Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 499: April's Martyr

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By the time Zhang Yang took the initiative to help Millai take care of the wounds on his body, Aprilel, who had fallen in the woods over there, had been awakened by Lerella, Engel and others. Ingrid originally wanted to Wright was wounded, but Zhang Yang did not let her come forward, but instead indicated to Ingrid with his eyes that he would go to April first.

Unlike what Ingir thought, Zhang Yang was worried that it would be bad if there was a gap between Ingir and his sister because of his relationship. As for the possibility of April's serious injury and dying in Ingel's vision, Zhang Yang himself already knew.

At this moment, the victory and defeat are obviously divided. Zhang Yang thought about it after dealing with the injury or decided to go forward and take a look at April. However, beyond Zhang Yang's expectation, when he walked behind Lerella and others, Apriel, who was leaning on the trunk behind him and sat half on the ground, suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a big blood!

"The second son! How are you! Don't scare me! Did you hurt the internal organs? Hurry! I will take you back to the city to find the pastor!"

Lerella didn't seem to notice the arrival of Zhang Yang behind her, and now she was worried about her sister's injury. In contrast, Ingir and Mukcha are much calmer at this time. The body of the Tier 5 Golden Intermediate is not as fragile as Lerella thinks. If April ’s grudge is obviously disintegrated by the horror of the previous moment, April will never look like this at this moment. weak.

"Relax, she's fine."

Just when Lerella was anxious and April was stunned, Zhang Yang's still plain words suddenly came from behind.

"How do you know she's okay ?! It all vomited a lot of blood! If the second child really has three long and two short, I won't forgive you !!"

After listening to these words, Zhang Yang was a little speechless, obviously injured in a fair duel. At this time, she said that it was like Zhang Yang bullied Apple. However, Zhang Yangfei was not angry at the reaction of Lerella at the time, but felt a little warm in her heart. From the perspective of sisterhood, she said nothing wrong. Because of this, Zhang Yang rarely explained:

"The reason why she vomits blood is just because of the shock of the aftermath of power. This blood spit out just fine. If you hold it in your body, it will leave hidden dangers. As for how to know, my own hands are the best However, it shouldn't be too much of a problem when her fighting spirit recovers. "


"... Thank you, and ... Sorry."

Lerella listened to Zhang Yang's words, and somehow suddenly believed in her heart. At this time, she calmed down after knowing that Appler was okay. She suddenly realized that her words were indeed unreasonable.

So far, Zhang Yang was planning to leave Ingles with Ingir separately, but I don't know what Zhang Yang thought suddenly. Just before he was about to turn around, he suddenly asked the Appler who was sitting on the ground for no reason.

"Miss April, I really do n’t understand why you were particularly targeted from the beginning? I can be sure that I have never seen you before, and I still ask Miss April to help me."

Hearing Zhang Yang ’s words, even Ingrid and Lerella were very curious about why Aprilel would treat Wright as if he were an enemy. And will this matter be related to the thing that made Apriel's temperament two years ago? !


At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Aprilel, who was pale and papery, sitting under the tree, and was silent for a while. After everyone thought she would not answer, a while Abnormally hollow sounds slowly came out of April ...

That year, April was just 26 years old.

Generally speaking, girls born in the French Empire can marry until they are 18 years old, although most girls in this country will choose to spend one or two years before marrying, but generally speaking not Will be more than twenty years old. Of course, this is just a general case. If the girl is a professional, it will be a different matter.

April is a professional. Not only that, but at the age of 26, she can enter the fifth-level gold junior, where she will become a dazzling star of tomorrow! It is for this reason that Appler, who is part of the Moman family, was not only invited to leave the city of Bros, who had lived since childhood, and entered the capital of the French Empire, Franks. After arriving at the head of the family to be tested by the elders, as a leader among this generation of young people, April got the fifth-order magic weapon that symbolizes strength and honor-the "true red" sword.

