Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 709: Helpless choice

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At this time, the battle in the small square has been completely ended. In addition to the safety of more than 200 Silver Pegasus soldiers, the remaining hundreds of patrol team members have fallen to the ground.

In fact, with the statistics and treatment after the battle, Ophelia and others found sadly, in this chaos, nearly 200 members of the patrol team died! The initiators of this attack, except for the first dozen or so black gauze dancers who caused confusion, were actually caused by the dozen or so disguised combatants!

Although none of these fighters could run away in the end, when Ophelia and others brought a part of the "poisoned" soldiers to the huge water spring in the center of the city of Molimche, one followed Ophelia Leah ’s Silver Pegasus Knight took a closer look, but shook his head very angrily and said:

"Admiral, the regiment, the water here has been poisoned. I am afraid it will not be available in a short time."

"What ?! Really ... **** it!"

At the moment of hearing this news, Ophelia's heart burst into flames. If only to deal with her and the tour team, the Presbyterians have done too much this time!

Not only have the means of the next three abuses been used, have they even ignored the lives of civilians in Molimche? This water source is the only source for the living expenses of the whole city! If it is contaminated and poisoned, how should civilians live? !

"Is there a way to produce toxins from this water source? Miss Charlotte."

Now that the woods have become a boat, Ophelia can only find a way to minimize the impact, and for those who have knowledge or methods of toxins, only the half-hanging alchemist and bright pastor Charlotte in the tour team.

Just because it was affected by the last poisonous smoke. Today, Lanster can only ‘over the tent’ and Sean and others are in one place. The task of detoxification fell on Charlotte.

"It should be able to get rid of it by [purification technique], but if you want to purify such a large water source, the time required will be a lot, let alone I am afraid that I no longer have the extra power to treat others."

"In this case……"

At this point, Ophelia was hesitant, knowing that among the poisoned people are not only a large number of soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion, but also Sean, Jason and Wright! If you don't detoxify as soon as possible, in case Wright can't control her own heart ... if he is crazy with his strength, I'm afraid ...

"Don't hesitate Charlotte, let's purify the water first. This should be one of the enemy's traps. As the leader of the Silver Pegasus Legion, if he abandoned the civilians for the sake of his men, Ophelia finally established the foundation at the bottom. I'm afraid it will shake. "

The person speaking at the moment was actually Wright who had been sitting in the shade with his eyes closed. He saw that instead of the redness of ordinary people who had hit the 'Forbidden Fruit', it was a scary pale. If it were not for his eyes to still look red and bloody, I am afraid that it would be difficult for everyone to connect him so calmly with the people who had been hit with the 'forbidden fruit' potion.

In fact, everyone's heart is really strange. The effect of the 'Forbidden Fruit' potion is much more weird than ordinary toxins, not to mention ordinary people, even those who have strong tempers and can not be spared after being affected by it. But everyone who knows Wright knows that he wouldn't actually use grudge, so if he was hit directly by the ‘forbidden fruit’ potion, why can he stay sober?

"But Wright, what do we fighters affected by the" Forbidden Fruit "potion do? And if the enemy takes the opportunity to attack, our fighters can't help but most of them are in a coma, even if they are awake Its weakness, how to deal with it then? "

Ophelia's worries are not unreasonable, so everyone on the scene invariably put his eyes on Zhang Yang's body, and this move suddenly fell in the eyes of Olesia.

"Actually, ordinary soldiers can not play a big role in this battle. If it is not because of the advantage in quantity that can make up for the lack of strength to some extent, the team can actually not make it so large."

"But there are also a lot of attackers! After all, the combined number of attackers we met on the way came, there were already thousands of them?"

For Zhang Yang's point of view, Ophelia can still understand a little, after all, her strength has passed the threshold of the fifth-level gold level, and with the help of Feiyun, the combat power has reached the sixth-level Zijin intermediate level. To the point. If you let her act as an attacker, under the blow of Feiyun's large-scale magic, these low-level Silver Pegasus soldiers in the patrol team have no effect at all, they can only be killed!

