Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 480: Return to Bros safely

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Zhang Yang originally thought that after Li Ang threw away his mutant magic core, these Warcraft will let him go. But the fact seems to be contrary to Zhang Yang's expectations. After seeing Li Ang taking out so many mutant magic nuclei, the demon wolf, who had been holding the Holy Shield outside Li Ang, began to frantically release the attack to Li Ang under him. magic!

"Ah ~ !!! Help, help !!!"

[Holy Shield] outside of Li Ang is just a third-order defense magic of light system. Although the effect of this magic is not a normal abnormal after being released from Li Ang ’s hands, but this magic ca n’t stand a lot of third-order [Enhanced Wind Blade] Bombing indiscriminately nearby!

Although Li Ang still has some magic power left, there is a slight gap between the disappearance and release of the magic shield! If this magic wolf continues to bomb regardless of its own consumption, this slight interval is likely to kill Li Ang!

At this time, Zhang Yang could no longer keep it for Li Ang's life, and the power of [Thunderbolt Strengthening] had already swept his body in an instant! At this time, Zhang Yang can already compete with the fifth-level gold junior warriors in terms of speed and strength. Therefore, when the demon wolf that released the [Enhanced Wind Blade Technique] crazy against Li Ang has not yet reacted, Zhang Yang has been ruthless The bone dagger in the hand was inserted into the magic wolf from the top of the head!

Li Ang was really scared! He watched the layer of Holy Shield outside him quickly fade away under the continuous attack of the demon wolf, except for fear or fear in his heart! As a light priest who is good at the magic of [Holy Shield], he knows the loophole of this magic better than anyone! Once there is a casting gap between the broken shield and the release again, he will definitely die!

However, when Li Ang was sweating anxiously, Wright's figure suddenly appeared behind the magic wolf! Li Ang knew this was because Wright just moved too fast to exceed his visual endurance, but he was able to save a life and Li Ang had nothing to ask for.

(... Sure enough, it is the problem of these mutant magic nuclei, but I can feel that another batch of Warcraft will soon approach from the side, even if you drop it, I am afraid that you will be attacked? If you can completely isolate these mutant magic nuclei. The breath is just fine ... hey ?! That's right!) Suddenly Zhang Yang thought of a way to see him use his left hand to touch the bag of mutant magic nuclei. With Zhang Yang's soul power, those magic nuclei With their breath, they disappeared completely!

"Wright be careful! There is another demon behind you ... Hey ?! Then ... how can it stop suddenly ?!"

Just after Zhang Yang put away the bag of mutant magic nuclei, a demon wolf that had just emerged from the woods not far behind Zhang Yang suddenly stood in place! Li Ang was surprised to see that the demon wolf first quelled strangely, then after sniffing left and right, he turned his head miraculously and disappeared into the deep forest when he came! what's going on? !

(I did n’t expect it to be the problem of these mutant magic nuclei. Fortunately, the self-contained space in the space ring is completely isolated from the outside world, otherwise, let this batch of mutant warcraft endless crazy attacks, we may not be able to get out of this deep forest. ......) Zhang Yang's possession of space objects is already a secret known to both Man Zhu and Li Ang. When Zhang Yang stood up empty-handed, the two of them suddenly thought of this possibility.

"Oh, I'm going! It turned out to be the trouble caused by these mutant magic nuclei! If you knew this already, you would leave them in your custody from the beginning! It would scare me just now! You don't know, I am the first in my life I was so close to a Warcraft at once! Its big paws still stepped on me as a ball, and I leaned! I thought I was dead! Mom! Thank God! Oh no! Thank you Wright! Hey, I can survive. This is great……"

Li Ang was really scared. He was now completely sitting on the ground and talking incessantly, looking like that, it was estimated that Li Ang would not be able to stand up for a while.

"Manju, are you okay?"

Walking over to stretch out his hand and gently pull up Manzhu, Zhang Yang found that her hand was so scary that it was cold! After confirming that Manzhu was not injured, it goes without saying that Zhang Yang also knew that she was also terrified.

"Relax, as long as we don't actively attack the mutant Warcraft here, they shouldn't attack us anymore. So, go! Back to Bross City, this trip to Shenxing Lake is over."

Although he said so, in fact, Zhang Yang didn't really say a word. In his view, Li Ang and Man Zhu are really not suitable for doing mercenaries or adventurers. Adventure and killing are too reluctant for them. Even if it is too slow to improve the strength in the city, it is better than losing your life ...

Afterwards, Zhang Yang and his group of four finally stopped and returned to the city of Bross in the evening of the fifth day. During this period, under the continuous treatment of Manju and Li Ang, Millai's injuries have basically healed, but the injuries to the lower abdomen and legs are too heavy. The injuries to the legs take more time. The lower abdomen ... It's no longer the therapist Li Ang and Man Zhu can cope with.

