Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 840: Possibility of summoning

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What is spiritual power? What is the soul?

This is a problem that almost all casters need to learn and think about.

Although almost all living beings have very limited knowledge of the nature and production principles of these two points, the characteristics and relationships of spiritual power and soul have been obtained through thousands of years of use and practice. in conclusion.

Spiritual power is an energy derived from the soul. Once the mental power is consumed too much, or beyond the range of the soul's tolerance, then this creature is likely to die directly! Even this kind of death, even the soul will dissipate, so that if you want to become an undead spirit, you can only save your body and transform it into a walking dead ...

If the spiritual power is advanced to the advanced level, or if you get some magical encounter, you can advance to the power of the soul!

And the quality of this soul power is more than a hundred times the spiritual power! After all, the high-level professionals in the world are clear, that is, if you want to advance from the sixth level to the seventh-level legendary level, you must first transform your spiritual power into soul power!

Whether it is a warfighter or a spellcaster, there is no difference!

Therefore, according to the little fox, if a Meng tribe wants to forcibly sign a contract with a higher-order elemental creature, then the first thing is to be mentally prepared!

Because once the elemental creature he chooses is too strong and exceeds the limit of his mental energy generation and endurance, then this Meng tribe is likely to die completely because of the excessive consumption of mental energy!

Even if it is very good, it barely withstands the consumption of mental energy and does not endanger life. However, because the mental energy consumption is too large on weekdays, this Meng family will be mentally weak all day long, and even in most cases it will be in weakness and Weakness!

Not to mention fighting, I am afraid that it will take a lot of effort to take a few serious steps, and it will be light to faint after a little activity ...

Therefore, it is very important for the Meng tribe to choose what kind of elemental creatures to sign the contract. Therefore, in general, the Meng tribe will deal with it more securely, that is, to find an elemental creature that can easily withstand their mental strength and sign a contract.


"However, listening to what you say, it seems as if elemental creatures are so common !? But as far as I know, in the Kingdom of Campas, you can hardly see any elemental creatures? In this case, we are going to Where can I find an elemental creature to sign a contract? I am afraid it will be difficult to find one, let alone pick and choose as you said ~! "

Speaking of Wolfe ’s knowledge, it ’s relatively wide in the same village, but unfortunately this is only relative to more than one hundred orcs in a small village. But one thing Wolfe is right, in the current Campas Orc Kingdom, it is indeed rare to see elemental creatures.

Hearing this, the little fox pouted, and a slight sigh of sigh appeared on his face. It's just that its fox's face is shaggy, and it's quite difficult to see the expression. Therefore, among the people present, except for Zhang Yang who discovered this with keen perception, only Vomija felt something vaguely felt.

"In fact, even when the guy in Campas lived, there were very few elemental creatures in the orc kingdom. It was just that at that time, the wise men and powerful men of the Meng clan found other ways to not only find elemental creatures in large numbers. , Can even be said to be inexhaustible! "

"Ah ?! How is it possible!"

"Yes! What is the solution !?"

Hearing what the little fox said, Wolf and Womiga suddenly looked surprised. At this time, Zhang Yang had already guessed a rough idea, so he said in a fairly certain tone:

"It's some kind of summoning magic."


"But aren't the orcs unable to practice and use magic ?!"

As soon as Zhang Yang's words fell, the brothers and sisters of Wolfe were frying pans. Before the little fox said, Meng Orcs can cultivate spiritual power, but they can hardly absorb and cultivate magic power! Therefore, for Zhang Yang's words, their first reaction was unbelief!

But in this regard, the little fox's next words really made Wolfe and Womiga speechless.

"It's true that most orcs can't practice and condense magic except for some talented orcs, but if it is to arrange summoning magic circle and altar? Only need to have enough magic knowledge and enough casting materials, then Even if you ca n’t use magic, you can summon elemental creatures! "

"Ah ?! Is it okay?"

"Uh ... but this kind of magic circle, the summoning of altars and other knowledge, will it be very deep? We ... we won't at all ..."

Speaking of which, Wolfe's originally quite high mood suddenly fell. In fact, do n’t say anything about magic arrays, altar summons, and so on. I feel very deep knowledge when I hear it. He simply does not understand basic magic knowledge!

