Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 471: The flash of thunder

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As a species that can use elemental magic naturally, because of the existence of the magic core, Warcraft has much more speed and quantity of magic to release than humans during combat. If it weren't for humans, the magic control is much higher than the average Warcraft, I am afraid that the whole Orlando plane will be the world of Warcraft.

However, God always likes to open a window after closing a door for the soul. As an ordinary Warcraft, even if it is powerful, as long as it does not break through the sixth order and advance to the seventh-order legendary adult form, they can only rely on instinctive battles and cannot recite magic spells!

The magical skill of "Triple Casting" is the ability that only humans can learn! In essence, this technique is to cast a double spell in an attack and then release the magic with a spell! Don't underestimate this magical gap, in a close-to-even battle, this sudden magic may well be the key to victory. Even in team battles, this technique will greatly increase the attack strength and explosive power in local battles. If the preparation is not enough, this is probably the last straw that will overwhelm the camel in team battles!

Among the spellcaster's skills, the same thing as the "triple cast" is the "second cast". These skills are not Chinese cabbage by the road. Anyone who wants to learn can learn it. There are very few people in the human race who have the qualification to become magicians. Among them, the casters who can master either of the "triple cast" and "second cast" are less than one percent! Ordinary professionals can know that these two terms are enough to be widely known. The reason why Li Ang can recognize this skill at a glance is due to the few brethren who are called geniuses and make Li Ang unable to lift their heads in ordinary days!

It's just that it's obviously not the time to surprise Li Ang at this moment. He can barely release a [Holy Light Bullet] that has exceeded his limit. At this time, it may be difficult to release the second one. Seeing that his attack was invalid, Li Ang wanted to bless Zhang Yang [Holy Shield], but just as he stared at Zhang Yang ’s back and prepared to cast a spell, a bright and dazzling electric light suddenly lit up from the front of Zhang Yang ’s left hand!

Just when Li Ang raised his hand subconsciously to resist the dazzling white light, a bang came from Zhang Yang's location! At this moment, Li Ang felt dizzy in his head. When he recovered, Zhang Yang deliberately led the red-stripe ape and octopus on a straight line. All of them were missing. As for Zhang Yang, the initiator of all this, he is carrying the octopus monster with his right hand, the head of the head that was cut off by him somehow ...

(What is the ability just now ?! Is this really the power that Wright has been hiding all along ?! Is that flash of white light the power of thunder and lightning ?!)

In fact, the reason why Zhang Yang cut off the head of the Octopus was motionless, not because he wanted to be handsome. Just when Zhang Yang successfully killed the monster that was occupied by the Terna soul and mutated, a powerful soul filled with despair and chaos hit Zhang Yang's body instantly!

Contests about souls are often the cruelest, and as long as they fail, they represent the complete demise of an existence!

The Terna soul who originally chose to occupy Warcraft was once a well-known powerhouse, but fate dictated that the Tandani plane was destroyed when he was expected to rise to legend. Will there be any eggs under the nest? After the destruction of the world of Tandani, his heart was immediately hit hard!

Time is an antidote, but it can also be a poison ...

As time passed in thousands of years, he gradually became more and more desperate!

(Now that the entire plane is destroyed, why should we continue to breathe for the one-hundred-millionth hope? The world in which the world's seed is coming is so beautiful! Like once Tandani ... unfair! The Tandani plane is going to accept the doom of destruction ?! But for thousands of years it has been so calm here !? Those scholars once said that the destruction of Tandani is all because the Terna people like chaos and killing to overcome magic! They may be right, but that does n’t matter anymore. Since everything has happened, then we should respond to what they said? !!!)

He actively chooses to fall, and he still has a strong soul. When he fully used his talents and successfully occupied a third-order strength mercenary, he accidentally mutated when he assimilated this body! As a result of this mutation, not only did the mercenary look like a monster resembling an octopus, but even the soul of the Terna people fell into eternal chaos! Since then, although the proud Terna has regained the opportunity to use [occupation], the rest of his consciousness, except for a few instincts derived from the consciousness of the human mercenary, is left. As a Terna, he finally wanted to destroy everything ...

At the moment it was killed by Zhang Yang, the Octopus instinctively used the [occupancy] ability of the Terna people! I do n’t know if Zhang Yang is lucky or unfortunate. With the double protection of Zhang Yang ’s transformed soul and the lightning thunder nebula in the soul, the monster ’s soul was released from the edge of the lightning nebula at the moment of rushing into Zhang Yang The bright white lightning strikes are shattered!

However, this unintentional blow actually gave the Terna's soul a real relief in a sense! Not only did he regain his consciousness as a Terna, he also felt the mysterious connection between Zhang Yang and the world of Tandani from the contact of his soul!

At that moment, there was no regret in his broken soul. Before it was completely reduced to nothingness, the soul of the Terna man who had walked in the middle of his way, tried his last force to convey to Zhang Yang a very simple But the consciousness that is so important is fluctuating!

"Thank you……"

As the torn corpse of the red-stripe ape and the eight-clawed monster thumped down ~ thumped down one after another, Zhang Yang carrying the head of the eight-clawed monster also recovered. From Zhang Yang's [occupied] skill hit to complete recovery, in reality, it only took less than two instants. However, in everyone's soul space, the running laws of time and space are almost different from the real world.

This time Zhang Yang felt everything in the soul space was not as long as it was after being hit by the [Aging Curse], but it seems that he has also spent a few days in his feeling!

At this time, Zhang Yang could have a real understanding of the Terna people. The hope that tens of thousands of souls at the bottom of the lake showed together, and the despair and joy Zhang Yang felt in this battle. The more contact and understanding, Zhang Yang feels heavier!

Was this inexplicably taken on the burden really capable of being provoked by his rootless duckweed like "traverser" and "outland creatures"?

If you choose to do it yourself, the dream that you wanted to travel through Orlando may not be realized ...

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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