Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 796: Miriam's misunderstanding

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It probably started from that accident six years ago? Sherea watched her husband be killed alive by a soldier under the tiger orc lord in order to protect himself and his children ...

Since then, Hiriya has not only lost a husband who loves herself, it seems that even her own heart is closed at that moment. Although she will try to be a mother's part for the sake of her children, even when she usually faces Wolfe and Womiga, there will always be a faint smile on her face.


But in the past few years, Hiriya has gradually begun to forget what is impulsive and passion, and gradually feels that she has gradually become numb in her day-to-day life, so that her still beautiful is beginning to wither in her heart ... …

Until two days ago, when she discovered that her two children went into the psychedelic desert to collect but did not return, Hiriya felt that the pillars that had supported her survival seemed to collapse in an instant! The next day she did not know how she came.

She has n’t eaten a bite, but she does n’t feel hungry; she has n’t drunk a drop of water, but she does n’t feel thirsty; even if the village ’s neighbors, village heads, and even those suitors who have changed their heads now come to see her Other reactions, just blindly holding the clothes of Wolf and Vomija and crying in tears ...

If her children were really dead, then it would be meaningless for her to be alive. That was how she thought.


However, just yesterday, the children of Sheria came back! In fact, just when she saw Wolf and Vomija reappearing in front of her, Sheria could hardly believe it was true! And when she took Wolfe and Womiga into her arms, Siriia felt that the whole world had returned to glory!

It was at this time that the guy who was wearing a broken black dress, covered with wounds, scabs and sand, also entered the eyes of Shiriya.

It is this guy who doesn't speak much Orcish common language. This guy who always has a calm face and even a slight smile on his face even if he is injured is that he saved his child. At that moment, even if Shiriya did not want to, this guy from the famous school Wright was deeply remembered by her ...

It was him who brought back the hope of Shiria and the motivation to live. It was also him that made Hiriya discover that her daughter was inexplicably interested in him. As a result, Shiriya had a thorough idea of ​​the person who was destined to be a passer-by in her life.

Until just held by the man and opposed to her eyes, Sheria was surprised and even frightened to find that her long-dead heart had beaten again and forcefully!

So, under the crappy reason of using her daughter as an excuse, Hiria decided to find out the secret that the man hid, for the daughter ...

(Let yourself be capricious again ... I did n’t expect the sand in the psychedelic desert at night to be so cold ...)

Stepping on the cold, fine sand under her feet, the tip of the fluffy tail behind Shiriya, flicking left and right unsteady, just like her heart, with tension, excitement, and hesitation.


Sheria couldn't do the silent action of Zhang Yang, and she had no signs of falling to the ground, but she didn't even want to hide her body, but instead meant to intentionally attract the other party's attention. At this time, with the sound of her footsteps falling on the sand, Zhang Yang, who looked at the dark and white world deep in the psychedelic desert, finally turned around slowly and locked her eyes on Shiria.

Yurun beads are round, plump and fair.

At this time, Shiriya was wearing a short dress, shoulders, waist, and most of the slender thighs. The clothes were immediately exposed. Her eyes were hot with contradiction, struggling with an inexcitable excitement, and then with a head scattered behind her. The long hair and the characteristics of the fox orcs really have a different kind of exotic style and the same deadly temptation!

(This may be the reason why the southern nobles of the French Empire love the orc beauty very much? It is indeed a very hot temptation, but it is a pity ...)

Many people would say that men are creatures that use their lower body to think about problems. In the face of the temptation of beautiful women, it is difficult to hold themselves, so that many heroes end up falling under the skirt of the beautiful woman, even bad luck. It also ended in disgrace.

However, in Zhang Yang's view, those who wantonly indulge their desires, both men and women, are not qualified to be called strong. Even on the Orlando continent, there are some powerful professionals who will have a lot of beautiful women, but they want to reach the eighth-order epic level, but this life is hopeless, let alone the highest peak of the power.

Control power, control emotions, control desires ...

The strong need not only courage and determination, but also perseverance and sufficient mentality. Otherwise, it will eventually become a servant of strength and desire ...

(I just know what I want.)

Zhang Yang not only thinks he is a strong man, he is also a person who believes in love. Even if the world in which he lives is materialistic, even if many women have regarded themselves as commodities that can be traded, he is still willing to control his desires for the persistence in his own heart and to keep the holy place in his heart.