If it were n’t for Siriia ’s own knowledge and understanding of the importance of knowledge, so Wolfe and Vomija taught them the reading and writing of the Orc common language when they were young, otherwise they would not be able to do so until now. Brothers and sisters, like most Orcs, only know about fighting and fighting, and they will not even write one of the most basic words in the Orc Common Language that they usually say.

However, it was precisely because of the difficulty of understanding this basic knowledge that Wolf felt a little frustrated, not to mention how much time their brothers and sisters wanted to learn about the magic circle and how to arrange the altar The question is-how should they learn? Who can guide them?

Do n’t say anything like self-study, but know that even the most basic orc common text can be extremely difficult for someone who has never been in contact with it to learn.

It seems that although Zhang Yang already speaks Orc common language now, if he is allowed to read and write, it will be completely nonsense!

Only when Wolfe lowered his head and was sad and disappointed in his heart, the little fox chuckled and said slowly:

"In fact, this knowledge is not too advanced ..."


"Although if you want to systematically learn about the magic circle and the layout of the summoned altar, you need to learn basic magic theory, and exercise a lot of difficult things, but if it is a rote, it is more common Should n’t it be too difficult to summon the magic circle? "

"Ga !? Can this be done ?!"

"Why not! Just by rote memorizing a general magic circle for summoning low-level elemental creatures, and then prepare the necessary materials, then in terms of your mental level, summon some first-order 2. Second-order elemental creatures should n’t be a big problem ~ It ’s just ... "

"Just what !?"

"Yeah, it's just nothing! Master Fox, don't just talk in half! Oops, I'm in a hurry!"

Seeing that Womiga was looking like she was trying to rush, the little fox burst out laughing. It was just that Womiga was too anxious, so he decided not to tease the pair of siblings, but said directly:

"It's just that this universal magic circle that I can call low-level elemental creatures, the elemental creatures it summons every time is not necessarily of any kind! For example, if it is like this, only you two are present. In this case, it is summoning a water elemental creature, then although it does not necessarily hurt you, but when it does not meet the eye-catching Meng clan, it will not walk out of the summoning magic circle, but turn back. It's time for the water element world! "

"That's what it is? I thought there was a big danger!"

"Yeah, scare me!"

Seeing Wolf and Womiga look at ease, the little fox laughed again.

"Is it really okay? Every time you use this magic array for randomly summoning low-level elemental creatures, you need to consume four second-order standard units of land, water, fire, and wind three magic cores or magic crystals. Yo! Doesn't this consumption matter? "



"Then what do you think? Even if the materials that make up the magic circle can be reused several times, but because you can't use the magic relationship, in order to make this magic circle work properly, then it is impossible to call some magic substitutes for each call. Ah. And this is the lowest level of summoning magic circle, if you want to summon elementary creatures above the third order, then you need at least four third-order standard size magic cores or magic crystals, and so on. Advanced summoning magic circles require more magic power. "

Hearing that the little fox said here, Wolfe actually sat down on the ground!

You know, from Wright's mouth, he knew the value of the magic core and magic crystal on the mainland! That is something more valuable than gold coins!

Only in terms of standard unit size magic nuclei, according to Wright, the lowest first order magic nuclei in the human kingdom also need 5 gold coins; and each standard unit size second order magic nuclei can be sold for 20 Gold coins around!

Even starting from a third-order magic core of standard unit size, the price is above 100 gold coins! As for the average price of a standard unit size fourth-order magic core is already around 500 gold coins, and a standard unit size fifth-order magic core is more than 2000 to 2500 gold coins!

Although chatting with Wright, Wolf already knows that the purchasing power of gold coins in the Campas Orc Kingdom is higher than in the human kingdom, but because the magic core and the magic crystal are too rare, their price is even compared to the human kingdom. Some of the gaps will not be too serious.

So let's not talk about the magic nuclei needed to summon elementary creatures of order three or above, that is, the kind of magic array used to randomly call low-level elemental creatures, but also four second order magic nuclei! Counting the four second-order magic cores, how can you buy at least 50 gold coins and 80 gold coins? !

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