Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 479: The crisis of mutant magic nuclei

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After Joey's body was buried by Zhang Yang, Millai first thanked him very seriously, and then changed back to the state of life that was silent and silent.

Zhang Yang knew that the stimulation he had received before was too great. Such mental and physical trauma can not be overcome in a short period of time. If Milley wants to return to normal, both the body and the spirit need time to calm up. .

In fact, Zhang Yang originally felt that there was some unpleasant trait in Millais, which was one of the reasons why Zhang Yang was willing to save him. However, after guessing the possible grievances that occurred between Joey and Millais, Zhang Yang had a new understanding of Millais! After a person who is kind to himself has harmed himself and can still remember the past grace, Millai can be regarded as a good person. Saving a good person is much more important for Zhang Yang than killing a hundred bad guys. For this reason, Zhang Yang even silently accepted Li Ang's secretly peeking eyes from him!

(Looking at the meaning in his eyes, maybe I was regarded as the pervert of the greedy Miley. But he did n’t know how to move his foodie head to think about it, even if his face looked beautiful, he was already injured. Is there any abnormality in that Millais who wants to approach? Anyone who sees his scars all over his body will probably dispel the idea?) Just when Zhang Yang confessed to Li Ang in secret, he wanted to leave long ago. Manzhu, who made her disgusting unknown Warcraft Lair, suddenly made a sound of surprise!

"Come here! See what I found!"

After hearing Man Zhu's surprised voice, Zhang Yang and Li Ang thought she was in danger and ran quickly. However, after coming to Manzhu, Zhang Yang found that there was a dirt pit on the ground in front of Manzhu. At this time, something was shining in the sun!

Because of the fact that Millai was behind him, Zhang Yang did not go too far ahead, but he had already seen with his eyesight that what was buried in the pit looked a bit like the magic core of Warcraft! How can this be? !

"Oh, I'm going ~ !!! My mother can be developed this time! It turned out to be a magic core! A lot of magic cores !!!"

As Li Ang squatted down carefully to remove the layer of floating soil, the dozens of colorful magic nuclei in the pit suddenly showed their true colors! Looking at a pile of magic nuclei shining brightly in the sun, Li Ang felt like he was hit by an enormous sudden happiness!

"Why are there so many magic nuclei buried here? I don't remember in the book that Warcraft will first eat the magic nuclei in the brain of the prey after successfully catching it ?!"

"Why do he do so much! This is a pile of third-order unowned magic nuclei! Look at the quality of these magic nuclei, almost all of them are mutant magic nuclei! At this time the wealth that God has given us Take away! Take away! Sent! Sent ... "

At this time, Li Ang is full of money and money, and where can he reasonably think about other things. Although Manzhu felt wrong, she didn't see any specifics. In her view, this might be a special storage of Warcraft.

(Are they all mutant mutant nuclei? So to speak, these are all the Warcraft occupied by the Terna soul, and the mutant Warcraft completely assimilated with it is left behind? If it is true, then is it possible? In this way, does normal Warcraft not eat the magic cores of Warcraft that have been mutated after being occupied by the Terna soul?) Although Zhang Yang has analyzed the truth of some things, he still does not know these magic cores at all It's just 'hot potato'! The Warcraft mutated after being occupied by the Terna soul, their magic core is simply a poison for ordinary Warcraft to eat! Although this mutant magic core contains a large amount of energy, it will cause uncontrolled mutation after being eaten by Warcraft! Therefore, in addition to low-level Warcraft below the third order may also be eaten by mistake, high-level Warcraft will never devour!

In fact, Zhang Yang and others are in a nest of fifth-order bone claw carvings! This kind of flying warcraft that goes out day and night is obviously the same as all the advanced warcraft around Shenxing Lake, knowing what can eat and what can not be eaten. Because of this, after the usual hunting, these inedible mutant magic nuclei will be left unconsciously by it.

Zhang Yang didn't say much when he watched Li Ang happily pack away all the piles of colored magic nuclei. This trip to Shen Xinghu was originally for himself. At this time, since his purpose of treating his right hand has been achieved, it is understandable that his companions can get more benefits. Although Li Ang loves money, he does not eat solitary food. Man Zhu's trip is frightened and frustrated, and he should get some income. It is from this kind of thinking that Zhang Yang and his team of four talents will usher in a real crisis after the next omission!

"Damn it! Where did so many mutant Warcraft come from! Did we steal their eggs ?! Why would suddenly start attacking us endlessly! Hey ~ ?! How come there is a magic wolf? Ah Ah !!! Help! [Holy Shield]! "

Li Ang has been resisting sweat all over this time! From the time before the leak, I do n’t know what crazy the Warcraft in this deep forest suddenly went crazy. One by one, the mutant Warcraft have begun to launch crazy attacks on the four! Li Ang clearly remembers that when the three of them went to Shen Xinghu before, many of Warcraft would not take the initiative to attack even if they met them! However, this situation is completely reversed at this time, not to mention those who seem to be carnivorous types of Warcraft, Li Ang even found that many herbivorous types of Warcraft have also joined the ranks of attacking four people!

