Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 695: Silver Pegasus Knight

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This night for Zhang Yang, Ophelia and others can really be considered a long one. Arrange, fight, get injured, die ...

Twenty-five people originally went into the ‘Oak Cup’ tavern, but now there are only six people and a silver Pegasus left. Not only that, because of the wind-type compound magic finally released by Feiyun, all the dead bodies of the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion have been completely buried like the invaders in the flesh. Under the ruins of the tavern.

As for the living, in addition to Olesia who had been coming down at the last moment on the third floor, even Ophelia, who was under heavy protection, added several wounds. However, compared with his miserable Zhang Yang and Assam, who is no better than him, Ophelia's injury is really insignificant.

In fact, when Zhang Yang took out the two-handed sword inserted into the abdomen, the whole person was no longer a problem. Although he was very weak due to overload and excessive blood loss, his mental state was better than Assam and The other two Tier 3 soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion who had fallen asleep were much stronger.

In fact, in terms of Assam ’s combat strength, he should not have been injured so much, but in order to protect Ophelia, he resisted the attack for her many times. He was the most injured, not only was he punctured in many places, but even his left forearm was cut by two thirds with bones and flesh. If not his own blood, this kind of injury is enough to kill ordinary people. The last few went back and forth.

Because the ‘Oak Cup’ tavern has completely collapsed, for the time being, Ophelia ’s few people can only knock on a house next to them for rest. As for the corpses covered in the Oak Cup Tavern, the exhausted people could hardly clean up, so they had to ask Feiyun to watch outside.

Perhaps this time the "Three Swords League" mercenary group really came out of the nest, or the remaining members are no longer ready to come to die, so a large number of soldiers from the Pegasus Legion arrived from dawn until dawn. At this time, nothing happened here quietly.

So when Hall rushed to bring people with news that the prison was attacked, everything that made him suddenly came out in shock. Just kidding, even if you let go of the problems between the regimental commander and the Camoad Family Presbyterian Church, such a big event happened in the Moratis city where he was stationed, Hall was afraid to blame it.

"Quick, go in and look for the traces of the head of the army, and take a look at the identity of these men in black,"

(Damn, what the **** happened, was it attacked by the bandit group, where is the battlefield in this scene, just like the slaughterhouse, the target of the huge reward rumors is Ophelia Lord of the Legion ,,)

In fact, it didn't take long for Hall and others to look for it. A beautiful silver flying horse that fell from the sky suddenly attracted everyone's attention. The identity of Feiyun, the king of silver Pegasus, Hall and others are clear. Although almost all silver pegasus are similar in people's eyes, Feiyun's handsomeness is still brought by its own strength. The coercion is so impressive.

So when Feiyun fluttered his wings and fell in front of Hall, Hall instantly recognized it, and at the same time a heart finally let go.

"The beautiful and wise king of Pegasus, the head of the regiment is okay now, can you tell me,"

"Herod ~"

Although Feiyun is smart enough, because of his own strength, he can only communicate with Ophelia as a contractor for the time being. From this point of view, it is better than the fat white cat Garfield, but it is more than a star. . Although in terms of strength level, it is only a gap of about two levels, but from the sixth-level Zijin senior level to the seventh-level legendary level, if there is no special chance and talent, it is really too little to cross the past ... …

Although Hall believed that his strength was okay, and his understanding ability was not bad, but he still wanted to understand what this group of Silver Pegasus was saying. Fortunately, Feiyun didn't expect him to understand anything. After hissing, he walked towards an unremarkable house outside the ‘Oak Cup’ tavern.


As for how excited and sighing Hall is after seeing Ophelia and others, neither Zhang Yang nor Assam care much. The priority now is how to supplement the combat power. After all, Zhang Yang has learned that huge reward, so it is conceivable that in the next few days, a few of the Ophelias who will be on the "Glory Tour" are just afraid to meet again. To countless assassinations and attacks.

If you rely on only a few of them to defend and fight, then nothing else, you can be exhausted if you are tired. After all, Zhang Yang ca n’t do everything at all when the manpower is poor, so how to supplement the combat power is really a problem.

But when Zhang Yang was worried about this, Feiyun, who was standing quietly beside Ophelia, suddenly looked up to the northern sky. Seeing this scene, Ophelia in the conversation with Hall was stunned for a while, and then he looked happy, and then Shi Shiran stood beside Feiyun and looked towards the horizon.

