Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 696: Sudden reinforcements

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Olis Camod, the father of Ophelia, is also the head patriarch of the Camod family.

Only because of the intervention of the Presbyterian Church of the Camoad family, the power held by the patriarch Olis is really very small. Even Ophelia once thought that his father had been crushed by the Presbyterian Church over the years and had completely lost his ability to resist.

But after listening to the words of the two Silver Pegasus knights, Ophelia suddenly realized that although his father was gentle, he was not weak. Although he seems to have no resistance on the surface, in fact, he is afraid that he already has a lot of strength in his hands.

Once the time is ripe as he is now, he will definitely explode the unexpected power of all those who underestimated him.

Ophelia felt that he had never had such strong confidence in his heart. With the help of so many people, if she can't achieve her wish, then Ophelia will not forgive herself.

With the joining of the two Silver Pegasus knights of Alazon and Bagwa, once again recruiting 100 fighters from the Hall of Silver Pegasus fourth team under Hall, the manpower around Ophelia finally increased again.

It's just that this "Oak Cup" tavern has been completely ruined in the battle last night. After thinking about it, Ophelia finally decided to lead everyone to the "Brave" tavern for a temporary stay, just waiting for everyone to rest and eat. After that, it is time to start the glorious tour.

In fact, Ophelia needs to deal with a lot of things at present. Not only do the many corpses on the ruins of the "Oak Cup" tavern need to be sorted, but all the supplies needed for the tour must be deployed in the warehouse in Moratis. In fact, these are not the most important to Ophelia.

It was Zhang Yang's injury that really made Ophelia decide to delay the departure time of the tour.

At this moment, Zhang Yangzheng was lying in the best room on the second floor of the Brave Tavern. Beside him, several bright priests were standing awkwardly, and the wounds on Zhang Yang were only affected by the two low-level pharmacists in the city Treated with a drug bandage.

It is not that these bright pastors do not do their best, or have other ideas or the like. It's because Zhang Yang's physique has been completely unable to accept the treatment of light magic after being promoted many times. Not only that, but now his physique, even other elemental magic, is not effective for him.

Therefore, for Zhang Yang, the two casters that can use the power of life, such as the druid and the shaman, are particularly important.

It is a pity that the number of druids and shamans on the mainland is pitifully small. It is not easy to find them temporarily, and it is even more difficult to persuade these people to treat Zhang Yang. Fortunately, Zhang Yang's own physical fitness and recovery ability are very strong, so although the wound was simply treated by the pharmacist, in his own words, it is no longer a big deal.

"In the past two decades since I became a light pastor, it is really the first time I have seen a light-based healing magic like you fail. In the impression, except for dark creatures such as undead spirits and demons, normal people Will not repel the light element ~ "

Seeing that the magic of the light system that he was good at had failed, the oldest priest, the bright pastor who had stood aside for a long time, finally couldn't help but open his mouth. He had also doubted whether this person would be an evil creature before, but after several releases of light magic had failed, the old man was confused.

For this kind of problem, Zhang Yang can only keep his mouth closed. His physical condition is really special, and it is impossible to explain even if he wants to explain it. But the old priest did not have to ask for an answer. Everyone had his own secret. He said that, on the one hand, he complained, and on the other, he told Ophelia.

For this kind of winding, Ophelia is much more familiar than Zhang Yang and others.

"No one can understand things in the world. I am afraid that even the legendary saint-level strongmen cannot be omnipotent and omnipotent. So you do n’t have to be guilty of this master. In my opinion, you can come down. I ’m very grateful. "

Hearing Ophelia say this, the old priest shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"Admiral Ophelia, you are really damaging me. With my strength of less than 4th order in front of you, how can I stand up to the word master? What's more, this time I can't help What are you busy ... "

"You are too serious to say this. The art has specialization. If you let me learn the magic of light to save people, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it in the future."

"I really like to laugh at the head of the Legion. The Camod family is known for its natural talents in the mainland. Naturally, it is impossible to learn the magic of the light system. If you can learn it, it will definitely be much higher than the achievements below. Not to mention this, since you can't help If I ’m busy, I wo n’t disturb this gentleman to rest. If there is any command, the head of the army will send someone to call me. ”

"Thank you for your help, or at least thank you for my two men."

"You are Welcome."


