Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 500: Past events

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The kind of potion that Alvin mixed with the wine he drank to Apriil had a resounding name—Dragon Blood Poison! In ancient legends handed down from the time of chaos, the blood of pure-bred dragons is simply an extremely domineering toxin for professionals! Compared with the treasures all over the dragon, if you accidentally drink dragon blood into the abdomen, even for the holy order powerhouses at the top of the world, their fighting spirit and magic power will gradually weaken and eventually disappear invisible!

However, the number of dragons in the Orlando world is not large, and it can be said that the pure blood is even rarer. In addition, the real dragons have extremely high wisdom and are not weaker than the eighth-order epic. Powerful creatures, so are the legends about "Dragon Blood Poison" true or not?

However, I have to admit that human beings are the most creative race in the world. At the end of the bimonthly period, alchemists among human beings actually inadvertently created a kind of blood similar to the legendary dragon blood. The potion! Although the effect of this potion is not as powerful as the legendary dragon blood, but as long as the professional drinks this colorless and odorless liquid, then the person who drank the potion will soon be different depending on their rank, or long Or shortly lose control of the grudge and magic in the body!

Just for the powerful characteristics of this medicine, even if you want to configure a bottle of this medicine, the cost will be at least 10,000 gold coins, but this thing is still a valuable treasure for most people! Due to its characteristics of restraining professionals, this potion is known as the poison of dragon blood!

Alvin is the leader among the noble boys in Franks. If April had n’t cut the face of the noble boys a bit too hard, I ’m afraid they would n’t make up their minds. Please go to Alvin to vent them!

At the beginning, Alvin didn't want to take on such a business again. Although he had done a lot of bad things like this, but the other party was not the kind of aristocratic girl who had no control over the past. If you had gotten the bottle of "Dragon Blood Poison", I'm afraid he might not join in ...

However, for someone like him, playing with a strong female equal to his own strength is really a very challenging thing! And when they learned that the small manor was completely destroyed by a fire, these guys naively thought that Appler was also buried in it ...

It's just that these aristocratic dudes haven't been proud for a few days. When they secretly brag about how they played with a female fifth-level gold-level strongman, several sudden assassinations in less than three days Here, hundreds of noble children were killed inside and outside the capital Franks!

Among these dead nobles, the noble man who had raped Apple in the small manor that night occupied nine places! Just as the outside guards wanted the suspects all over the city, Alvin and the three remaining parties suddenly understood that the killer must have been the object of the night's binge!

Isn't she dead? Will her next goal be herself?

Due to the secret that could not be said, Alvin and the three people were inadvertently hiding in the Franks Royal Demon Academy! They think that apart from the palace, perhaps only this place where countless powerful people gather can save their lives? After all, in the face of the crazy revenge of a fifth-level gold-level strongman, the defensive strength of the ordinary family is indeed very little ...

This move by Alvin and others is really good, and the killer is indeed Aprilel swallowed by hatred! After she squatted outside the Royal Demon Academy of Franks for half a month, in desperation, she could no longer bear the hatred and pain that burned her soul, and turned to take the three cities overnight. The family has nearly 200 lives! Until the last stop to the Grand Duchy of Bishape, April was finally seriously injured by the master in the Duke's house.

Once again, she had escaped her life and became the target of the attack after revealing her whereabouts. In desperation, she escaped from the capital, Franks, and finally got rid of it in the subsequent pursuit and anti-hunting. That same fifth-level gold junior pursuer. At this time, Aprilel had reached the dying edge. At this point, she finally realized that she was afraid of revenge in a short period of time. At the same time, that night, she was raped by thirteen men and hundreds of places where she was killed. The tragic situation before death always appeared in her dream!

At that time, Appler suddenly felt that her mental strength was extremely exhausted. Only then did she realize how happy the time was when she lived in the city of Bros. However, after all this happened, it was impossible for her to change back to that cold, simple Aprilel. Her body was defiled, and her heart was in the fire that night ... died ... …

By the time Apriel returned to Bross City with her infirmary treatment, her temperament had changed greatly. When she faced her two best-sisters again, April had been in the capital of Franks for herself. That thought in luxury life is ashamed!