"Master Lord, Beauty Master, what's wrong with her, could you find the enemy again, but it's not like ..."

Hearing Assam's inquiry, Zhang Yang also began to have some doubts, but he suddenly thought that Feiyun was the first to feel this, and Zhang Yang suddenly guessed it was impossible.

"It should not be an enemy. If I am not wrong, it should be the legendary Silver Pegasus Knight,"

"Uh ... as long as it's not an enemy, I really don't want to move at all now ..."

"Speaking of Assam, aren't you a vampire? If you **** blood, won't you recover quickly?"

"It's true to say this, but once blood sucking, I can't maintain the form of human beings now. It's a trivial matter to change the shape, but once the breath of high-level undead leaks out, is it really okay,"

"It turned out to be like this, is it true that all vampires have this ability to hide their identity,"

"Of course it can't be. Only our pure-blooded blood family can use this ability. Those mixed-blood vampires can't use this technique even if they are powerful to the sixth-order purple gold peak. They can only use several forms of vampires. "

"Well ... then you will recover slowly."

"Uh ... I thought I could taste the blood of a beautiful virgin ... but I still played with me ~ Adult ..."

"Okay, don't complain anymore. Look over there, it really is the Silver Pegasus Knight."


When Zhang Yang and Assam whispered, two silver Pegasus knights gradually appeared in the northern sky. In fact, they are extremely fast, and it only takes a minute or so to show up from the moment they appear to their eyes. And just when the two Pegasus knights controlled the Silver Pegasus, they just stepped down the Silver Pegasus and made a polite gift to Ophelia.

"Respected Chief of the Legion, the passer of the ancient Silver Pegasus Trial,"

"Silver Pegasus Knight Alathon."

"Silver Pegasus Knight Bagwa."

"Salute to you,"

At this moment, as the two Silver Pegasus knights saluted on one knee, even the mount Silver Pegasus on which they were riding bent their front legs and lowered their bodies, lowering their white and beautiful heads towards Feiyun. In that way, people can see at a glance that they are paying tribute to the king of Silver Pegasus.

"Welcome to you, brave Silver Pegasus Knights, please get up."

At the moment, Ophelia's language and manners have a strong aristocratic atmosphere, but in her current identity, it is precisely this kind of school. Therefore, apart from Zhang Yang and Assam, no one felt anything wrong with her attitude, but felt that Ophelia exuded a kingly spirit all over her body.

"Thank you sir,"

In fact, this kind of answer is an ancient etiquette, so when this kind of meeting ceremony with obvious allegiance is over, Ophelia's expression suddenly becomes a lot more kind and natural.

"Which city do you belong to, the Silver Pegasus Knight, arrived on the second day of my arrival?"

"Looking back to the Lord, we are members of the Knights stationed in Molimche. In fact, just after the news came out a few days ago, we were ready to respond to the Lord, as long as our Silver Pegasus sensed the With the breath of His Majesty the King of Horses, we will rush over to listen to your dispatch as soon as possible, "

Hearing this, Ophelia was slightly stunned. Although she knew that the Pegasus King was of great significance to the Silver Pegasus Knight, she had never heard of such a positive situation. Generally speaking, only after completing the Glory Tour and returning to Moxim Ya can really get the loyalty of all Silver Pegasus knights, so the situation in front of her is making her suspicious.

"This is really unexpected. You have only seen it since I wanted to. There was an attack here last night. Someone obviously didn't want me to go back to Moxim alive, but all those who wanted to kill me were dead, and now, I It really needs some manpower. So you better tell me why you came directly, "

At this time Ophelia had to be careful, especially after having just experienced a desperate attack. However, the two Silver Pegasus knights might have expected Ophelia to ask questions like this, so instead of standing up, they replied on their knees:

"Admiral Chief, you can rest assured that the Presbyterian Church has not completely controlled the entire Camod family. As for our identity, it is actually a close friend of the patriarch. He has predicted that you may be in danger, so when you pass After the news of the trial was passed back, the patriarch and the elders have begun to mobilize all their strength to gather on your side. We are actually the first to come over because of the short distance, "

(Adult Father ...)

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