Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 839: Elemental Summoner

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"But Lord Fox, why is there a high price for rewarding light elemental creatures in the human kingdom? Are they really so rare?"

Ignoring Wolf, who stood on the side, looked rather embarrassed, Womiga asked curiously. Compared with the despised Wolf, the little fox's attitude towards her is surprisingly good.

"嘤 嘤 嘤 ~ You are really cute ~ Uh ~! Cough! Maybe you do n’t believe it, although I have n’t seen the light elemental creatures in person, but in the years I was with Campas, I I have heard of a light elemental creature ... "

"Ah ?! I heard! Is it true? Lord Fox, how are you sure it is true?"

Hearing Womiga's question, a little flash of memory, nostalgia and even jealousy flashed in the little fox's eyes! At the same time, the three listened to it and said:

"Because Campas once said that the guy who was called the" God of Light "was surrounded by a light elemental creature! A seventh-order legend has not reached, only a poorly barely fifth-order level. , That's it! "



(... Could it be?)

Hearing this, Zhang Yang's heart actually moved! Suddenly he thought of a possibility, that is, the relationship between the only light elemental creature and the ‘God of Light’!

(Is this fifth-order light elemental creature the key to the level of the "god of light" to reach the level of the ancient gods? Otherwise, the powerful strength of the ancient gods that surpassed the ninth-order holy ranks, why should you bring the only one around you? What about light elemental creatures? Very suspicious ...)

But when Zhang Yang asked this question out of his heart, the little fox gave him no answer.

"Unclear. After all, I was called here shortly after being summoned because of lack of strength. So although I heard some secrets from the guy in Campas, I have not really seen the light elemental creatures. It looks like. It's a pity in my life? Is that super rare elemental creature! Light elemental creature ... "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang shook his head and said nothing. However, at this time, Wolfe, who had drawn a circle for a long time on the side of the squat, was carefully approached again, and then he began to shake his tail and asked:

"Uh ... that ... Master Fox, let's talk about the problem before us ~ How can we become an elemental creature summoner? What conditions are needed to inherit the mantle of His Royal Highness, the Champion of Flames !? Please you tell me!"

Speaking of which, Wolfe actually stooped and bowed a ninety degree to the little fox! It's just that because he was so nervous that his body was stiff, the stunned tail now turned up when he bowed! This looks really calming like Zhang Yang, and almost suffocated internal injuries because of smirking ...

"Hahahahaha ... you ... haha ​​... you really ..."

Hearing the little fox's unrestrained laughter, Wolfe's face flushed again! But he was still wondering, what did he do? Just bow, why make the other person laugh?

Wolfe was thinking with his head bowed in confusion, and he suddenly saw his sister Womiga falling to the ground and rolling! This surprised Wolf and thought Womiga was uncomfortable!

"Womiga! Sister! What's wrong with you ?! Is it uncomfortable ?! Oops!"

It wasn't until Wolfe rushed to support Womiga that he found out that this little Nizi was uncomfortable and simply rolled with a smile!

And just when Wolf didn't know whether to be angry or depressed, the little fox's voice with a smile came from behind him.

"Hee hee, you don't have to be so nervous, after all, I have been in this Orlando continent for thousands of years, even if I'm in a hurry, it's not a few days. As for what I should tell you, I will naturally tell you.

"Uh ~ eh ?! Lord Fox, are you, where are you in a hurry?"

Wolf was patronized nervously before, but he didn't think about anything else, but now he listens to the meaning of the little fox's words, but seems to be ready to leave?

"Yeah ... It has been thousands of years since I was inexplicably summoned to the mainland of Orlando? At the beginning, I thought the world was so beautiful, not only with blue sky, white clouds, and green There are deep forests of trees and various creatures in a mess. However ... "

Speaking of which, a trace of loneliness and nostalgia flashed in the eyes of the little fox! Until this moment, Womiga who had been staring at it suddenly discovered that from the eyes of this little fox, which looked only half a meter long, she actually felt a very strong sense of vicissitudes and loneliness!

(Was it a person who has been waiting here for thousands of years? Has it been homesick yet? Yes, is it ready to go home? Even if the world is better, it ’s not as good as home. what……)

Suddenly thinking of this, Womiga suddenly felt very sad, although she felt that the little fox could go home and be happy for it, but I don't know why, at this moment her tears began to shed ...