At the beginning, Zhang Yang was able to shoot arrows with a heavy metal bow to kill Warcraft. However, after half the time, the remaining arrows in Zhang Yang's hands were consumed! At that time, Li Ang was still thinking about digging out Zhang Yang's magic core to kill Warcraft, but now let's not dig up the magic core, Li Ang even has problems with self-protection!

If he and Manzhu could release [Holy Shield] to resist some low-level Warcraft attacks, I am afraid that they would be killed by the crazy Warcraft without waiting for Zhang Yang to return!

Yes! Crazy! Zhang Yang was full of doubts at this time, he didn't understand why these Warcraft would suddenly attack themselves like crazy. Now he is holding a bone dagger in one hand and using a heavy metal bow as a stick. Because of the lack of weapon lethality, Zhang Yang feels overwhelmed at this time!

In order to facilitate his movement, Zhang Yang had already tied Mile to his back. As the battle became more intense, he was even forced to use [Thunderbolt Enhancement]! However, [Lightning Enhancement] is an explosive force, and Zhang Yang ’s physical fitness can only use about 90 instants at a time at most! To the extent he can afford, Zhang Yang can only use [Thunderbolt Enhancement] three times now! If he used this hole card prematurely, once he encountered a Tier 5 Warcraft or multiple Tier 4 Warcraft, the four talents were really dangerous!

"Wright! My magic power is only 20%! And the [Holy Shield] outside of me is about to be bitten by these mutant flying squirrels! Help me find a way!"

A knife stabbed into the back of the mutant wind-scarred deer in front of him, Zhang Yang gasped and watched Manzhu surrounded by five mutant first-order flying squirrels. Although the holy shield outside her has become more and more bleak, in Zhang Yang's view, she is temporarily safe. Compared with Manju, Li Ang seems to be more troublesome!

At this time, Li Ang was carrying a bright holy shield and was thrown to the ground by a wind-type magic wolf. Otherwise, because the round holy shield was really not good for the magic wolf, he could only use his claws to scramble. Li Ang had no energy to do that howl.

"Don't struggle too much! It's really dangerous if it remembers to attack your holy shield with magic!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Yangfei kicked away the jumping lizard that had been around him trying to attack. Before the guy rushed back, Zhang Yang rushed to Manzhu in a few steps, and then only a few times. The mutated flying squirrel of the middle level is annihilated.

"Follow me! Don't be too far away from me, or I'm afraid I can't take care of you! Go!"

Finally, taking a few words to command Man-zhu, Zhang Yang first approached and accelerated, and then a kick kick went to the wind-type magic wolf on Li Ang. Only as a wind demon wolf, speed is its strength. When he saw someone dare to attack him, this demon wolf blinked, and a strong [air burst] was forced by Zhang Yang. Fall to the ground!

"Be careful! It's starting to use magic!"

During the speech, Zhang Yang jumped to the left to avoid the "Enhanced Wind Blade" that came from the "Air Burst", and I didn't know what crazy this demon wolf was doing. Although he was attacking Zhang Yang at this time, but Its body has been stepping on the holy shield outside Li Ang's body, and has no meaning of moving!

Looking at the hint of lavender revealed in the wind blade, Zhang Yang knew that this wind-type magic wolf was indeed a mutant Warcraft occupied by the Terna soul!

(The reason why the mutant flying squirrels attacked Manzhu was because she attacked the flying squirrel that originally flew at Li Ang with [Holy Light Bomb]. And I have been standing in front of Li Ang to block the Warcraft, so I will be attacked first? Now, even if I attack me, I still follow the mutant magic wolf that Li Ang does not hold ... Do they attack us, do they want to attack Li Ang ?! But what is the point of attacking me, what is the purpose of attacking Li Ang? Those magic nuclei !?) Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly found that these mad warriors attacking them like crazy are all exceptions due to the occupancy of the Warner's soul! No wonder they are so crazy, presumably because Li Ang holds too many mutant magic nuclei, so they mistakenly thought Zhang Yang and others slaughtered their companions? !

"Li Ang! Quickly throw away all the mutant magic nuclei that you carry! They are likely to attack us only at this!"

Zhang Yangyue thought more and more that this possibility was very high, so while he tried his best to avoid the "Women Blade" shot by the magic wolf, he rushed to the place where Li Ang was, and shouted loudly on the other side.

Listening to Zhang Yang's cry, Li Ang and Man Zhu also reacted at once. Although Li Ang is greedy for money, he still can distinguish between gold coins and his life. It's just that when he just took the pocket with the magic core out of his arms, the magic wolf above his head instantly turned red!

[This book comes from, read the original content for the first time! ]


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