Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 495: April's provocation

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Hearing April said this, when Lerella had reached her mouth, she was held back. Although she admits that I do n’t know why Apple is looking at this guy named Wright, but the real reason for this is because Lerella wants to buy the other party ’s space bag. Now if this is true, Lerella is natural There was no light on his face, and it happened that April spoke, and Lerella was temporarily not ready to speak.

Although Ingrid has an upright personality, it does not mean that she is stupid! The reason that April said was too far-fetched, but after all, the relationship between their sisters has always been very good, even if Ingir guessed that April seemed to be covering up, she was not good to speak out in public. In fact, this is just a trivial matter, but what really makes her angry is the half sentence behind April!

Ever since she returned to Bross City, Ingir has mentioned Wright with Apriel more than once. How could they not hear the familiarity and respect between their words? Ingil thought that the two sisters would care about their feelings and calm down, but did not expect that the second sister, Apriel, would force himself to express his position! In fact, in her heart, she always felt that even if they found themselves helping to bully the strange strongman Ingir, they would not have the slightest opinion, but Captain Wright is not a stranger! He and his own can be regarded as a fatal relationship, the question of April suddenly put Ingir into a dilemma.

"Why don't you speak !? It's hard to be this guy, have you ignored our sister's feelings for so many years?"

Seeing that Ingrid was silent for a while, April said more pretentiously. Hearing Ingrid's temper here also came up. She suddenly looked up at April's eyes and said dryly:

"I heard you said that I was bullied before I ran over to help you out, but now I found out that it was the second sister you want to go to Wright's trouble ?! Don't talk about your business, Captain Wright's temperament is clear to me! Furthermore, it is unlikely that both of you are my friends, and it would be impossible for me to help each other. In this case, it ’s my opinion that you still stop! It ’s not a big deal anyway! "

Seeing Ingrid say this, Lerella really felt a bit regretful for her recklessness.

"... the three sisters also make sense. Since they are all friends of Ingir, I think we should forget it."

Speaking of which, Lerella gently pushed away Mu Kecha, who had been standing in front of her side, and paid a deep salute to the mysterious man who had been silent, and then said:

"Thank you for your generosity, Lerella apologized to you, please believe that we only want to fight for this, I never wanted to hurt you, sorry ~!"

"Miss! You ... Mukcha is incompetent !!"

Seeing Lerella voluntarily confess to the other party and seek peace, the Mukcha in front of her actually knelt towards Lerella with one knee! In his opinion, if she was stronger and defeated her opponent directly, Miss Lella would not have to whisper and apologize. It's just that Mukhacha didn't think about it carefully. He didn't want the other party. It was just a few of them. Now, with an apology, it can be over. It has given Ingir a big face.

However, when Lerella bowed her head to admit her mistake, Aprilel sneered and said negatively:

"Okay! Okay! One of your elbows turned outwards, and the other is actually a courageous person! Did you forget the pride and glory of the three of us ?! Or did you challenge the fifth-tier gold with four-tier silver strength? The courage of the thieves and the bandits have been lost ?! "

After being bailed out by April, Lerella was speechless for a moment, but at this time, Ingrid looked contemptuous and sad. When she saw it, she yelled back with anger and disappointment!

"Are you embarrassed to be proud ?! Since you came back to Franks two years ago two years ago, April, the second sister! Did you know that your whole person has changed !? Not only the temper became irritable, to men The attitude is suddenly showing hatred! You said that we are sisters, but we asked you what happened, but you were angry with us! Now you are not even divided between good and bad, are you doing death? What ?! "

Ingrid's sudden outburst suddenly calmed everyone present. Although she did not have the luck to deliberately release her coercion, Lerella and Mukcha still felt a little frightened!

Regarding what is happening to April, Lerella has been trying her best and has not found an answer. As mentioned by Ingill today, April himself himself was scolded at this moment. He speak!

"... No matter what you say, I will never do that! You guys don't help me, right? Then I'll do it yourself! Your name is Wright? If you're still a man, fight me one-on-one! I wonder if you dare? "

Now that this has been said, Zhang Yang knows that he can no longer be silent. He thought that there was Ingir, and both sides looked at her affection, and it would be okay to expose the matter, but he didn't expect that Appler would have gone crazy like this. How could he not live with himself?

