Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 464: Twisted life 1

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After reluctantly moving a few steps, Millai stumbled and fell to the front of a bush. At this time, he could not feel the tingling of thorns and branches under him. The massive blood loss not only made him cold, but also made Millai feel more and more dull. Based on the current situation, even if the monster does not appear, Millai will gradually shock and die after a few leaks!

It's just that Miley's nightmare is not over yet. Just when he was struggling to get up, a pouch filled with pus, only three strange faces like humans appeared in the shadow of the deep forest when he came!

"Cuckoo ~! Roar !!!"

(Already ... caught up ... No ... Even if there is only one way to die, I do n’t want to die in the hands of this monster! Do n’t ... no !!!)

Reluctantly struggling to climb into the bushes in front of him, Millais's heart was already desperate. He really regretted this time, regretting that he had not chosen to become a professional! Because of Joey's admission, he was able to survive. In order to repay Joy's affection, Millai chose to stay with him all the time. But, does it really seem worth it now? ! At the most dangerous time, Milley was thinking about Joey's safety, but what about Joey? He pushed Miley to the monster with cold blood and selfishness, the reason was actually just to get a little time to escape! Is it worth it? ! Is it really worth it? ! !

Millai tremblingly looked at the former teammate in front of him. At this time, this guy who had become a terrifying monster was walking towards him step by step, thinking that he might be torn and eaten by it in an instant, frightened to almost numb rice. Lai suddenly figured out something!

(The reason why Joey kept himself was just a whimsy for a while, trying to find someone to take care of the store for him. Although he was not blessed by starvation, he also worked for Joey for the past seven or eight years. Ah! Now that Joey abandons himself mercilessly, this relationship is now clear! From then on, my Mille and Joey have nothing to do with each other! Even if I will die soon, I will not owe anyone anymore. what!)

Millais was thinking of this, the monster had already brought three Warcraft beside him to him. I don't know what influence this monster has mutated or something else. In its red eyes, it now shows a greedy color that only intelligent creatures have!

In the eyes of this monster, Millai, whose left half was stained with blood, was not only a delicacy, but perhaps derived from the fragments of human memory, an inexplicable ** ignited in the monster's heart at the same time!

"Chuck ~ Oh hey ~"

Millai had closed his eyes at this time, he only felt that a horrible and slippery tentacle immediately wrapped around his neck and lifted Millai! However, the expected death of Millais did not come. Instead, he suddenly felt a cold on his body, and the monster used all the tentacles to tear Millai's clothes completely at once!

Although there were always some strange heavy-taste men who would harass Millais from time to time, but in any case, most of them would only take advantage of their mouths. Even the most excessive one was just a middle-aged mercenary who drank after drinking too much Holding his hand, just letting the monsters strip their clothes like this now, Millai never thought about it!

Miley remembers once listening to those mercenaries bragging about saying: Death is not the most terrible thing. Sometimes for the parties, it is even a happiness to be able to die cleanly! At first he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, at that time he felt that the guy who said so must be mentally abnormal!

But now, he was suffocated by being rolled up by his neck, but the remaining blood on his body was compressed and flowed faster! Not only that, in this case, Millai ’s feeling not only recovered instantaneously, but his sensitivity was even better than usual. At this moment, he could even clearly feel the warm blood spewing from the left chest wound again. !

(It, what does it do?)

Not knowing whether it was due to fear or shame, Millai didn't dare to open her eyes at this moment. How he wanted to faint directly, so that even if he died, it would not be painful. However, the monster ’s tentacles were so precise that Milley felt slightly suffocated, but he would not immediately kill him or faint him until a hot barbed tongue licked directly from Milley ’s chest wound. When he took away a large amount of flesh and blood, the fear in Millais' heart finally struggled as the pain reached the limit!

It's just that for this monster, the more Milley struggled, the more excited it seemed, just like cats like to tease mice, this monster even yelled and scared away the Warcraft that came together next to it, a very evil and chaotic atmosphere. Start to emanate from it!

This monster's tentacle is its strongest weapon. Perhaps Millai, who was struggling in vain, ruined his interest. I saw that this monster instantly shrunk the right tentacle into a ball and hit Millai's stomach. Under the severe pain, Millai's body suddenly softened, and at this time, he only had a very painful and clear consciousness ...

Every time the monster licked, Millet's body would lose a piece of flesh and blood. When Zhang Yang and Manzhu rushed out of the jungle and arrived, Millet, who was suspended in the monster's tentacles, except for the head, hands and feet are still intact , Other places on the body have been completely transformed into a vague flesh!

"Damn it! Is this an abyss creature ?! How could something so evil and dirty appear in the Orlando world plane!"

Manju has lived in the Temple of Light since she was a child. In her knowledge, only the most evil and chaotic abyss creatures can be compared with the monsters in front of her! The ritual of light is a combat spellcaster in the temple of light. It has always been the credo of Manju to learn to drive away evil and protect humanity. What's more, she recognized the miserable Millai just at a glance, and at this moment, Manzhu was really angry! !

"In the name of light and justice! [Holy Shield] [Holy Shield] !!!"

Compared with the time-honored Zhang Yang, even Li Ang's combat experience is much richer than Man Zhu. Just between the stunned gods that Man Zhu had just now, Zhang Yang had already rushed towards the monster in front like an arrow from the string! In fact, Li Ang is the most conspicuous at the moment. His response was only slightly slower than that of Zhang Yang. I saw his hands pushed forward together. With the unique mantra written in his mouth, Zhang Yang and his front pointed by Li Ang ’s hands Outside of Millais, a layer of glorious holy shield appeared at the same time!

This is the handcuff ‘【Double Holy Shield Technique】’ that Zhang Yang and Manzhu helped him to study together since this time!

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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