Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 602: Warwind Elemental Creature

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Elemental creatures are actually wise, but they are born in heaven and earth, and return to the world after death. Therefore, most elemental creatures are not afraid of death, because death is just a return to the beginning for them.

Of course, there are many exceptions. For example, there is a legendary fire elemental lord called to fight in Orlando, which not only killed the summoner in turn, but also almost destroyed the kingdom where the dwarves inherited for a thousand years on Orlando. Not only did they control part of the greedy dwarves with treasure and fear, the dwarves on the Orlando continent were split into several tribes, and then disappeared in the forest of the vast forest of Warcraft.

Later, it was said that the Fire Elemental Lord led his Fire Elemental Army and many dwarf slaves directly into the deep underground without any trace in order to gain greater power. However, more people think that it is just lurking and waiting ... waiting for it to break through the limit of power and reappear in the Orlando world ...

Zhang Yang doesn't know if this legendary story circulated in the bar tavern population is true, but he knows that elemental creatures are not stupid, nor are they just crazy people who know about venting and destruction. Although they are almost the same as lunatics in human eyes, it is just that humans do not understand them.

At this time, the slowly descending elemental wind creature in the sky was staring at Zhang Yang and others with green eyes like fire. The elemental creature had a mouth but rarely spoke, so Zhang Yang did not know what this guy was thinking. . However, when it was lowered to about 50 meters in front of the two and began to condense magic, Zhang Yang and Assam suddenly understood its intention.

"It's really direct ... but I like it!"

Just listening to Assam said it as if it were a chant, and at the same time began to gather magic power in his hand to prepare to cast a spell.

(It's really a cunning wind elemental creature! If it descends to a height of about 20 to 30 meters, I can still rush to hit it down, but now this distance can only be harassed with a bow and arrow. I already know Even if you spend more gold coins to buy some magic arrows. Now there are only a few broken magic arrows that were picked up in the labyrinth before. I do n’t know if this thing can hurt it ...) Although Zhang Ge is very depressed in his heart , But the bow and arrow on his hand shot again at the elemental wind creature.

Fifty meters away, Zhang Yang could not attack it in close combat, but in terms of bows and arrows, neither precision nor strength is comparable to tentative attacks. In an instant, I saw the arrows shot on Zhang Yang's hand went straight to the eyes of the wind elemental creature every time. Although it could not hurt the elemental core of the wind elemental creature, it also consumed the whirlwind shield outside the target. ], Can occasionally break the shield to cause minor damage.

At this time, Assam's magic attack was also sent out. Facts have proved that Assam's strategy of releasing low-level magic is much more practical than that of the wind elemental creature guide! At this time, as Assam's hand interrupted his sword and continued to wave, a purple-black demon fire suddenly poured over the wind elemental creatures in the sky.

Assam is a magician after all, he has a set of how to deal with elemental creatures. Most elemental creatures have extremely high physical resistance, and their own shape is not completely fixed, so the effects of magic such as [Shadow Arrow] and [Shadow Gun] are greatly reduced! Unless it can luckily cover its elemental core after breaking through the layers of magic shields outside the wind elemental creatures, it is also a fourth-order dark magic, which has strong continuity and adhesion [Devil ’s Fire] But it is much better than the [Shadow Gun], which is famous for its penetrability.

However, for a wind elemental creature with sixth-level primary strength, it summons fifth-order wind magic [hurricane armor] and second-order wind magic [hurricane shield] as easy as breathing! If Zhang Yang and Assam want to defeat it with a consumable method, they only need to exhaust all the magic of this sixth-order wind elemental creature!

And the most elemental wind creature with the core of the wind system, its total magic power is definitely more than one day of continuous battles may not be used up!

Just when Zhang Yang and Assam tried to attack half a minute and failed, the powerful counterattack from this wind elemental creature arrived! In an instant, with the wind elemental creature roaring, four wind elemental creatures slightly smaller than it appeared at the same time beside it!

"Oops! It's a sixth-order magic [summon wind element]! Unexpectedly, this magic is used in the hands of wind elemental creatures so abnormally, it can in turn summon four wind elemental creatures with lower first-order strength to help fight! Master, If it calls this magic again, I am afraid we will be beaten ... "

At this time, without Assam's size, Zhang Yang also knew that he had to find a way. If the sixth-order wind elemental creature had been stable and released magic, would it be beaten to death? Ophelia is difficult.

