Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 710: Zhang Yang's persistence

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Because of the relatively developed commercial activities, most of the interior decoration of the Chamber of Commerce in Molimche is very luxurious and elegant. The interior not only uses a lot of polished marble, but also uses more opal and silver in many decorations and staircase handrails. Stars and the like.

The chamber of commerce selected by Zhang Yang at will belongs to this kind of relatively luxurious category. After all, it is a symbol of strength to be able to build a hall of thousands of square meters in the center of the city of Molimche.

Therefore, when Neil Jelina rushed into the door and came to the house, the eye-catching luxury decoration suddenly surprised her, but after all, Neil Jelina was also a person who had seen the world, and was originally in the capital of Pompeii. In the city of Laran, it is much higher than the grade here. After all, it is a merchant ’s site, and no matter how luxurious, there is always a taste of upstarts.

At this moment in the hall of the chamber of commerce, there are dozens of fearful businessmen who are carefully looking at the direction of the door, and on the ground in front of Nier Jielina, the five armored professionals are falling on the ground. Singing painfully.

In fact, it is actually two shield warriors of about third-order black iron level strength; two are similar to Nier Jielin's fighting strength, making the sword master weapon master, and a light armor looks the strongest. Sword dancer of the fourth-order silver level strength.

Perhaps because of the effectiveness of the Chamber of Commerce, the armor and weapons on them all look very good, but now they are all falling to the ground one by one, and the armor is somewhat deformed in the middle, as if it has been hit hard.

"You can see where the man who came in just now?"

Seeing this scene, Neil Jielina can already guess what happened, just before and after the effort, the grown-up in his family could knock this defensive team of professionals into the ground. This really surprised her.

Because of this, Neil Jielina is more convinced of her judgment. Her adult, I am afraid that the current situation is not as calm as it appears, otherwise, in terms of his usual way of handling things, he will never be so irritable. Direct shot. Fortunately, Zhang Yang still paid attention to the importance of his shot. While knocking these five people to the ground, they did not cause them too much injury. This is enough to show the strength of that man.

At this time, the five professionals on the ground were numb one by one, only humming, so when Neil Jielina asked, it was the eldest of the businessmen who stood up and answered:

"This lady, are you the companion of the man just now? He is really a tough and fierce strong man ~"

After listening to this, Neil Jielina understood that the other party was complaining about turning, but since no one was killed, it would not be considered a hatred. Besides, these businessmen should know what is happening outside. It really needs to be counted. If Ophelia is more guilty, they will not be able to escape a crime of not knowing it.

"That is the head of my family, because he was poisoned by the villain in the battle of Fangcai, so he was grumpy, I think you should understand it. Oh, by the way, we are now protecting the Silver Pegasus The glory patrol team of the Legion, please give a line to inform him where to go. "

Hearing Neil Jielina here, the face of the group of businessmen suddenly changed a few faces. In contrast, the old man headed by him was rather calm.

"It turned out to be a warrior serving for the head of the legion, then it was a misunderstanding. The man who went upstairs just now said he was going to borrow a room to rest, but the guards of our chamber of commerce thought he was here to make trouble, so he would start. Let the lady laugh. "

"So, how did you decide?"

"Since it is for the commander of the Silver Pegasus Army, Lord Ophelia, we will naturally support cooperation. Please tell the adult, the room upstairs is free to use, if you need anything, you can always tell me Wait."

"In this case, I'm really disturbed."

"It is an honour for me to serve the head of the Ophelia Legion!"

As he was saying here, a figure suddenly rushed in from outside the door. Neil Jelena turned her head to look. Is n’t Anna still there?

At this time, you don't need to ask Neil Jielina to know that she is also at ease. As for the things Lily worried about before, Neil Jielina didn't think so much at all.

"Sir he?"

"It should be upstairs, let's go and see it together."

After saying this, Neil Jielina glanced at the five professionals in front of her, and bypassed them and went straight to the second floor. Seeing this, although Anna was full of doubts, she had to keep up. But when they reached the second floor, they found that it was actually built into a sky garden!

