Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 820: Helia's decision

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Sometimes when people encounter things, they have no choice at all. Just like what Siriaso is facing now, for her children, even if she does something that violates her intention or even conscience, she will Choose to continue.

Therefore, although Shiriya did not want to involve Wright in her heart, she had no choice for the safety of Wolfe and Vomija.

(I only hope that the old sheep lady can keep its promise and let Wolfe and the two release when they see Wright. Otherwise ... otherwise, would n’t they harm Wright in vain? No matter, find Wright first and talk again ...)

With this in mind, Sheria took time to wander carefully around the setting sun. At first, Shiriya didn't find anything special about her troubles, but as time passed, she realized many doubts!

The sunset canyon is too desolate, although it is also located outside the psychedelic desert, but compared to the village where the Hiriya family lived, there are too few edible plants nearby, which is not enough to feed the village of thousands !

But yesterday, Hilia was in the sunset valley, but clearly saw the existence of hundreds of orcs of various races! What do they live on? There are no fields around here, how many people can be supported by light gathering and hunting? Could it be that the big shaman, Burris, would privately maintain trade relations with the big city occupied by the orcs and nobles?

What is she selling? Is it a rare fruit in the psychedelic desert? still is……

When Shiriya thought of this, she suddenly felt cold all over. The sun at this afternoon seemed to be unable to provide her with enough warmth, which made her unable to resist a cold war.

Speaking of this day or so, Sheria barely ate anything. Although she found some small springs and drank some water, her hunger and exhaustion made her unable to move. In addition, she was worried that Wright would leave without seeing herself at the meeting point, so Sheria spent almost all her energy to get back to the appointed place before the sun went down.

However, Zhang Yang had not come at this time, which disappointed Hiriya's heart, and the feeling of physical fatigue became clearer. So, rubbing her sore legs, Hilia slid slowly to the ground against the thick mangrove. At this moment, there was about one hour left in the evening agreed with Wright, and there should be nearly six hours left by the end of the day.

As long as Wright can appear on time, Siriia feels that time is enough. The ups and downs of emotions make people very tired, so at this moment when the sunset is hanging, the temperature is not high or low, and the breeze is at the moment, Xiria, who is sitting under the mangrove tree, slept so sleepily.

It was only when she dreamed that Wolfe and Womiga were pushed into a dark bottomless hole by a pair of big hands, she suddenly woke up with all her body!

And at this time, the first thing Hiriya woke up was watching around, looking like that, looking for her child. However, dreams are dreams, when she gradually emerges from her dreams and wakes up completely. Suddenly breathing, Siriia suddenly found that the surrounding sky had been completely darkened, and not far from her, a bonfire was burning.

Looking at the rock next to it, Wright in black was holding a long wooden stick, wearing a skinned, long ruler-like prey, and was grilling casually on the fire.

Looking at everything in front of her, Hiriya opened her **** mouth and stared at Zhang Yang for a while in a daze. And just when Zhang Yang felt her gaze and turned around, Xilia suddenly jumped off the ground and screamed holding her head!

"Ahhhh ~! What time is it now !? Wright, when did you arrive, why didn't you wake me up !? God! I, I, I ..."

In Zhang Yang's impression, Xilia has always been a gentle and feminine woman. In addition, because of the relationship between the mother of two children, her virtue and occasional femininity really impressed Zhang Yang. So that in his memory, the impression of Siria has always stayed in the image of the mother who was busy in the humble home, and the beautiful and beautiful face that night against the cold white sand of the psychedelic desert ...

But now, Zhang Yang has once again seen a new aspect of Hiriya, that is, in anxiety, he can even be called crazy. This surprised him and asked:

"Siriia, what happened?"

"What time is Wright now! Goodness! How long have I slept ?!"

"It's about eight o'clock in the evening, is there any problem?"

"When it's eight o'clock? Huh ~! It should be okay, but when did you come here? Why don't you wake me up !? If I don't wake up, the consequences will be ..."

"Should it be when it was just getting dark? I saw you sleeping there as soon as I came, so I cleaned up the fire and ate some food. But why didn't I see Wolf and Womiga? See you now In an anxious manner, could it be that what happened to them? "


Sheria was really hesitant at the moment. She could feel Wright's good intentions to take care of herself. After all, the night was a bit cold here. If there was no fire to keep her warm, she could never sleep peacefully for so long. Either he was awakened early, or he fell ill in the cold, how could he be so comfortable?