Fortunately in the unfortunate, these fifth-order wind elements that were summoned at this time did not stay in the air like their summoners and released magic, they actually lowered their height and rushed to Zhang Yang! Seeing this, Zhang Yang suddenly gave a breath, even if the enemy is an elemental creature, the pharmaceutical allows him to be close, it is not afraid!

Suddenly, Zhang Yang thought of a way of not knowing whether it would succeed!

"Assam, can you see the spellcasting level of the sixth-order wind elemental creature? That is, the change of its magic is about to be completed ?!"

"At this distance, it is possible to sense a little through the change of magic power, just the master, what are you going to do?"

"Of course, I tried to interrupt its spellcasting! If you make it feel that its spellcasting is always unsuccessful, then it may become so angry and angry that I might even fight me!"

"This ... isn't a solution ... but how are you going to interrupt it?"

"Remember the broken magic arrows created by the magic irons in the trap channel? Just try that one, I have a few here, I hope it can be fooled! Wait 3 seconds before the spell of the sixth-order wind elemental creature ends, you shout I!"

After saying this, Zhang Yang took out the warhammer and rushed towards the four fifth-order wind elemental creatures that had landed on the sand sea, and was blowing here. In fact, melee with elemental creatures is extremely dangerous, because most elemental creatures do not have any stable form. Without the aid of grudge, you want to destroy them by strength and physical attack alone. I am afraid there is only one way to destroy the core of the elemental creatures. .

(Ophelia, you have to hurry! I'm afraid it won't be long on my side!) ...

When Zhang Yang's eyes flashed a little bit of electric light, he held a bow in one hand and waved the warhammer 'Omok's power' to the four fifth-order wind elemental creatures in one hand, they actually released a lot of dense and dense land. Flurry] and the first- and third-order "wind blade" [enhanced wind blade]!

In an instant, I looked at dozens of magics in front of my eyes, and even Zhang Yang felt that his scalp was numb and he was afraid to take it! I saw him slamming away abruptly, flashing this wave of wind blades at the same time, the whole person stomped on the sand, and while stimulating two meters of high yellow sand, a hammer went to the side A wind elemental creature smashed!

Zhang Yang did not know who had heard that elemental creatures of the magic department were not good at melee, and some did not even know to dodge. Zhang Yang agrees with the latter point, but the previous point ... is not the case at all!

Just as the war hammer in Zhang Yang's hand was about to hit the wind elemental creature's head, a fifth-order wind system [Hurricane Armor] that couldn't stop rotating suddenly appeared outside his body! Not only that, two layers of [Cyclone Shield] also appeared on the head of this wind elemental creature!

Seeing this, Zhang Yang was also ruthless. He even ignored the series of wind blades that other wind-element creatures were coming next to. The warhammer used his full strength and smashed it down!

Now that Zhang Yang has used the thundering power of [Thunderbolt Enhancement], and his micro-control of power, this is just a hammer. If it is replaced with other creatures, it must be avoided, but for elemental creatures, It is simply fearless! In an instant, the warhammer in Zhang Yang's hands even broke through the protection of three layers of magic shields, and directly smashed the wind elemental creature from scratch!

At this time, Zhang Yang only heard a bit, and at the center of the wind elemental creature, he luckily found the position of the element core! This time Zhang Yang started even harder. He even concentrated his strength on one point. When the warhammer fell on the sand, he crashed and smashed a half-meter square of dense sand brick on the ground!

And the core of the stiff wind elemental creature who did not know to dodge was actually smashed by Zhang Yang!

At the same time, however, in order to achieve this result, Zhang Yang also paid the price of more than ten different wounds. It's just that he doesn't have time to take care of the wounds now, Zhang Yang wants to make an attempt, an attempt that has no reason but is worth trying!

I saw that he threw the warhammer in his right hand to the wind elemental creature rushing in front of him, and then pulled out two broken magic arrows from the quiver behind him. The green elf bow was full, and shot at the center of the two wind elemental creatures on the left!

In an instant, I only heard two sounds of Ding Ding. The two arrows of Zhang Yang shot into the bodies of the two wind elemental creatures without hindrance. To the effect, even the two whirlwind shields on the front are easily penetrated by the broken magic arrow!

Looking at the two moments, the fifth-order wind elemental creatures with only two broken element cores left, Zhang Yang really wanted to laugh three times at this moment, these few guys did not know the workaround, but hidden all their element cores in To the same place!

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