Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 496: Flower of War 1

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The following is provided for you-"Ere, Chapter 496, The Flower of War (I)"-please enjoy!

Come and read the novel [*] At this time, Zhang Yang and others were in this place; this forest glade is about; more than 200 square meters; looks; in fact, the distance is downhill; the road is less than one kilometer; if it is not because of the surrounding trees Weeds; blocking; intercourse; travellers are afraid that they can see this refreshing; open space from the side of the road.

As you can see; Zhang Yang may even be; ready to fight; April and the mad woman as two before! The two sides are no more than ten meters apart at the moment; Zhang Yang puts the heavy hand in his hand; Warhammer Omok's power is pestered on the ground; look; the name opposite is staring; his sword in his hand is fascinated; Apriel said; both ;; said.

Before; life and death and Zhang Yang hands; April, I do n’t know what nerves are looming; just when Ingil is ready to urge; time; April; some hollow; the voice came slowly.

"This; the fifth-order fire magic sword is named" True Sleeve "; yes; in the Moman family; the inheritance; only in the past; the strongest in the family; young people can wear it. With; at present; in terms of strength; use It fights ;;; you can ;; fighting power increases by at least 2%! Hope you also be careful! "

April has no head and tail; a few; suddenly confused Lerella and Ingir ;; how can we not understand what April said before the duel? Difficult ;; Can you kindly remind your opponent that you are not successful?

Among all the people here; except Aprilel himself; perhaps only; read countless miscellaneous books from the thief; Zhang Yang understood; why this is so :. This is a popular two-month period; ancient duels; no matter how big; hatred; before the duel; both sides will briefly introduce themselves to each other; origin and weapons. It's just that this kind of hypocrisy has already followed; time; the wave disappeared in the history; the dust; At this time, Apriel turned out; Zhang Yang would not naturally fall on himself; face.

"For; the weapon in your hand; it should be more familiar than; as for; what; it is just out of a small village; an unnamed generation. Although; the intention is not willing to fight with; meaningless; fighting; but since; it must be forced; a war ... "

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang raised his left hand and made a please; gesture; the tone was still calm and calm; said:

"Come;,: Download the complete set of popular Guardian txt."

Sui; Zhang Yang's sentence; say it; opposite; Apriel suddenly blinked his eyes; Sui; bursts of bright sleeve color grudge from; body released; but about two moments; one is formed by grudge compression; gold sleeve color half body The armor suddenly appeared in April; outside!

Um; pull out the beloved; long sword real sleeves; April feels that he is now; the state has definitely reached the current stage; the peak! I remembered that the memory was almost the same as the person in front of me; calm expression; Aprilel felt in my heart; black; flames could not be suppressed anymore; I saw it; took a step forward; already full of anger; The real-sleeved sword fiercely hacked; in an instant; the bright-sleeved color of the two-meter-long sleeve and the arrogant blade went straight to Zhang Yang; the door flew!

"Why is the second child completely desperate; just posture! This trial stage is directly saved; the first move up is Biao [Fighting Blade] ;; when Captain Wright is a stake ?!"

In fact, Ingrid's sentence is really spitting; reason; it is well known that the fifth-level gold-level combatants; one of the two major signs is that the defense is super strong and can be compared with the high-level magic armor; [fighting armor]; and the other It is just that April has just used it; that trick can release grudge-off attacks;

It ’s just that most things are all; pros, cons ;; take [Aura of Armor for Dou Qi]; although this thing has a strong defense; but it is also for doo chi; the consumption is also great! For Aprilel; the fifth-level gold intermediate swordsman; using a grudge armor will instantly consume its total grudge; 20%!

And that; the power is powerful, and the effect looks quite eye-catching; [Fight of Defeat]; only this one will consume half of April; Furious! Of course; if this trick can hit the target ;;; the power is natural and considerable. However; not to mention how much power will be lost during the flight when the two sides are separated by more than ten meters; only to say so long; the distance; the other party is not a fool; is it not going to escape? !

In the final analysis; April releases; this grudge is in addition to the first to seize the pole; the momentum; I am afraid of more; still contain; vent anger; ingredients ;.

In fact, Ingir knew clearly; Captain Eli Wright; strength; Abriel could never be ;; opponent; and; look at himself; face; it is estimated that Apriel will not be killed; life. That being the case; Naturally, Engel can rest assured to watch the drama ...

Same as Ingir ’s estimate; the same; that; the momentum is astonishing; [Dou Qi Blade] is basically for Zhang Yang ;; what a threat; but it is just when Zhang Yang flashes away; instant; that; bright sleeves; [Doo Qi Blade] is actually there Zhang Yang; the side exploded! ! I saw it; bang; there was a bang; a group of bright sleeves seemed like fire clouds; a small grudge was instant; Zhang Yang swallowed the whole person! At this time, he just succeeded; April was looking at Zhang Yang with a fanatical look; the position rushed!