She hated that kind of self, and felt that she was already unclean. She did not deserve to have such two kind sisters, so April began to deliberately alienate Lerella and Ingill, plus her extreme behavior and words at that time, In the end, after an incident, Angri left Angri! This is also one of the reasons why Ingel ’s was determined to go out and run ...

However, as Lerella, as the eldest sister, slowly moved her with real heart, although she still suffered a lot in her heart, but with the passage of a year, she has gradually recovered from Lerrier Pull the relationship with others. Just because of the resentment that the family sent her to the capital of Franks, April has not been back in the past two years, but stayed in the European weapon store ...

Until that day when I met Zhang Yang on the third floor ...

Today, Zhang Yang is a bit wrong. According to April, he has no similarities with Alvin in appearance. In fact, Alvin is much more handsome than Zhang Yang. However, compared with those appearances, the more he talks with Zhang Yang, the more Applier feels that he is very similar to Alvin in terms of temperament and expression!

This is a good time. With the two years of hatred and anger accumulated in Appler ’s heart, she is definitely the kind of gunpowder barrel that exists in a little bit! As for Apple, Zhang Yangyue was tolerant to calm down her rational face, and she felt that this person is more like Alvin in her heart who can't wait to kill her meat! ! It is based on this kind of psychology that Applell can't control his emotions more and more, and eventually vents his anger that has been suppressed for nearly two years to Zhang Yang ...

Now April also suffered from injuries and fire. When she looked at Zhang Yang again, her eyes had calmed down a lot. This might be the legendary punishment?

Looking at the haunted Aprilel with a haggard expression on his face, what can Zhang Yang say besides sighing bad luck? April is just a poor man, and the crazy and extreme words and actions before it are just catharsis after a long period of repression.

The thought of her previous encounter was so similar to that of her previous lover Shi Xiaowei, but Shi Xiaowei of the previous life did not have the power of Aprilel to revenge ... Is it necessary to have power? Otherwise, you cannot protect yourself and your important people, let alone control your own destiny?

Not to mention how complicated Yang Yang's mood is after listening to Aprilel's story. For a time, he was aroused by the pain in his heart. He just wanted to get drunk! At this time, after secretly suppressing his heart for two years, Aprilel, who was slightly relaxed in his heart, slept in the arms of Lerella after a serious injury.

At this time, since he met Engill, Zhang Yang was not good enough to say goodbye to leave with injuries. And just when everyone decided to go back to Bross City, a black cheetah suddenly appeared in the woods behind Zhang Yang with a muscular figure and no hair!

"Beware of Warcraft !!"

Mu Kecha's position at the moment was facing the direction of the black panther behind Zhang Yang. When he saw the black panther running behind Wright, he threw himself into his heart. Although he was repaired with a bow and arrow by the guy named Wright on the road before, Mukecha was not a vengeful person, and now that the two parties have misunderstood it, so he has not waited for Zhang Yang to speak. First lifted his hands and sword in his hand, and then he succumbed to the black panther behind Zhang Yang!

However, Mukecha's original sword of ten points and nine stables was completely cut off! ? In fact, to be precise, it should not be cut at all! I saw that when he raised his arms and rushed, Ingrid standing beside Mu Kecha and Zhang Yang opposite him shot together! Suddenly, as Ingil suddenly stumbled to a step under his feet and Zhang Yangtuo gave a palm to his wrist ...

Poor Mukcha, such a senior soldier of Tier 4 silver and a half-foot stepped into the Tier 5 threshold, unexpectedly and unimaginably folded a heel in the air, sitting with a body of armor on it, and sitting down at once A dud!

"Oh! What are you doing!"

Just now I didn't expect that the English and Wright around me would shoot myself, oh! wrong! One of them is out feet. This is not bad, Mu Kecha not only fell to the ground on his own, but in surprise, even the two-handed sword in his hand was taken by Zhang Yangshun!

However, what really surprised Mukcha is still to come! I saw that Black Panther, who knew that it was Warcraft rather than a beast, stepped out of the woods and was first scared by Mukcha, leaning down and staring nervously at him! But just after it saw that Mukcha was knocked down by Zhang Yang and Ingir, the little black panther with a figure of more than one and a half meters was relieved by humanity, and then he jumped in two steps and three jumps. The ground came behind Wright and hid!



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