However, Charlotte also has different opinions in this regard. Since it is a glory tour, the team will naturally have a few appearances. When facing a large group of low-level attackers, it is impossible to let the Feiyun group magically arbitrarily every time? After all, there are still many concerns in places like cities.

"In fact, there is no need to worry too much. Although the number of mercenaries and adventurers is large, there are not too many people who are really blinded by money and involved in the attack. This can be seen from the attack of the genius. In Moratis, many people still have some illusions, hoping to get rich overnight, but the dead bodies will make the rest calm down. After all, there must be a life to get more gold coins. "

"Anna, what you said makes sense, but what shall we do now? After all, so many soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion are still in a coma ..."

After hearing Anna's explanation, Charlotte generally figured out the key to the matter, but because of her good personality, she was more concerned about the situation of the soldiers.

"It shouldn't matter, since you can't go, then simply rest here for a day or two."

At this time, Zhang Yang ’s state cannot be said how good it is. The effectiveness of the “Forbidden Fruit” does not affect him, but Zhang Yang himself has a very strong willpower, and his physique is also very special. It is extremely powerful to control oneself, so that it can barely hold on to his heart.

But at this time when he saw the beautiful women around him, he still had some impulses in his heart, so after saying this, Zhang Yang turned around and walked into a large chamber of commerce nearby.

"But ... is he really okay? I think his eyes are really scary!"

Olesia's eyes kept staring at the direction of Zhang Yang's departure when she spoke. After all, in her impression, Zhang Yang was a very mysterious guy. Not only is she extremely strong, but even her personality seems to be a little changeable. During the occasional contact these days, she feels that this person is not the same as the guy who invited herself to drink in the memory that night.

"It should be no problem? After all, Wright's strength is much stronger than us, maybe it can ..."

Because Olesia has always been kind and has no hostility to everyone, so these days, Lily, Millil, and Defer and others are still happy with her. But I do n’t know if it ’s a kind of induction problem, but Neil Jielina and Anna are not very willing to contact her. So when she spoke, Lily was a little uncertain.

"... I'll go and see my lord, and I'll bother you here."

In fact, Neil Jielina was already anxious in her heart, only to see that Zhang Yang was not abnormal, so she could be patient. But just before she saw Zhang Yang's departure, she suddenly felt something wrong, so after leaving a word in a hurry, Niel Jielinna followed Zhang Yang's footsteps and ran into the chamber of commerce in an instant Went through the door.

"Uh ... Anna, are you sure Miss Neilina has no problem with the past? You know, Wright boss, he was affected by the" forbidden fruit "potion! In case he couldn't restrain himself ..."

Lily has always known that her friend likes Wright, but she also understands that the Wright, who is enough to call it cold, does not clearly indicate how she is going to choose.

Not only that, in Lily's opinion, Anna's competitors are really more, not only with Neil Jielina who has followed Wright for the longest time, the head of the Ophelia regiment, I am afraid that it is also unusual with Wright Relationship? !

If not, why did Wright take such a big risk to accompany her in the ancient silver Pegasus trial? And now this glorious tour is also dangerous along the way, almost one step at a time?

Right now, Wright, who has always been calm and indifferent, is under the influence of the "forbidden fruit" potion. It is when the resistance to women is the lowest. 'of! At that time Anna would want to compete with others again, just because it would be difficult!

Lily was thinking about something at this moment. Naturally, as her friend Anna understood, she only looked at Neil Jielina to keep up. She actually had some concerns in this regard. It ’s just that Anna has a quiet personality, and it ’s really embarrassing to chase them together, but now after hearing Lily say that she got the steps, she no longer hesitated and said, “I ’ll go and see,” and ran over there. ...

Seeing Neil Jelina and Anna both chasing Wright and ran into that chamber of commerce, Ophelia was really a bit tangled. In fact, she was no less worried about Zhang Yang than Niel Jielina and Anna, but as the commander of the Silver Pegasus Legion, she had no courage to chase it in front of her men.

What's more, not long after entering the city of Morimse, there are still a lot of things waiting for her to deal with, so even if she struggles in the heart, she has to endure her own will and turn her head to the union of the chamber of commerce behind him. The building goes ...

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