Since then, as a rising star of the Moman family, April began to participate in various receptions and tournaments in the Imperial City, although her appearance was more than a little worse than the two good sisters in Bros, but even so Franks, her suitors are still numerous ...

Maybe she was confused by the prosperous life of the capital and the praises of snowflakes from all walks of life. Only in half a year, April had changed a lot. The original kind and cold and arrogant she began to become a little vanity and arrogance, but for those who have been praised With her eyes above her, it seems to me that there are no more men worthy of her in this world ...

After this idea gradually came into being, she became more and more disdainful to those men who tried to please herself all the time around her. In many cases, she even began to refuse each other's good intentions regardless of the other person's face. Over time, the men around her disappeared.

However, on a drizzling night, she was attending a noble reception and unexpectedly met a man who made her feel excited! April only felt that he had waited for so many years just to wait for him to appear. The man who always looked calm, although not particularly handsome, but very masculine ...

The person valued by Appler cannot naturally be an ordinary noble. This man is named Alvin, and his father is the Grand Duke of Sharp in the French Empire! As an aristocrat with such an identity, he was already very famous, but if he added his own super power of the same fifth-level gold junior, just after appearances, Alvin became the focus of all the ladies and ladies present!

With the pride of April, even if she likes her heart, she wo n’t be as confused as those ladies, but just as she stood aside and watched, the man named Alvin was politely arranged. Her own ladies, and then came straight to April, who stood by the window!

"Excuse me, this noble swordsman, can I dance with you next ..."


His temperament is so elegant; his swordsmanship is so outstanding; his mouth is so lingering; and his face is still so calm and indifferent ...

Since the reception began, Apple has fallen in love in just seven days. She feels that she is extremely happy now. Is this life and such a partner really what she is after? And when he was in the city of Bros in the north of the empire, April had gradually forgotten ...

On the evening when April and Alvin officially met, Alvin proposed to her in a secluded and beautiful manor just outside Franks ...

However, after she shyly drank the glass of wine Alvin handed over, April suddenly felt her head start to feel dizzy! Originally, she thought it might be because she hadn't drunk this kind of wine, but when she was ready to run a grudge to get rid of the dizziness, Aprilel suddenly found in panic that the grudge he had cultivated in her body for more than ten years suddenly didn't suddenly Listen to her call!

At this moment, the lover in front of him who was entrusted to his heart by Appler finally showed his terrible face! It was in the courtyard of that picturesque manor that Alvin occupied Applerel madly and violently! At first, although April was furious in her heart, the other party was her lover after all. She had already prepared for her devotion. Although the process was too rough, Aprilel was still more frightened than fear.

However, when Alvin pressed on her to madly vent her animal desires, April suddenly found out that twelve men had emerged from the manor building! This discovery suddenly surprised April. She was a child of a large family after all. Even the honor of being a fifth-level gold-level strongman could not accept that she was seen by so many outsiders when she was happy!

It was only April that was wrong. When these figures came out of the darkness, Aprilel desperately discovered that these people were all people she knew! Looking up, isn't that the group of men who have been around them to please themselves? ! !

What are they doing? !

April did not know how she survived that night. She was so frustrated by a potion that she was not at all the opponent of the group of men who could not match her in the city. Since Alvin, they grinned, humiliated, and laughed loudly in turn to vent their ugliness and ** on Appler ...

At that time, Appler really wanted to die ... How could she allow these people to ravage and defile themselves with arrogance? ! However, she thought of revenge and wanted to let these people use their lives to pay back! So she shed tears and clenched her teeth and stood up!

Until the next day at dawn, the red / naked body and the filthy Apriel gradually regained consciousness. At this time, the early servants and servants in the manor had begun to wake up one after another, but it was a pity that they should not have seen it, and they should never have seen the tragic situation of April ...

Is it possible for April, who has regained his control of arrogance, to contend with those servants and waiters with up to second-order bronze strength? With the splashing blood and seemingly endless flames, while this secluded little manor was completely reduced to ashes, Aprilel's heart also seemed to burn into flying ash ...



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