Lake! If Zhang Yang did n’t leave, he would know after reading it. The middle-aged man in leather armor turned out to be a legendary tier seven warrior!

It is said that no matter whether it is a warfighter or a caster, it will hardly age after breaking through to the seventh order legendary level. Unless it encounters very special circumstances or advances to the eighth order epic level, otherwise the appearance at this time will basically not die. changed. According to this, professionals on the mainland almost know that the younger the legendary strongman, the greater the potential. This shows how rare this genius this legendary strongman appears above Shen Xinghu!

The magician who has always been flying has almost an overwhelming advantage for the warrior. Even from the fourth level of the silver level, the combatants can already stay in the air for a short time. However, regardless of whether it is a Tier 4 silver level or a Tier 5 gold level, the stagnation ability and flexibility of the combatants are not good. Even the sixth-grade Zijin-level combatants are completely at a disadvantage when fighting with the magician in the air while being distanced.

This problem will not change fundamentally until the warrior is promoted to the seventh-order legendary level to understand the skills of Wings of Victory! Compared with the magician's flying magic, the Wings of Victory released by the combatants not only explodes faster in short distances during flight, but also moves and turns more flexibly during combat. Of course, too much consumption and poor endurance are also obvious shortcomings of Wings of Victory. In the final analysis, the magician is more suitable for fighting in the sky.

"This should be the place where the aura of terror appeared just now? Huh ?! How did Shen Xinghu suddenly become like this? Seeing no signs of fighting around here, then the problem should have appeared at the bottom of this lake?"

After frowning and talking to himself, the middle-aged strong man was preparing to dive into the bottom of Shenxing Lake to find out. However, when he looked down at the lake below, a strong wind suddenly came from the western sky. Magic wave!

(Huh ?! Is there a strong man again? No! This magical fluctuation feels natural and violent, and it is simply not what humans can have! Oops! It is a powerful Warcraft above the legendary level! What a pity! The treasure that I finally discovered, hum!)

Even if he didn't want to, he would have to turn around and leave. Generally speaking, the same level of World of Warcraft is much stronger than humans, the more advanced the situation, the more obvious it is. Although it is also a level 7 legendary level, a level 7 warcraft often requires three strong humans to contend! At this time, the middle-aged strong man was only alone, so he could not help but turn away.

About two minutes later, as a raging wind screamed from the west, a strange bird with a blue-green feather and a length of about five meters appeared suddenly at the middle-aged strongman. Beside the location ...

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