Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 463: Treasures and troubles

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Perhaps it was Zhang Yang ’s luck that began to improve. When he left Shenxing Lake and entered the deep forest, four leaks had passed. During this period, Zhang Yang had felt the powerful coercion from Shenxing Lake behind him many times. Zhang Yang knew that these powerful existences were attracted by the blue-violet mine column. If it wasn't for him, he would rush to urge everyone to leave. I'm afraid the three of them were either captured or dead.

In fact, during the journey, Manzhu felt a bit of oppression from behind. In fact, among Zhang Yang, Manzhu and Li Ang, only Li Ang had the slowest sense of perception. There is no need to mention Zhang Yang ’s body power, even Manju ’s mental strength and perception are far superior to those of the same level of professional. Really count, Li Ang ’s weak level of perception is really the level that normal professionals should have. .

"... Wright, you should be able to feel behind ... they? What the **** is going on?"

When Manzhu finally could no longer feel the subtle pressure from behind, she took a deep breath and stepped forward to grab Zhang Yang's expression seriously. Li Zhu's behavior was shocked by Li Ang. In his impressions, he was usually a sleepy and lazy woman who likes to vomit with an indifferent expression on his face. As seriously as now, Li Ang saw it for the first time.

"It's not that I don't want to say it, but that the timing is wrong now, and I can't say it yet. You feel right, Manju. The place we left before Shen Xinghu has now appeared with more than ten legendary strongmen! I can Let me tell you, they all came to the mine column. Think about the secrets that can make more than ten powerful players of the seventh-order legendary level or higher rush over. Is it a blessing or a curse for us now? "

"This ... I get it ..."

Man-zhu didn't think about this before, and at this time Zhang Yangyi reminded her that she understood the seriousness of the matter. If there is such a treasure that the legendary strongman can't help running to snatch, then once discovered by others, the situation of the three will suddenly become extremely dangerous!

"I told you before that Wright is not a person who eats solitary food. If it's not too much, how could it not have our benefits. Although the treasures are good, they need to have the ability to protect them, otherwise it will hurt their lives! What do you two mean by looking at me like this ?! "

"I didn't find it before, Li Ang! It turns out that foodies can say such a reasonable thing! It's a bit fake!"

"Puff ~! Manju, will you suffocate you without vomiting?! ... In fact, I just understand which is more important, treasure and life, nothing more."

"... Although I admit that you said something that made me look at it, but even if you say it well, you can't change the essence of you being a foodie! So, you should restore your original appearance and don't pretend!"

"... you, you, I want to fight you!"

Listening to Man Zhu and Li Ang quarreling with each other, Zhang Yang knew in his heart that these two words were actually said to himself. The meaning of Manzhu and Li Ang is very clear, that is, Zhang Yang is eager to lose treasure and lose his life! However, the two of them are not clear. What Zhang Yang got from the bottom of Shen Xinghu is not a treasure in the ordinary sense. In Zhang Yang's view, that is a big trouble!

After a slight sigh, Zhang Yang was about to speak, and suddenly a non-human and non-beast scream came from the woods not far ahead!

Roar ~ ah ~! !


"What it is!"

It ’s not just Zhang Yang who heard this voice. It ’s probably because the three of them are professionals with good strength. Even after hearing this strange roar, Man Zhu was only strange and not afraid.

"It doesn't sound like the call of Warcraft in general, on the contrary, how do I feel so familiar?"

"Fright! Captain Wright, you can really make trouble! How could you have relatives in this place ?!"

"... Li Ang, someone said to you that you are a wonderful flower?"

"Hey? What do you mean?"

"... Foodie! Wright is saying you have a problem! Really ... I think he is right now ..."

"Not possible!"

"Okay! Stop it! That thing feels a bit dangerous to me. Let's go around and don't provoke it if we can't provoke it!"

"Well, okay."

"Is it possible to be a rare mutant Warcraft ?! That's worth a lot of money!"

Hearing Li Ang ’s words, Zhang Yang glanced at him and then just put a light sentence ‘It seems that someone just said, which is more important, treasure or life? ’Then he took the lead and turned towards the dense bush on the right ...

"Wait !!! You guys listen!"

Zhang Yang and Manzhu had not yet taken ten steps. Li Ang, who was embarrassed, suddenly whispered and quickly made a gesture of mute listening. This move made Zhang Yang and Manzhu stunned at the same time. How everyone knows Li Ang's perception. Just now they clearly didn't hear anything. Which of them is Li Ang making?

"There is a cry of women over there!"

"... Why didn't I hear it?"


"Ok and sure!"

Zhang Yang saw that Li Ang didn't look like a nonsense, and he chose to believe him after a little hesitation. At most, it is desperate to fight. If you find that something really happened afterwards, but you have no control at this time, then there will be no "regret medicine" in the world!

"Go! Everyone is ready to fight!"

Even if he was bullied on the street and the wild dogs robbed Millais, he had never been so scared and so desperate. This adventure was originally all well. Not only the seven mercenaries have gained a lot, but even the blacksmith Joey got several pieces. Valuable mutation magic core. Except for the captain named Wright who left his team midway because of some differences, this adventure of Shen Xinghu can almost be called perfect!

It's just that all of this was destroyed yesterday night! Millet didn't know why a good person would suddenly go crazy, and then swelled and turned into a monster? ! Why can the Ranger named Pino invite a group of Warcraft to listen to it after turning into a monster?

In fact, these are not important to him. Millai just wanted to know: Why did Joey choose to push the self that rushed over to protect him towards the monster at the critical moment when the monster rushed to himself? ! ! why! ! ?

The reason why Millai survived is that his heart is different from ordinary people on the right side! In fact, Millai is dying now, and the claw of the monster penetrates his left chest with a single blow! At that time, he suddenly passed out in pain. If the scattered mercenaries had attracted the attention of monsters and Warcraft, Millais was afraid that it would have been torn to pieces.

When he woke up again, he now used up all his strength. Although the wound on his left chest was simply bandaged, he was still bleeding. Because he hurt his lungs, Millais will involve the wound every time he breathes. When the movement is a little more intense, he will cough up a lot of blood foam. A strong suffocation makes Millai subconsciously want to sleep!

He felt like he was dying. When the monster's inhuman and roar roared again from the rear, the tears in Milley's eyes finally stopped flowing ...

"... Woo ... who can save ... cough! Save me! Help me ..."

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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