Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 601: Wind and sand change

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"What should I do? Of course it's your crow mouth!"


"got windy."

In the time when Zhang Yang and Assam spoke, a sudden breeze blew through the space. Although it is a small sea of ​​sand, but because the sky is full of dark clouds, it does not feel the warmth in the desert. Now when this ray of cool wind appears, Zhang Yang instantly feels it.

At this time, Assam did not dare to speak anymore. There was a strangeness in the whole head. Now Ophelia was still madly absorbing the wind element, there was no sign of waking up, which almost directly Zhang Yang and Assam Tethered here can not move! If you encounter a monster or something, it is better to say that if the wind and sand are really blowing, Ophelia is likely to be disturbed by the yellow sand, which will make the promotion fall short!

Perhaps Assam is really a bit of the potential of the legendary prophet, but after a few leaks, the wind on the sandy sea began to blow more and more! Seeing the whirlwind whistle blowing yellow sand, Zhang Yang's brow slowly wrinkled.

(Is n’t it really a hurricane? Obviously, there are enclosed spaces around it, and there is no air convection. What ’s more, Ophelia is absorbing a lot of wind elements. Under such conditions, hurricanes will never naturally occur So, there is only one situation that can be explained. Is there something that can be hidden in the clouds above?) Thinking of this, Zhang Yang decided to make some attempts. Seeing that the calm sand sea has been scratched, it is not his character to wait for his death! The most important thing that Zhang Yang seems to do now is to create conditions to ensure Ophelia's promotion. As for other things, he has temporarily ignored them.

(If the magic gate here is really under the yellow sand, then the hurricane may be an opportunity to leave at this moment. Only the way to leave can be found slowly, but Ophelia ’s chance of promotion this time is not just random. Oh, hate there is no way to fly, otherwise we must go to the clouds to see what monster is making trouble!) While thinking, Zhang Yang took out the elven bow and five bags of ordinary arrows. He didn't hesitate to see him. He used three bows to hang three arrows on the bow string. When this elven bow was pulled into a full moon by him, he immediately let go and shot into the sky! This scene made Assam dumbfounded!

"Master, Master! Are you crazy? How can you hurt your enemies by throwing arrows into the sky like this? In my opinion, it is very likely that a wind elemental creature with strong strength at the moment can make waves in the sky, you need to know the wind Elemental creatures are born to fly! You are like a line of archery in the sky, how could you hit it! "

The question that Assam said could not be thought of by Zhang Yang, but Assam missed a possibility, that is the situation now!

"Assam, I ask you, can an ordinary wind elemental creature make a scene like a hurricane?"

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Assam immediately grinned.

"How is it possible, master! If you want to get out of this hurricane that covers a few miles, how can you do it with a wind elemental creature of order six or so?"

"Yeah, I think so. I used to feel like I had a glance at us in the sky. Now this feeling is more obvious, but its goal is all focused on Ophelia. Then the question is coming, do you think that even a wind elemental creature with a sixth-order strength can easily produce such a large-scale hurricane? "

At this moment, Zhang Yang's speech was not as simple as blowing a little breeze. Looking at the gust of wind that could not be concentrated towards the center of the sand sea, I was afraid that a hurricane would really form in the end! And Assam, who also saw this scene, blinked and felt that this scene, with the strength of sixth-order elemental creatures, should not be easily obtained.

"Master, do you mean ..."

"Yes! This should be a kind of magic belonging to wind elemental creatures! When this large magic is cast, it can't be moved at will! Then, with a radius of 50 meters from the center of the dread bee, I want to use it side by side. Shoot the arrow and hit it soon! "

During the talk, Zhang Yang's bow and arrow didn't stop at all. In less than a minute, he shot all five bags of arrows! At this time, he didn't mean to stop at all. After taking out five bags of arrows again, Zhang Yang twisted up three feather arrows and continued to say:

"Wait if I find the monster's body, you will use magic to attack me in that direction. I remember when dealing with elemental creatures, a simple physical attack does not seem to cause much damage to it, and this is where you are. It's time to make a difference. "

"Understood the master! Let me take a look at my fighting strength after I recovered my strength today!"

