Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 819: Sunset shock

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"I did talk to several villagers in your village. They also said that thanks to this Wright's help, they could escape the poisonous hands of the wolf race orc hunter. But the villagers said they didn't know his origin. , The only clue is yours. "


Hearing Big Shaman Bellis say this, Wolf opened his mouth several times but didn't know what to say. But at this time Bellis continued to say:

"Although I am now one hundred and twenty years old, if I remember correctly, that Wright was brought back one day after your brothers and sisters went to the psychedelic desert to gather? Did n’t expect your brothers and sisters It ’s such a good life, not only to survive the day in the psychedelic desert, but also to escape smoothly, which is really good luck! "

"It is because of encountering Wright's relationship that we can escape those poisonous hands of Warcraft! Otherwise, now we have long become a food that does not know that Warcraft, how can we live to the present ~"

"I believe this, although the psychedelic desert has a deceptive power during the day, but as long as you are more careful, you can still think of a way to escape the direct sunlight and escape from the disaster. But even if he helped you deal with Warcraft , But what about his origin? What about his current people? Why not enter my sunset canyon? "

Seeing that this big shaman, Burris, was not moved at this moment, and kept catching the original question, without using Vomija to speak, Hiriya was already cruel and said directly:

"Because Wright ... he's a human!"

"Oh? Human? It's very interesting, I wonder if you can elaborate?"

Sherea thought that after telling the secret, the other party would either be surprised or angry. But in fact this sheep orc big shaman seems to be only a little unexpected now, and there is nothing else that reacts too violently. On the contrary, Hiriya could not understand the other party's attitude and had to sternly continue to say:

"In fact, we have only known him for more than a few months, but this human being is not the same as the rumored evil human being. Although it is very powerful, it is not malicious. I think you should also see that my daughter Womi Although Ga is young, he is a rare beauty, but even in a place like the psychedelic desert, Wright did not have any evil intentions for my daughter. So I think he is a good person! "

"Um ... please continue!"

"Uh ... Wright said that he was accidentally transported to the psychedelic desert and wanted to return to the French Empire as soon as possible, but because of serious injuries he decided to recuperate in our village for a few days. It happened to catch the wolf orc hunter. Only when we come over can we escape. "

"Well ... It is said that Wright not only alone defeated a leopard clan strongman, but also killed the fifty or so wolf orc squad squad alone? Is that true?"


"And are you sure he still has serious injuries?"


"Then the strength and identity of this human being is very problematic. You never thought that such a powerful human being would really come to our Campas orc kingdom for no reason? If he broke through from the front of the **** battle What should people do? "

"This ... I didn't think about it ..."

The words of the Sheep Big Shaman Bai Lisi made Silia speechless, but at this time Womiga finally found the opportunity to interject, so she only listened to her with an extremely positive tone:

"Grandma Bellis, I believe in Wright and believe that everything he said is true!"

"Oh? You are just a little girl, and even your mother is uncertain, how can you be so sure?"

"Because ... I am a fox!"

(Is the Fox family? Could it be ...)

"Well, even if he is a good person, where is his person now? I can understand his concerns. After all, humans are the biggest enemy for the Campas Orc Kingdom. But in my opinion, the orc aristocracy The bad things we have done are no worse than human beings. And no matter whether orcs or humans, there are also good people and bad people, so ... Until you can prove that he is not a bad person with bad heart, you can only be wronged A moment. "


"what are you going to do!?"

"Oh! Let me go!"

At this moment, after hearing Big Shaman Bellis say this, the two super-strong fighters behind her suddenly stepped forward one by one, holding Womiga and Wolf respectively by the waist. This made Siria's face change drastically, and almost rushed to the big shaman in front of him desperately.

"Let go of my baby! Is there any problem for me! You should be a mother, why should you do this?"

Faced with the accusations of Hilia, Big Shaman Burris did not get angry, but smiled bitterly. His eyes flashed a bit of sorrow in China, and he looked up at the night sky to show his attention before answering Hilia's question.

