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Perhaps it is really the **** of war Campas that heard the call of Helia? The pain that Syliya had expected did not come. In her frightened eyes, the huge figure, who was completely caught in the dark with the moonlight in front of her eyes, raised her head slightly before opening her eyes!

In fact, he approached Zhang Yang from Xilia, and was instantly bounced by Zhang Yang. During the period, there were only two breathing times in total. Only because of the extremely tense relationship, in the feeling of Hiriya, the time has indeed become extremely long, and now when she dare not take a breath, Zhang Yang finally wakes up from the instinctive reaction.

In other words, at this time, he woke up from a relaxed sleep state ...

(Uh ... what's going on?)

Zhang Yang rarely sleeps quietly, and there is no danger in his neighborhood, so all his mind is calmed down, leaving only instinct to protect himself. It was precisely because of this that he mistakenly caught Heria.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang has now changed the bad habits he had left when he escaped from the previous life, and will not directly hurt the killer under the instinct. This was so that Shiriya retrieved a life without knowing it.

Now that he found himself reflecting too much, under the instinct, he even counterattacked the hostess who captured the room. While looking at the blanket that fell on the ground beside Shiria, Zhang Yang suddenly deduced what happened. So, he withdrew his right hand, which was stuck on Shiriya's neck, and just wanted to apologize.

Just because of the fright, Faria is now numb, and she has no strength to stand. So Zhang Yang let go, and she immediately fell to the side.

With Zhang Yang's reaction speed and skill, she will naturally not let her fall to the ground. But now that he is awake, he can no longer pick up the hostess's neck like he did just now. Moreover, Zhang Yang looked at the state of Helia at the moment, and even if he held his arm, he might not be able to stand up. In the arms.

Moonlight was silent, and Wan Lai was silent.

At this moment, through the little gap in the outer wall of the room, the cold and quiet moonlight suddenly turned into a little light spot and spattered on Zhang Yang and Xilia. But because of the angle, Zhang Yang ’s back is facing the moonlight, but the front of the whole person is in a shadow. Coupled with his fairly tall body, and the hair that became messy due to the need for disguise, the whole person looks like a mysterious and wild temperament in Sheria!

(Obviously, he was attacked by him, but he couldn't bear the slightest hatred, why is this! And this posture ... in case it was seen by Wolfe and Womiga ...)

Thinking of this, Hiriya struggled slightly with the bursts of numbness from the resistance body. However, when she raised her head and inadvertently met Zhang Yang's eyes, her heart was suddenly attracted by those eyes.

(What kind of eyes are these ...)

Even the night can't hide the light from these blue and black eyes, as if it were a cold lake under the moon, deep and quiet. The occasional flash of light was like a drop of ripples on the surface of the water. After quietly spreading out, what was left was like the precipitation of the years.

It is like a clear spring formed after the sedimentation of muddy water. Although it looks pure, it exudes vicissitudes.

Sheria was really confused at this moment, and her heart unconsciously gave birth to a desire to explore its secrets! At the same time, Shiriya also understands that if he takes this step, he will definitely be stuck in a deep and unable to extricate himself, and even develop to the point of nowhere!

She has this feeling!

Mystery is often accompanied by danger, and this truth cannot be overstated. But there are too many examples of knowingly committing crimes in the world. Whether it is a human or an orc, or even other intelligent life, who can handle this problem rationally, there are very few ...

So, Siria, who was caught in a dilemma, was infatuated for a while. But her only struggling move was to inadvertently let her soft and beautiful body rub in Zhang Yang's arms.

Even with clothing and bandages in place, Zhang Yang could still feel the softness and elasticity that came from Hiriya in his arms. That is the abundance of Yuansheng Girls and the softness unique to the women of the Fox family. Coupled with the close contact of the body, the familiar scent exuded from Sheria, these together, even with Zhang Yang's concentration, gave birth to an impulse to want to hug for a while.

It's just that the contradictory look in Shiria's eyes makes Zhang Yang understand that if he adds a little weight at this time, the outcome will be difficult to predict. And Zhang Yang's heart will not be dominated by his own desires, so at this time, Zhang Yang made an unexpected move!