Not to mention Assam's eagerness to try his hand, Zhang Yang has been paying attention to the changes behind Ophelia while shooting arrows into the sky piece by piece. However, until this time, Ophelia was still in a state of madly absorbing the wind element. Seeing her like this, it seemed that she would not stop without absorbing the surrounding wind element.

And when Zhang Yang was about to shoot the arrow next to him again, an angry roar suddenly came out from the clouds in the air! The roaring sound is completely different from the demon of Warcraft, it sounds like the sound of the wind blowing between the canyons!

"Howl ... !!!"

At this time Zhang Yang had confirmed the position of the other party. Although the hurricane in the sand sea has not stopped yet, but since the location of the wind elemental creature has been exposed, it is not so difficult to interrupt the large-scale magic released by it Too.

"Pay attention to the direction of my arrows, attack!"

With Zhang Yang's feathers and arrows almost in succession, Assam immediately brandished half-cut swords and released all kinds of magic!

In fact, the magician's battle is different from the warrior's bow and the like. Every magic released by Assam has a tiny touch of his spiritual power! Therefore, when Assam began to attack, he did not use fourth-order or fifth-order magic as soon as he came up, but chose a large number of second-order dark magic!

After seeing Assam slightly condensing his mind, he broke his sword and pointed forward. With the magical power in his body, Assam shot 12 pure blacks like real arrows at once!

Suddenly, as the tent flew into the clouds above, the howling of the elemental wind suddenly violently rang again! At this time, Assam has obtained the exact position of the other party through the feedback of mental power, and at this time, he finally began to prepare strong dark magic.

"Summon in the name of the blood race! Let the darkness cover the earth !!"

As Assam suddenly stretched out his body in a large shape, a hemispherical dark enchantment centered on him suddenly enveloped a five-meter circle around him! This distance just reached Ophelia in front of her, and did not cover her together. And Zhang Yang hid aside when Assam opened.

It is fifth-order dark magic, which belongs to a very wide range of existence in dark magic. It can not only attack and defend, but also has a full range of 15% bonuses and 15% reduction of its own consumption! Dark spellcasters like Assam, not only can completely avoid element instability or accidentally interrupted by disturbance, but also have a 15% weakening effect on elemental attacks released by the outside world! From this point of view, this magic is really perfect except for its relatively expensive consumption.

In the middle, Assam took a deep breath first, and then saw that Zhang Yang, who was not far away, had begun to shoot arrows, and Assam began to release magic again with a slight smile. From within a moment, one after another was continuously released, and a period of time was interspersed as if it could absorb the surrounding light.

At this moment, after Assam had found the exact location of the wind elemental creature with his mental strength, this series of magical blows suddenly poured onto the opponent without falling! Assuming that Assam has not recovered to its peak, there are also fifth-level gold juniors that are close to intermediate-level strength. This wind elemental creature with only sixth-level strength can't afford it, let alone continue to be strengthened by sixth-level. After the fifth-order magic, I am afraid that Assam will blow it for a while, and the fifth-order magic outside it will be completely broken, hurting his own body!

Howl ~! ! Aoao ~!

In an instant, only the wind elemental creatures in the clouds issued a burst of angry and unwilling roar. In the sand sea in front of Zhang Yang and others, the small hurricane that was about to form suddenly turned into a scattered airflow and slowly disappeared ...

"Master wise! You guessed it! It was a successful move!"

Seeing the wind and sand falling down, Assam suddenly changed the image of a serious and powerful magician, and turned into a servant slave. Zhang Yang already felt powerless to talk about it. He was obviously a handsome guy. Who knows that it is not only a chatter, but also a tease, it's totally unattractive! Uh, or a vampire is not a good look ...

"Don't be happy too early, we just interrupted its large magic. When I estimate that this guy can't do well, he will be annoyed and rush down to fight with us desperately!"

Hearing Zhang Yang say this, Assam laughed even more! Just listen to him and say with a smile:

"Hahaha ~! If it doesn't come down, we might not have dealt with it yet, but if this brainless elemental creature dare to come down, with its master's wise and powerful strength, it's really dead. ! "

At this time, Assam had already removed the one that consumed its magic power, and just after it disappeared, a light gray translucent appeared in the clouds, as if a jellyfish generally had elemental creatures of human upper body!

"Oh master! Where is your mouth better than me! After this front foot is finished, the monster on the back foot will run out and die to himself!"

[,! ]


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