This was sudden; the changes not only left the side watching; Ingir and Lerella also; Mukcha and others were stunned; at the same time, they also stood behind Ingir without saying a word; Millais subconsciously clasped his hood tightly Cloak; lower edge!

However, just after Appler rushed to Zhang Yang's location; when he was in position; after a while listening, it was hairy; a whistling sound suddenly came from that grudge group!

With; this voice came out; April; suddenly there was a warning in my heart! Take; fifth-order gold strong; foreboding and judgment; Appler feels that if he does not hurry to avoid; I am afraid I will regret it later! In fact, although Aprier showed a pair of anger and eagerness; he looked like; he could know it in his heart; he could make Ingill admit that he would sigh Furu; people are definitely not good; role!

I thought I was slashed by my previous record of "fighting with anger"; that person had to be slightly injured. However, when that was like howling of the undead; when the whistling sounded; Appleton knew when; his own move was combined ;; received the expected; effect! When I thought of it; it was from the hands of Master Omok; the heavy warhammer; Appleton stopped the forward rush; his footsteps turned and rushed sideways to the left.

That is; see the machine; fast; right here; turn over and leave the place where I was just now; when; the group in front is about to dissipate; the grudge is violent; suddenly it seems to be scattered by a big hand, and it is scattered. ! At the same time; one; drag; a touch of faint phantom; the black light actually hit the place where Appler was just from top to bottom!

All of a sudden, there was only a loud bang; muffled! Not to mention the nearby; April; even standing a dozen meters away; Ingir and others felt their feet at this moment; the earthquake was a shock! ! How powerful this is; power!

This shot; no one else; it was wrapped in a grudge group before; Zhang Yang! At this time ;; looks like; some embarrassment; not only the inner lining outside; iron scales; the hood cloak has become scarred and slightly burnt; even Zhang Yang; face; at this time also Four or five more; faint; blood stains! !

The explosion just made Zhang Yang eat a bit of a loss; although; he covered his head and face with his cloak in time; but because of; grudge body protection; sake; the chaos around; the small grudge turbulence is still there; naked outside; There were some small scars on the skin of the hand.

However, this minor injury was completely the same as Zhang Yang's without injury; in terms of; the body's metamorphosis; resilience; it would probably be fully recovered in less than half a day. Because of this; the qi and fire group could have been dispelled earlier; Zhang Yang endured it for two instants; until he felt that Apriel entered his attack range; Zhang Yang launched himself; counterattack!

In fact the power of this hammer is real; some are amazing! Starting from where Zhang Yang dropped the hammer; the ground seemed to be blown up by a high-level grudge technique, and there was a depth of one meter and the core range was full; two meters away, the edge was radially decreasing; scary pit!

If you do n’t see it with your own eyes; where will these people around believe ?; in ;; using grudge; in the case; by ** alone; the power of human beings can be so terrible; power! In terms of this power; Zhang Yang's hammer is completely ;; Beyond the fifth-order gold intermediate level of vigour; destructive power!

"Is it a monster ?! Even those Slavic Barbarians and Kampas; Orcs; I'm afraid ;; so horrible; ** power; this is still ;; use grudge; in case; if grudge is added; auxiliary ... … "

Say; Say; Mukcha didn't dare to go on! ; Where to know; Zhang Yang; Situation; How special; If Zhang Yang can use grudge; already used! Otherwise, it will not be made; such an embarrassment has also damaged a dress!

April also at this time; some were scared by Zhang Yang's hammer; however; this was a disobedience; a person; plus some inexplicable hatred in the heart; driven; I saw; the real sleeved sword in his hand became brighter and brighter When the grudge was full, Appleel again fit and rushed to the side of the pit; did not take the initiative to attack; Zhang Yang.

The reason why Zhang Yang can explode this kind of horror; strength; Gain; used [Thunderbolt Enhancement]; strength before the shot! April is also a fifth-level gold intermediate; a powerful swordsman; if it is only Huang Jie ’s gold junior; Zhang Yang can also use his own strength to deal with it; however, if it is counted as a "real sleeve sword"; provide; two; Cheng Zengzhuang ;;; Zhang Yang had to be cautious; coped.

However; speaking back; Zhang Yang at this time; the combat power is also much higher than before; this is not because the [Thunderbolt Enhancement] provides; the bonus becomes higher; brings this change; but it is in the hands of Zhang Yang; in addition to solid Heavy outside; nothing special; heavy warhammer 'Power of Omok'!

At this time Zhang Yang really felt one; take advantage of weapons to fight against himself; increase! When April raised his sword; rushed in; time; Zhang Yang just stood on the spot and waved the warhammer with all his strength! Suddenly, I saw Zhang Yang sweeping and smashing every blow, and every blow was powerful; while Aprilel was slightly faster; but; because of the use; it was a one-handed sword; for the sake of reason; no matter how long or heavy the weapon was, it was not on the same level as Zhang Yang. on.

Half a minute passed by Xu Yuli; Apriel was attacked several times and was forced to retreat by Zhang Yang firmly; according to this situation ;; At this time, there was no way to take Zhang Yang!

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