As soon as Ophelia sent the bright priests out of the tavern, she was stunned. You know that Ophelia has experienced so many things in recent years, and it has been ups and downs, and it is a big joy, and it will not be easy to be surprised by small things. To make her stunned now is enough to show how surprised she is.

"You, why are you here."

Looking at the group of smiling people in front of her, Ophelia spoke a little bit hard.

"Sir Ophelia, it's been a long time since."

"Yeah, yeah. You have been there for a few months, which is really worrying. Haha."

"Huh. Miss Ophelia's strength seems to have become much stronger. Look at this breath ..."

"It definitely broke through the fifth-level gold level."

"It should be stronger."

"I think so too……"


Listening to this man in front of him talking about his own strength, Ophelia suddenly understood why people like Wright would come together with them.

(It is free and happy. With them, it should be very happy and happy.)

If you think about it, Ophelia's education has almost formed her habit. Even if she is distracted, her behavior and performance will not be wrong. So she went straight up and took the girl's hand, and smiled in surprise:

"Miss Neil Jelina, why are you here ..."

For Neil Jelina, the noble and beautiful legionnaire in front of her is indeed a very threatening competitor. Although she is quite confident in her own adult. But when I thought that the two of them had been alone for several months, Neil Jielina was not very confident because of her background, and she was anxiously secret, at least from the performance in front of her, Ophelia Ya, it looks like a mature woman.

"Yesterday I received a letter from my adult. It was mentioned in the letter that you will have to stay outside for a few days, because you have analyzed your situation before the head of the army, so we guess that you may need some credible manpower support, so we will coming."

"Wright, he's really thoughtful. He's just dangerous here, he shouldn't let you come."

"Yes, we secretly came after we settled the mercenary corps and should not be found."

Hearing this, Ophelia shook her head slightly and sighed. She knew that the other party had misunderstood. The danger now is not only from the people of the Camoad Presbyterian Church. Under the high reward, a large number of Mercenaries and adventurers are really dangerous guys.

"Do n’t underestimate your opponents, this is what Wright taught me. In fact, the Presbyterian Church has already controlled most of the Camoord family, so no matter who enters or exits Moxim, they ca n’t escape their eyes. Now that ’s not to say that At that time, since you are already here, it is too late to say anything else. Only be more careful, remember not to act alone. "

Hearing Ophelia ’s words, Neilina ’s expression suddenly became serious.

(The situation here seems to be more serious than what the adult's letter said. Could it be that the other party has already launched an attack.)

Thinking of this, Nier Jielina suddenly felt a little uneasy. The soldiers around here looked serious, almost all the swords and weapons were in their hands. If they were only alert, the murderousness was too heavy. Could it be ... Thinking of a certain possibility, Niel Jielin suddenly asked anxiously:

"Sir Ophelia, where is my sir now. Why haven't I seen him appear all along?"


Hearing Neil Jielina's question, Ophelia was suddenly speechless. Whether it was ancient trials or the glory tour today, it was her business. Now Wright has been wounded many times, which makes her really unable to speak. However, after a little hesitation, Ophelia said frankly:

"Wright, who was injured in the attack last night, is resting on the second floor of the hotel ..."


"How can it be.."

Sean and others who heard Ophelia's words suddenly stopped guessing and joking, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

They haven't seen Zhang Yang's combat power. Under normal circumstances, he is stronger than most of the fifth-level gold-level professionals. If that secret technique is used, even the sixth-order purple-gold level strongman is not his opponent. However, he was so powerful that he was injured. . How powerful the enemy is. .

Seeing the shocked look of Neil Jielina and others, Ophelia's face was also very sad.

"There were too many enemies attacking last night. We two Tier 5s, Tier 6s, and a team of Tier 3s or so guards. We also lost more than 20 talents under the desperate battle. If it were not for Wright, Fashenwei alone killed more than 100 attackers of Tier 3 and above, as well as the attacker leader of Tier 6 Zijin level and several strong men of Tier 5 level, I am afraid you will not see me now ... "

At the moment Sean, Jason and others were almost stunned. Everyone knows the concept of more than one hundred professional workers with rank 3 and above, and the death of a strong sixth-rank Zijin level shocked everyone. This is like a personal record, even a large mercenary regiment has this strength.

Do you kill most of the large mercenaries by yourself?

At this moment, Neil Jielina could not care about anything else. When Ophelia said Zhang Yang was injured, she had already flew to the door of the "Brave" tavern ...

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