But it was such a rare good man, but Healia was able to get him the safety of her children, and she really did not know how to speak.

With Zhang Yang's experience, why can't he see something in Shiria's heart, but for him, this kind of thing does not need to be forced, as long as it is not Shiria's intention to harm him, everything else Zhang Yang can safely accept. So he just looked at Silia calmly and said as usual:

"If there is anything you need to help, just say it. Are you bullied in the sunset canyon?"

At this moment, the more peaceful Zhang Yang's attitude is, the more she considers for the Hilia family, the deeper the guilt in her heart is, so that Hilia will eventually bite her lips with tears, forcing herself to speak the truth. Too.

"Wright ... I'm sorry for you! I divulged your human identity, so that now the big shaman Bai Li in the sunset canyon shamelessly took down Wolf and Vomija! She said that only in person After seeing you and making sure that you are not a bad person, I was willing to let go of my child ... I'm sorry Wright ... I ... I really didn't have a choice to come to you ... woo woo ... "

"Well ... then when are you going to go back? Is it still tomorrow morning?"

"... Woo ... Did you agree that way ?! Don't you even need to hesitate ?! You know, the strength of the big shaman should be very strong, although she is old, but there are still two around her A super strong sheep warrior to protect! In case you go ... wooh ... Wright ... Why are you so good to us! Wooh ... "

Seeing Shiria crying louder, Zhang Yang did not know how to comfort him. He hadn't had a lot of brain power in this area. When the woman cried, he didn't know what to do.

"Uh ... don't cry Hiriya, it's no big deal. The big shaman didn't say that he had to kill me, just wanted to figure out my origin, shouldn't it be too dangerous? Actually it's to me In other words, Wolf and Womiga are the first orcs I met when I came to the orc kingdom of Campas. And they also taught me the Orc common language, and now they are in danger, I go to help, very Normal thing ~ "

"Then ... is there no other reason?"

At this time, Shiriya's speech was getting smaller and smaller. If Zhang Yang's physique was extremely strong, I am afraid that the last few words could not be heard clearly. It's just that he still pretends that he doesn't understand it.

"Speaking of when did you come out to find me? Does the big shaman limit the time you go back? If the time is long, will Wolfe have any problems?"

"There is a time limit ~ He asked me to take you back today!"

"If it can't be done?"

"If you can't do it ... I'm afraid that Wolf and Womiga will be forced to participate in a weird trial!"

"Oh? Trial? Could it be the" Guardian of the Ancients "trial?"

(No, if you look at the strength of Wolff and Vomija, going to the Ancient Guardian Trial is to find death. Without my help, I ’m just afraid that I wo n’t get through the first level! So even if it ’s there It ’s a bit dangerous, is n’t it as dangerous as the Ancient Guardian Trial?)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly looked at Xilia with some curiosity. It's a pity that she didn't know anything about it, but suddenly thought of some other problems.

"Wright, thank you for everything you have done for us. As long as we can rescue Wolfe and Vomija this time, we will leave the Sunset Canyon and look for a place where no one will live. Nothing will happen at that time, nor It's going to trouble you ... but the big shaman, Burris, only said to me one day, but I don't know when her day counts, so ... shall we go back now? "

Sheria had already said that, Zhang Yang stopped talking. He did not even extinguish the bonfire, but carried the half-baked prey in one hand and Shiria in the other, and went straight to the sunset. The direction of the canyon ran.

"Uh, Wright, what kind of prey do you have in your hand? It looks like a piglet? Isn't it the cub of the rockhide boar? But it's not very similar ..."

"Oh, this is actually a terrestrial porcupine discovered in the afternoon, is it probably a second-order Warcraft? Anyway, the spurs it shoots are almost harder than ordinary steel. At first, I picked up those spurs to clean up Who knows that although there is no magic core in the brain of this porcupine, the flesh is good after peeling off the skin, but unfortunately it is only half-cooked now, otherwise you can taste its taste. "

"Wright ~"

"what happened?"

"Really, thank you ..."


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