So, seeing Shiria coming to herself with all kinds of charms, Zhang Yang was still sitting calmly, looking at Shiria with an inexplicable sadness.

"Am I not beautiful?"

Sheria, who approached Zhang Yang in front of her, posed a rather tempting look sideways, and then slowly said.

"You are fine."

Zhang Yang ’s orc language was only two days after he was full of words. It ’s not easy to even guess Gumon and say it well. Siria clearly knew the language level of the man, so he did not care too much about the wrong answer, but took another step forward and leaned down to continue to ask:

"If I am really beautiful in your eyes, then why would you leave me and run out, not ..."

Sheria's sentence was a bit long, and Zhang Yang basically didn't understand her meaning. But at this time, his brows were slightly frowned, because of the relationship between the angle of Hiriya's leaning and her loose corset, Zhang Yang could easily see two round petals and a line from her collar at this moment. Deep gully. But this is the mirror of Shiriya's heart, and he took the initiative to reveal it.

"You, Wolf, Vomija, mother!"

When Zhang Yang said the last set of words in this sentence, the tone was quite serious. If Shiria was a stranger, even if she stripped off in front of Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang would not even bother to take care of her. However, Hiriya is different. In Zhang Yang's impression, she is the image of a good mother, and now suddenly comes out like this, which makes him very surprised.

However, no matter how powerful and powerful, there is no perfect. Although time and experience can make people more mature, each person's own interest and personality determine that they are geniuses in some respects, and may be stupid in some respects.

Zhang Yang may be such a person. He has a strong combat strength and a determined mind. His experience of the two worlds and the memory of the lich made him look at the problem and deal with the core, and he was admirable for his neatness. However, whether it was the last life or after rebirth, Zhang Yang faced emotional problems, even when facing a woman, he seemed stupid and stupid, with almost no such talent.

So, in this ambiguous situation at the moment, Zhang Yang's words suddenly changed the look of Xiria. The original tempting beauties of the amorous feelings suddenly became out of touch and wept.

Zhang Yang's original intention was actually to say that he, Wolff and Womiga could be regarded as friends, and as his friend's mother, Zhang Yang could not be less likely to happen with Sheria from that perspective. It has nothing to do with Womiga's feelings, this is just Zhang Yang's own attitude and perseverance.

But these words were heard in the ears of Hiriya, but they meant something else.

"Sure enough, you are wrong with my daughter! Why, do you think I am the mother of two children ?! Is it because you are a sentinel sent by the Tigers or the Lions, not some of the nobles I imagined !? Ah! Tell me! "

At this time, Shiriya ’s emotions are out of control, so these words are said quickly and urgently, and the content is a type that Zhang Yang has never heard of, which makes him completely confused, and he is full of face. Doubt.

"I do not understand what you said……"

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Sheria almost sneered with her teeth gritted:

"At this time, do you still pretend not to use common language to fool me? Is it really interesting for you to fool us, the weak race ?!"


"You really can pretend! Now that is the case, make it clear now! What the **** do you want? If you want a woman, I am much stronger than Womiga in any way ?! So what are you going to do? Just rush at me! Do n’t hit my daughter ’s idea! "


At this time, Xilia said that she cried and knelt down, which made Zhang Yang really circled. He didn't think he was going too far! Even if he accidentally caught Shiriya before, it was at least a shock to her, without hurting her, and without any unreasonable behavior.

But now Hiriya not only caught up, but also took off, noisy, noisy and crying, as if he had done something sorry for her.

(Could it be good for Campas ’orcs to hug it? It should n’t be! Even if it was the high elves who once paid the most attention to etiquette, they did n’t say that hug would be responsible for the other party. Misunderstood? I ca n’t help but I do n’t understand the language. Now I do n’t want to explain it to the other party. How is this really good ...)

But when Zhang Yang was troubled and overwhelmed, Shiriya, who saw him without any response, flashed a bit in her eyes. I saw her kneeling in front of Zhang Yang, with her trembling hands to take off the only bra left on her body, and murmured in her mouth:

"Is it possible to let go of my daughter as long as you satisfy your desire? Okay! Don't you also admit that I am beautiful? Then come!"

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