"Because I used to be a mother, I understood what a child means to a mother. Maybe some children will choose to selfishly protect themselves at the juncture of life and death, and give up their mothers. But when this position is changed, for the safety of their children , I believe that being a mother will do her best. So, go find that Wright to come and see me. I will personally confirm why he came to the Kingdom of Campas! "

"You are still a big shaman, don't you think it's too mean to do this ?!"

At this moment, Xilia had been exhausted, and she did not care about the huge gap between her and the other party, but she stepped forward so bravely, staring closely at the eyes of Big Shaman Bai Lisi, she couldn't let her go. Shouted.

In this regard, Big Shaman Bellis was not angry, on the contrary, she looked quite satisfied.

"You are so concerned about your child, I am very happy. You can rest assured that these two little guys will not be treated a little unfairly during this period, they will stay with me until you call that name Wright tomorrow. Human beings are brought back to see me. "

"What if ... if I didn't find Wright? One day ... if I didn't find it ..."

"It's okay, if I don't find it, I won't treat your children, I just send them to a trial. If they succeed, they will not only get huge benefits, but may even change the entire Campas orc The pattern of the kingdom! "

Hearing here, Shiriya ’s teeth creaked and squeaked, and she finally managed to hold back the grief in her heart, red eyes staring at the opposite, the old sheep who looked more and more unpleasantly asked. :

"... Is the trial quite dangerous?"

"Not dangerous, should it?"


"In fact, I haven't been in it. The members participating in the trial must be fox race animal talents. Other races only have a dead end."

"How could there be such a place !?"

(Could it be ...?)

Thinking of this, Hiriya suddenly stopped talking. She first glared at the big shaman, and then she looked slightly, and said to Womiga and Wolfe in harmony:

"Don't be afraid, mother will find Wright to save you!"

Hearing the words of Shiriya at this moment, Wolf and Vomija, who were lifted in the air, didn't feel much pain even though their faces turned red. Those two strong sheep warriors who want to come should have no strength.

"Relax mother, we are all right! Be careful when you go out!"

"Yes mom! We're okay! It's just that I didn't expect that the legendary and respected sunset canyon Grand Shaman is not as trustworthy as a human being! Hum! Wright will avenge us!"

"... hehe, if he really is as good as you say, you are all right. As for wanting to avenge me, of course, as long as he dares to come, I think there will always be a chance! Isn't it?"

"Humph! Ignore you!"


Because it was dark and unable to find people, Hilia was allowed to stay with her children for a little longer. After dawn, she left the Sunset Canyon anxiously and hurried to the place previously agreed with Wright. However, it was just dawning at this time, and the whole Gobi was still cool.

It was not until Sheria ran to the appointed place breathlessly that she remembered that she and Wright agreed when it was every evening! This made Siria stomping her feet anxiously, but to no avail, she could only look around for Wright with tears.

However, Siriia made two full leaks around until the sun came out and the temperature rose rapidly, and she still had nothing. Can only find a place to rest under a mangrove tree for a while and take a breath.

(Wright does n’t know where to go? The stone mountain and the neighborhood are next to me. Where should I go to find him! Was this guy not waiting for us yesterday, so he left by himself? If so If not, would n’t Wolff and Womiga be saved?)

Thinking of this possibility, Hilia immediately shook her head hard, as if she was about to get the idea out of her mind. It's a pity that once this thought appears, it's hard to be wiped out. Plus, at this moment, Shiriya is anxious and there is no good solution, so she is more and more anxious, and more and more wronged, not long. Crying with his knees ...

It is a pity that although tears are a powerful weapon for women, most of that power is reflected in the face of men. If crying can solve the problem, then the strongest person in the world is likely to be a crying little girl, not the legendary Holy Order strongmen.

So after crying alone for almost half a leak, Hiriya's mood finally calmed down. Thinking of the mysterious human man with a calm expression, Shiriya suddenly did n’t know how to speak after finding him. Should she just say, ‘I need to use your life to change the lives of my children? ’

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