Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 472: The thought of Manju and Li Ang 1

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Not to mention the tangled thoughts in Zhang Yang's heart, until the red stock demon ape and the eight-claw monster both died, Manzhu slowly kneeled down on the ground stiffly.

Manzhu is a rare genius, but at the same time she is also a delicate flower that has always grown in the greenhouse! She has almost never experienced any "wind and rain". Except for this adventure with Zhang Yang to Shenxing Lake, stuck in the third-order black iron intermediate level has not been able to enter. It can be regarded as the biggest problem that Man Zhu has encountered since his memory. .

No one is born to face life and death, and to face danger. To do this requires a painful or long process. To be straightforward, this is the price of growth.

Zhang Yang once said to Manzhu that he has a way to make her break through the bottleneck. In fact, Zhang Yang has already seen that what Manzhu lacks now is just experience! The study of the total nest is done by scholars, even the magician needs to go out for various trials. Traveling, fighting, being injured, and even experiencing the danger of death are all the processes that a professional needs to go through as he grows up.

The road of growth is always full of hardships and hardships, and you have to pay the same or more price for what you want! Zhang Yang is not a good teacher. His method is always difficult to accept at first, but generally speaking, as long as it passes the initial period of time, the progress is also very obvious!

In fact, there are only two people who have been personally taught by Zhang Yang so far. Coincidentally, these two are actually women-Nier Jielina, who is used to calling Zhang Yang an adult, and Anna, a female magician who is used to calling him Mr. Zhang.

It may be possible that Manzhu and Li Ang will join this rank in the future, but Zhang Yang does n’t care too much about it. He just does what he wants and does what he wants ...

It took a full five minutes to leak Manzhu before taking a breath. At this point, Zhang Yang had asked Li Ang to dig out the magic nuclei of the red-stripe ape and the eight-claw monster one by one. As Zhang Yang had guessed before, the magic nuclei in the brain of the eight-claw monster were indeed the best in a mutant magic nuclei! Although the level of this magic core is only the fourth-order intermediate level, which is not high or low, this magic core with the size of thumb and the light purple in the dark is not an ordinary product at first sight!

Li Ang is not an expert in this field. He ca n’t analyze what the attribute of this magic core is and how valuable it is, but he knows that if he takes this thing back to Bros City and sells it, he should be able to exchange a large amount of gold coins. Right.

In contrast, the fourth-order advanced magic core produced by the Red-Stocked Devil Ape can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. Although the size is more than half that of the black-purple one before, no matter how shiny it is or how it feels, it must be too much. But even so, the magic core produced by the fourth-order advanced Warcraft is worth nearly a thousand gold coins!

Because Zhang Yang was so amazing that when everyone was safe, Li Ang was no longer as casual as before when he faced Zhang Yang again. To him, there are too many mysteries hidden in Wright's body. The things he experienced from childhood made Li Ang understand that sometimes knowing too much is not good for himself!

At the beginning, Li Ang thought that Wright was at most a professional like himself, but from the performance just now, Wright is definitely the kind of presence that has the strength to kill himself! Whether in awe of strength or in terms of his own habits, Li Ang feels that he should remain sufficiently respectful of this mysterious captain Wright since then.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful, you can kill two World of Warcrafts with 4th rank or higher in one blow!

Although Zhang Yang was somewhat surprised by Li Ang's sudden change of attitude, he could understand it. As an ordinary person, studying in a place like the Sanctuary of Lights in Franks is also very hard? It is said that most of the talents with spellcasters are inherited from the blood, and want to survive in the kind of clan where the family is lined with factions. If the low-level priest of the ordinary civilian background of Li Ang does not have this kind of mentality, I may have been Has it been eliminated?

Thinking of Zhang Yang's failure to answer Li Ang here, he didn't even look at the two magic nuclei any more, but instead quickly walked to Millai who fell to the ground after being abused by the octopus.

"... you, can you still hear me?"

Looking at several wounds on his leg covered with blood and even exposing his bones, he still looked at his Millais. Zhang Yang suddenly didn't know what to say to him. Judging from Zhang Yang's experience, Millai suffered such a serious injury, and even if she survived, she could not be completely cured. Even if the Orlando world has the magical skill of healing magic, but as far as Zhang Yang knows, none of the magic that can completely cure Millais is below the seventh order!

However, even if you can ask a legendary priest to heal this little person, Millai can't wait in time.

"Ah ... ah ... ah ..."

Looking at Millais, who opened his mouth but could only make intermittent sounds, Zhang Yang suddenly turned his head to look at Manzhu, who was not far away and sat on the ground without saying a word!

In fact, the reason why Man-zhu is so scared of the red stock ape is because of a visit two years ago. At that time, she stayed in the bright temple of Rose Flower Town to read the classics, and suddenly after a complicated footstep, a female archer who seemed to have only half a breath had been taken into the temple hall by her companion. Unlike ordinary sword wounds and the damage caused by Warcraft Minions, the female archer's front chest and lower body are all **** and rotten! Afterwards, with the efforts of all the priests and priests, the female archer managed to save her life, but within two days when she woke up, she suddenly committed suicide!

In those days, Manju was really terrified. In addition to the description of the mercenaries who added fuel and vinegar, the red stock ape almost became the most terrible nightmare in Manju's consciousness! Because of this, when the red stock demon ape actually appeared in front of Manzhu, she was so distraught and scared to move!

"Manju! Manju! Wake up! Hello!"

Feeling that his blown-up face was actually forced by a pair of powerful hands, Manzhu really recovered.

"You, Wright ?!"

"Fortunately, it's not really stupid! Can you move? Millais can't do it! Now only you and Li Ang can save his life, no matter how you try it!"

Speaking of which, Zhang Yang saw that Manzhu was still unresponsive. He even picked up Manzhu by hand and then ran to Millai's side a few steps later.

"You guys! Let go! Let me down !!"

I don't know whether it was because of humiliation or when Manzhu saw the corpse of the red stock ape just when Zhang Yang was holding him. At this time, she was considered to have returned to normal.

Compared to fighting, it is Manju and Li Ang's true skill to treat injuries. Therefore, after Zhang Yang showed his intentions, Manzhu still had some vain steps and Li Ang with a sad face had to stand on each side of Millet's body. As the sound of the spell in the second population sounded, two soft white lights suddenly shone from the hands of the two on Millet's body ...

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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