"I don't remember seeing you before, why did you have to target me, Miss?"

Listening to Zhang Yang's still calm voice, an inexplicable look appeared in Appler's eyes somehow, but in a flash, Appler recovered, and the glance just now seemed like Did not appear in general!

"I have never seen a man like you in ink! Fight or not, you are happy! If you are afraid, now beg for mercy. Aprilel may let you go !!"

"April! You are too much!"

"The second son!"

Before Zhang Yang could speak, Ingrid and Lerella shouted first. However, in the face of the anger from the sisters, April did not pay any attention to her. Now she just stares at Zhang Yang with both eyes, looking like that, it is really like a lunatic!

"If you want to fight, then fight. Right here?"

In fact, when he left Bross City before, Zhang Yang discovered that today's road is really too quiet. The city of Bros is also a well-known big city in northern France. The mercenary traders on weekdays will not be as deserted as they are today.

Zhang Yang didn't know if this was pre-arranged by Lerella and others. When Zhang Yang was previously ambushed, at first Zhang Yang thought the other party was a robber. It was normal to kill him at that time. Now that the nature has turned into a duel, it's a bit wrong to start in the middle of the road.

"Humph! A man in a pretentious manner! To tell you the truth, there is an open space in the woods behind me, which was originally prepared to teach you, if I said to go there duel I don't know if you dare to go?"

"Lead the way."

Facing the provocative look in April's contempt, Zhang Yang just nodded lightly and said no more words after three words. After seeing such a random reaction, April did not know why she was so angry that her forehead was so blue that she only heard two good words from her and walked towards the woods behind her as soon as she shook her head.


Among the prestigious 'three flowers' in Bross City, Miss Lella was called the 'queer flower' and the second child April was called the 'flower of fire'. Called 'The Flower of Ice' ...

The reason for this title is that, except that the three are beautiful women, most of them come from the characteristics of the three. Lerella's mind is cleverly good at alchemy and management, and it is no exaggeration to call it 'Qihua'; April and Ingir were the strongest swordsmen in the younger generation of Bross City because of April The practice is the fifth-order fire department's "Extreme Flame Fight", and the use of the weapon "true red" is also the reason for the rare fifth-order fire department magic sword, so she is called the "flower of fire".

However, those who are familiar with the three of them know that, compared with the Ingrid who practiced the ‘Frost Fighting Trick’ holding the ‘Silver Frost’ magic sword, Aprilel ’s character seemed to be more in line with the name ‘Flower of Ice’. Contrary to Appler ’s arrogant personality, Ingril, who has a bold personality and loves nonsense, seems to be the one who belongs to ‘Fire’ ...

Apearl, who is clearly cultivating fire, has a cold and arrogant personality, and the cultivator passes the ice grievance, but Ingrid, who likes to fight indiscriminately, the two of them have always been talked about by the residents of the city of Bros. , But this situation continued until the day when April returned from the capital Franks two years ago ...

On the way when he came, Zhang Yang, the soul of Zhang Yang who was walking with several people at the end of the party together with Ingir and Millais, was released, but with a wave of kung fu, the elf bow and quiver he had originally carried It was instantly replaced by the Warhammer 'Power of Omok'. Ingir had known for a long time that he had a space bag, so she was not surprised at all. She just thought that she could put such a big warhammer in and out, and the space equipment was amazing! But unlike Ingrid, an layperson, after feeling personally that Zhang Yang was using space equipment, the whole person showed an incredible shock for the first time!

(How is this possible! If I feel nothing wrong, he still hides an extremely powerful space equipment! If he said that, did all the things he bought a few days ago crazy buy into space equipment? Among them ?! In this way, the unknown space equipment, the inner space is afraid that it will not be less than one hundred cubic meters !!! That is already a legendary treasure!) Thinking of these Lerella suddenly I feel a bit cold, there are too many secrets in this person! I'm afraid that even Ingill, who is very familiar with him, didn't know it. Thinking about it, he accidentally realized that the man behind him walked in the soft woods with a heavy weapon like the power of Omok. When a weird situation made a sound, she turned her head subconsciously to pay attention to the state of Mu Kecha beside her!

(The difference will be so big! April, she is only afraid of this time ...) Lerella thought with some concern, but the duel chosen by April has arrived ...



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