Some people say that the existence of elemental creatures is the purest life in this world. In terms of the elements that make up this world, this statement is also true.

But relatively, the more pure the soul, the sharper it feels! This kind of keenness from pureness is even smarter and more accurate than the keenness of perceptive talents and training! In addition, the elemental creature itself does not have shackles like skin. Although the little fox looks like a fox at this time, its essence is still a fire elemental creature!

Because of this, Womiga's mind was instantly felt by the little fox. Although the little fox does not have any ability to read the thoughts of other people's minds at all, but Womiga's mind is so pure and sincere that the little fox feels the whole thing completely!

(... Even though thousands of years have passed, the Meng tribe is still so kind. Perhaps it is this kindness and pure heart that will enable me and other chaotic and obscure elemental creatures to gradually find that rare sense of chaos and rage. Harmony and balance in order to gain self-awareness? Such a Meng clan ... This Meng clan is our elemental creature, even if it is at the risk of extinction, it is willing to accompany and guard the race!)

"... However, rest assured, I'm fine, you are fine! So don't cry! Otherwise, they thought I made you cry accidentally!"

"... um ... me, I don't cry anymore."

Finally, after Womiga did n’t cry, the little fox will not delay, how will the Meng clan obtain the qualifications and methods of the elemental creature conjurer, and how to sign a contract with the elemental creatures, and how to improve his calling strength , All said in detail.

In fact, no matter what world, no matter what race, there is no such thing that you can get powerful power by giving nothing.

The reason why the Meng family can use their charm to sign contracts with various elemental creatures still has to pay something that people do not know. Or it can be called something that exists implicitly.

Speaking of orcs, they actually live longer than humans. For example, the sheep orcs guarding the sunset canyon can reach an average age of over 150! But this is not the age of all orcs. In contrast, most Meng orcs have only about 60 years of life!

Even if it is among all orc races, it is considered to be short-lived. After all, even the prosperous wolf orc, the average life span can reach 70 or 80 years old!

And this may be related to the talents of the Meng clan and their constitution?

In fact, according to the little fox, the signing of a contract between the Meng tribe and elemental creatures requires not only the corresponding charm, but also enough spiritual power as support!

You know that most elemental creatures are not suitable for living in the Orlando world, that is, on the ‘main plane’ in the mouth of this little fox.

Therefore, after signing the soul contract with the elemental creatures, the Meng tribe can use a special secret technique to receive their contract elemental creatures into a contract space! Whenever you are in danger and are going to fight, or need elemental creatures to help the Meng tribe to do something, you can summon your contracted elemental creatures with only a certain amount of mental strength until the Meng tribe takes the initiative to take it back, or the elemental creatures fight Dead, or the mental power of the Meng clan is completely exhausted.

In the normal days when fighting is not required, the Meng tribe only needs to pay a certain amount of mental power every day to maintain and support their own space where the contract elemental creature is located. How much mental energy it consumes depends entirely on the level of contract elemental creatures, as well as the size and environment of its contract space.

So, although few people in the Meng clan can practice magic and master the magic. But the vast majority can carry out mental strength exercises, and this is the way to increase the level of the elemental creatures and their own levels of the Meng clan!

After all, the more advanced elemental creatures, the more mental energy you need to consume on weekdays, not to mention that after signing the contract, every time you call out to help the Meng clan to fight, do any other things, you need to consume the equivalent Spiritual power.

Therefore, spiritual power is the key to determine the strength of the Mengzu Summoner!

Listening to the little fox talking about this, Wolfe was puzzled. According to the little fox, it knows several ways to exercise mental energy. So if the Meng clan signs a soul contract with an elemental creature that exceeds its mental endurance limit, what will happen?

"Reluctant to sign a soul contract with a powerful elemental creature that exceeds your spiritual strength limit? You really dare to think ... I'm not afraid to tell you that this is indeed a way to greatly improve your mental strength in a short time! Only because of the need to maintain a very high load of mental energy consumption, not to mention calling elemental creatures to fight, that is, the Meng contractor itself, it will also be full of great danger to life! "

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