In fact, from an adventurer's point of view, Zhang Yang's trip to Shenxing Lake can be regarded as a great achievement, but Zhang Yang is not a pure adventurer. Whether it is the status of a mercenary or the title of an adventurer, it does not matter to him. Zhang Yang just wanted to live freely, and would accept the request of the Terna people, which was enough surprise.

After returning to the city, the four people were really tired and choked. At this time, after they settled in the room on the second floor of the tavern, Zhang Yang and three decided to go to the tavern to eat and drink. Also unable to withstand the exhaustion of body and mind, he went to rest.

In fact, it is only Man Zhu and Li Ang who are really tired. For this level of fighting, Zhang Yang's physical fitness and mentality are almost completely stress-free. However, Zhang Yang was not the only one who could not sleep, and Millais also stared at the sky with a pair of godless but beautiful eyes, staring blankly ...

(Why did he save me? Was it because he called for help at that time? But hurting myself like this really does n’t want to live anymore ... In this world, he has no concerns anymore ... Still alive. Let's go ...) For the time being, let's not mention Millai who looked at the ceiling of the house and couldn't sleep. Zhang Yang was also entangled at the moment. After touching the seeds of the world of Tandani, Zhang Yang could hardly fall asleep again every night. At first, once or twice, it can be said to be accidental, but every time Zhang Yang is going to sleep, he will be dragged into a dream of the Terna people involuntarily! There he can not only feel all the emotions belonging to the owner of the dream, but even the memories of those belonging to the owner of the dream will continue to be poured into Zhang Yang's mind uncontrollably!

Zhang Yang doesn't know if this is the intentional result of the Terna, but he himself is very resistant to this happening! In his view, the dream seemed to remind him every day of the task of reviving the Terna. Not only that, memory is an extremely precious asset for Zhang Yang, and he can add it arbitrarily without his consent. Zhang Yang is very angry but there is no way.

For this reason, Zhang Yang once summoned Ogila and other Terna survivors to ask when no one was around, but on the one hand, Ogila did not know in advance, on the other hand, she analyzed that this phenomenon is likely to be caused by Tanda The strong will of the Neterna's relics, the seed of the Nigerian world. Because of Zhang Yang's connection with the world's species, he could feel all this! This connection not only completely surpasses time and space, but also shows that this connection may not be released once it is concluded!

Of course, maybe when the desire of the Nederna people in the Tandani world can be fulfilled, Zhang Yang can be freed, but this is almost the same as the current method for him.

Looking at the gradual whiteness of the fish belly outside the window, Zhang Yang knew that another night had passed unconsciously. Because ‘Eu Jue’ is completely different from ordinary fighting spirit, under normal circumstances, Zhang Yang does n’t even have to deliberately practice! This makes Zhang Yang, who always runs around, suddenly feels that he has been idle all of a sudden, and is even not very comfortable. But when he felt a little distracted, the door of his room was knocked.

Tap and tap ~ "Wright, are you up?"

Just listening to the sound, Zhang Yang knew that the person came was Man Zhu, but what did she come to do this morning?

"Early Manju, look like you haven't got enough sleep yet?"

"... Nothing, I think you must have many questions in your heart to ask Uncle Loza? Since I'm back, I'll take you as soon as possible. In fact, I have many questions that I didn't find the answer to ..."

"... Would you like to bring Li Ang together? I think if Angela is healed, she should want to see this guy who has saved herself?"

"Forget it, isn't it good for him to be an ordinary person quietly? Sometimes it's tiring to know too much? Just like someone stays overnight."

"Uh ~! This ..."

"I didn't say you again, what are you anxious to explain? Go away ..."

Zhang Yang knew that Man Zhu was actually talking about herself. She actually cared about what happened under Shen Xinghu with her. But as she said, Man Zhu actually understood that Zhang Yang did n’t tell her that she meant it for her. However, a woman is such a creature full of contradictions. On the one hand, her reason tells her that Zhang Yang does not say that it is actually for her good. On the other hand, her original intention is to want to know Zhang Yang's secret! Because of this, Man Zhu's heart is so tangled ...

In the early morning, the city of Bros is still quiet, accompanied by the morning fog that wandered around, Zhang Yang and Manzhu went out of the tavern and went straight out of the city. Reflecting the gradually brightening sky, Zhang Yang took a deep breath of the cool air around him at this moment, and then slowly exhaled after a short pause.

No matter what kind of fate you have, and whether or not you have been destined for these encounters, you should be stolen and happy now that you can live alive, even if you have more responsibilities? Zhang Yang believes that there will be gains if you give, as long as you do your best to let yourself and those you care about live well, will there be no regrets?

Zhang Yang really didn't want to leave any regrets ... like the blood flower that was so beautiful and blooming ...

[This book comes from, read the original content for the first time! ]


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