Looking up, an open garden is located in the surrounding corridor and rooms, not only with precious flowers and trees, but also sculptures, tables and chairs. Even more valuable is that there is a shallow pool under the sculpture, and Zhang Yang is sitting in the pool with his back to them!

(I said why he did n’t go elsewhere, but came here, presumably he had already felt that there was water before? Just this water can really remove the power of the 'forbidden fruit'?)

With a doubt in his heart and a little anxiety, after Neil Jielina and Anna looked at each other, they walked to Zhang Yang's side. However, just when they had just taken two steps, Zhang Yang said in a low tone with obvious depression:

"Don't come here, I'm fine."

Hearing this, Anna guessed that Zhang Yang was definitely unable to suppress the medicine, so she took a step forward anxiously and asked:

"Isn't it said that water can dispel the medicinal properties? Isn't it true that Mr. Lanster said? Sir, do you really care?"

At this time Zhang Yang's condition is indeed a bit bad. The medicine of 'Forbidden Fruit' will change from weak to strong with time until it is completely consumed or absorbed. Although Zhang Yang knew this for a long time, he did not expect such a great effect! As far as his will power is concerned, there is also a tendency to become more and more uncontrollable.

As for the fact that water can indeed relieve the medicinal properties, it just needs a lot of water to cool down. Since Zhang Yang entered the small pool just now, there are only two leaks. The original cool water of this pool has now begun to emit a little steam!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered that he can actually use a little ice magic, although the power is much worse than his own combat power, and it has to consume the magic core to use it, but it is enough to cool down. . So he didn't even have time to reply to Anna's words, but reached out and released a second-order magic of the water system [Hand of Ice] in this pool!

Suddenly, as the magic core embedded in Zhang Yang's wrist was struck a little, from the position where his right hand touched the pool water, an ice layer suddenly formed and spread instantly. At this time, some anxious Neil Jielina and Anna had already rushed to the pool, but the scene in front of them suddenly made them stupefied.

"Sir, are you?"

"Sir, when will you be able to use water magic? Will this hurt yourself!"

Although the two women's reactions were different, the worries were the same. It seems that Zhang Yang's appearance is really weird. At this moment, not only the scary eyes, but also the original pale face, at this time, it looks like a cooked crab. Not only that, the pool below his waist has frozen into a piece of ice, but Zhang Yang's head and body are still breathing in heat at this time!

This really doesn't seem like nothing!

(Really underestimate the power of the "forbidden fruit" potion ...)

At this moment, under the action of medicine, Zhang Yang felt as if a fire was burning in his heart! Not only that, he looked at Neil Jelena and Anna around him at this time, and there was an inexplicable agitation! Fortunately, Zhang Yang still has some self-control at this time, so when his left hand is about to lift up and reach Neil Jielina, he actually forced himself to stop in mid-air, and then throwing his hands into the body with a cruel heart. It was frozen there like the right hand under the ice!


(Why do you force yourself so much? Now that Anna and I are here, we are already mentally prepared ... and you ... what do you think! My lord ...)

Seeing Zhang Yang freeze his hands and lower body together in the ice, Niel Jielina and Anna really couldn't tell what it was like. Some regrets? Still a little lucky? Or is it lost? The two of them didn't know that they could only sit silently by the pool and watch Zhang Yang's fascination.

However, as time went on, Zhang Yang was getting hotter and hotter, and his mind was a little confused. If it weren't for the magic power on his hand, he had maintained the magical consumption of [Hands of Frost], so that the ice layer around him had melted and frozen, and it couldn't melt back and forth.

This allows him to maintain his body temperature within a safe range, otherwise, he really does not know what will be done.

However, with the passage of time, the six second-order magic nuclei inlaid on Zhang Yang's wrist ‘tough bracelets’ after all had less magic reserves. So that after the last magical powers of these six magic nuclei were broken up one after another, the ice outside Zhang Yang's body suddenly began to melt quickly, and his body temperature continued to rise, so that his mind was a bit blurred after all!

(Ca n’t help it? What should I do? Neil Jelena and Anna are still by their side! Although they can come here at this time, they have already shown their heart, but if they are in this situation ... Not the result I want!)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang was also cruel. He even took the power of the Warhammer Omok directly from the ring of space, and then hit the head up without hesitation ...

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