I saw him using his arms to force Heria directly onto the bed. However, the most amazing thing is that even in terms of the weight of Hiliya Bally Parkley, when falling on the humble bed, not to mention the pain of falling, even the sound is very subtle.

However, Zhang Yang's fall caused Xiria to swiftly recover, and after she realized that she was thrown onto the bed, she looked at the man in the shadow in front of her and suddenly hugged her chest and legs. Shrinking into a ball is totally like a struggle to resist.

However, at this time, the man who was about to be rushed by Shiriya had a slight glance at her, and then jumped out of the window like a cat. This made Siria stunned and relieved.

(He ... really went out like this? With a beautiful woman with little resistance at his disposal, just went out like this? Could it be that he didn't look beautiful enough? Or compared to Womiga, he thought I was old ?)

It is said that women's hearts are needles for the sea, which is no different for Orc women.

Shiriya, who was just worried about being rude, now began to doubt her charm after Zhang Yang left!

Subconsciously down from her proud twin peaks, one by one brushed over her flat belly like a girl, plump buttocks and a pair of slender beautiful legs. The hairy fox ears in Shiriya's long hair suddenly shivered slightly.

(Obviously a charming big beauty, how could that person bear it? There must be something I did n’t find! For the safety of Vomija, I ’m also out tonight, but I want to see what the guy is pregnant with. thought!)

Suddenly, Helia found an excuse for herself, her eyes suddenly firm. At this moment, I saw her get off the bed lightly, quietly opened the door, followed by a trace of smell left by Zhang Yang and chased past.

Because of the relationship between the edge of the psychedelic desert, the temperature of the village where the Hiriya family is located is not much higher than that in the psychedelic desert at night. But now, under the light of two round moons in the sky, in the faintly visible psychedelic desert in the distance, there will be some faint roars from unknown Warcraft.

With Zhang Yang's skill, even if he is seriously injured and is in a weak state due to overload, it is still difficult to see a trace of someone passing by where he has passed. However, the orcs are orcs after all, although their appearance is not very different from that of humans, but in terms of basic physical qualities, they are indeed much better than humans.

Compared with the sense of smell, human beings are almost indifferent to the orcs. So, although Zhang Yang's habit did not leave traces on the surrounding ground after going out, Shiriya could distinguish the direction from the faint smell of medicine and the fragrance on her body.

(It ’s strange to say that if he is a senior warrior, it ’s easy to understand without leaving any trace of his actions. But he is obviously a big man who looks messy, but he does n’t have any sweat or **** smell. I can tell from the smell of medicine and my body fragrance, I'm afraid I can't find it. But it's really abominable ... I just left after doing such a thing ...)

Thinking of the tactile feeling of being held in the arms by the other party, close contact, Xiria's face suddenly showed two red glows. She thought that the fragrance on Zhang Yang's body was left because of Fang Cai's hug. But in fact, even if the body fragrance of Shiria is special enough, it won't be able to leave such a clear taste even after a little contact.

The reason why Zhang Yang was contaminated with Siri ’s body was because she slept on her bed earlier in the day.

But now Hiriya didn't even think about it so much. At this time, she was struck by a strong impulse that hadn't been seen for a long time, and she ran forward with the faint scent that seemed to be dissipated. . When she finally found the trace of the man in the night, she suddenly found that she had run to the edge of the psychedelic desert, and even yellow sand began to appear at her feet.

(Why didn't he come here in the middle of the night ?! Could it be that he wanted to enter the psychedelic desert again? But it's not like, if he was going to venture in the desert, wouldn't he sit there motionless? )

In Hilia ’s eyes, that Wright was now sitting on a gray sand in the psychedelic desert, because from her perspective, only the relationship of Wright ’s back could be seen, and Hilia did not know whether the man was What an expression. But in any case, his performance is also surprising.

He ran to the edge of the extremely dangerous desert in the middle of the night to sit. If this person was not sick, he would have no fear of relying on it?

Sheria was very hesitant, and her feeling told her not to enter the psychedelic desert, but to stay away from the man. But somehow, she wanted to confirm from that person's eyes that her beauty and charm were effective for him, it was that simple.

So after she made up her mind, Sheria took off the gray-brown burlap coat and long skirt outside, and wore a short inner corset and petticoat, bare white feet, step by step Go to the man sitting on the gray sand ...

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