Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 866: Wilderness

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(If you have the opportunity to go to Pompei, the magic empire, it would be nice to see these acquaintances again. Speaking of which, the relationship between me and them is really unclear to non-enemy and non-friendship ... but I am afraid that even That Makalus could not have imagined that the kid who had never been in contact with grudges has grown to this degree now?)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang laughed bitterly at the same time that his time was like water and time.

Even now his strength can already threaten the legendary powerhouse, but to this day, there is still no bitterness in his body. Is this really the same place as it used to be?

(I still have to find a way to heal the injuries in my body as soon as possible. At least, I must reduce the excess load of the body to the extent that I can slowly recover myself. In addition, what can restore the power of the soul?)

Suddenly Zhang Yang suddenly thought of the bloodthirsty magic blade that he had used before! Although this weapon is a bit evil, Zhang Yang clearly remembers that after absorbing enough blood of the demon, this bloodthirsty magic blade wants to bite himself, but in the end it becomes his own nourishment!

(In this way, should I get another bloodthirsty magic blade to use? Only that thing needs enough blood of the demon to absorb to grow, so I need to run to the demon world to restore the past. Strength?)

Thinking that he was erroneously hitting Devil Realm every time, he really wanted Zhang Yang to go to Demon Realm himself. He didn't even know what to do! In addition, the strong man in the demon world is like a cloud. With his current strength, it is too dangerous in the past. After all, he also had the ability to transform into an ancient flame demon after the blood of the demon broke out.

Although the blood of the devil itself was a terrible thing, it was like a time bomb inside. But after all, it's a bit of a hole card, isn't it?

Now it's okay, although Zhang Yang has now become the body of Ere, all the original threats and hidden dangers have disappeared. And the strength is steadily improved. If there is no injury, there is no need to be in a bad state of being an ancient flame demon.


(When will this load return to normal ... How did it go beyond that? Is it related to the dark energy group in the body? So how did the big group get it in? It ’s also drunk ...)

I really don't want to understand something. Zhang Yang is not going to waste his mind to think about it. Rather than thinking about those, it is better to study the use of fraudulent orbs.

In fact, until now, Zhang Yang couldn't figure out how this dark energy group ran into the depths of his soul, but it should have something to do with the mysterious thunder nebula?

Speaking of the last time when using the fraudulent orb, when Zhang Yang somehow entered the Thunderbolt Nebula, the whole person was shocked by a fierce shock. Not only that, Zhang Yang somehow felt that after that time, although he himself The power of his soul has not recovered, but he has a feeling that his power of soul is more than the total amount before!

It's a pity that although the power of the soul has recovered partly now, that trace is too scarce.

So much so that Zhang Yang wanted to try to send his soul power into the orb of fraud again. Will he change back to his original appearance?

But the last time Zhang Yang used the fraudulent orb, he was in a coma for three days and three nights! Now he himself is on the barren Gobi. In case he was comatose like last time, it wasn't that he was here to lure Warcraft into the bait, but he was actually sending food to others Warcraft!

(Forget it, try again when you have more soul power to use, otherwise if you are so foolishly playing yourself to death, then there is really no place to call for injustice. It ’s just strange ... it ’s been so long , Why hasn't Warcraft sent it to her door ...)

Helplessly nagging in his heart, Zhang Yang wrapped his cloak outside his body, but eventually he could only listen to the slight wind on the Gobi and slept lightly.

In this way, Zhang Yang survived on the vast Gobi for another two days!

Although Zhang Yang was so hungry during this period, he finally found a mangrove tree. Although there was no precipitation at all during the recent period, he saw a fruit on the branch of the mangrove tree. However, Zhang Yang didn't focus his attention on this branch, but rushed to the root of the mangrove tree and digged hard.

Perhaps Zhang Yang's judgment is more accurate, of course, it does not rule out his recent good luck. Just digging down a dozen centimeters, Zhang Yang even found dozens of dried red fruits the size of thumbs!

In fact, the reason why these fruits can be preserved is the blessing of the Gobi environment!

It is important to know that the temperature here is extremely high and it is dry and lack of water, so it has almost become a natural drying plant. Although every time the fruit from the mangrove tree is eaten by the nearby Warcraft and beasts and even insects. But there will be a small part, because of the relationship between wind and sand, before being discovered, it has been buried under the layer of sand.

This is why Zhang Yang can find some dried fruits.

In fact, Zhang Yang feels that the taste of these red fruits is really good. Although the original richness and moisture are no longer after air-drying, now the dry little fruit is extremely sweet to bite!

However, Zhang Yang felt that his hunger had been relieved a few times. After more than ten tablets were eaten, he took another sip of water. Zhang Yang magically felt a sense of fullness!

This humble little fruit is a very good dry food for travel!

So after discovering this, Zhang Yang was very active, almost rummaging through the Shashuo layer in the range of more than ten meters around the mangrove.

Only in the end was the result unsatisfactory. Zhang Yang was busy for a little while, and finally collected more than 60 dried mangrove fruits that he could eat. But this is finally better than nothing. Although this point is not much, Zhang Yang forgets it. If he saves some food, how can he persist for ten days or eight days?

What's more, he didn't believe it. In such a long time, wouldn't he encounter even a Warcraft or a beast?

In fact, Zhang Yang was already ruthless in his heart, as long as he was touched, any Warcraft will become his reserve grain! It's a pity that Zhang Yang didn't know that he was too full of words, and when he really encountered a Warcraft ...


(Did you rely too much on the ring of space before? So much so that even the rucksacks that were ready anyway for the occasional need are forgotten ...)

After walking almost straight north for six days, Zhang Yang has almost given up his plan to hunt Warcraft. Because he walked along the edge of the psychedelic desert and smashed it on the Gobi, Zhang Yang even entered the psychedelic desert many times at night to try his luck.

It's just like there is no life of Warcraft around here. Zhang Yang's repeated entry into the psychedelic desert has only encountered two clusters of iron wood thorns and found four psychedelic fruits ...

However, as a former special war elite and the ace warrior of the trump card, Zhang Yang will always guarantee that he has a school bag-sized tactical backpack around him.

Among them are not only a small bottle of fresh water for survival, a few compressed food and energy bars, but also efficient matches, a long enough strong fish line, a fish hook, a tactical knife, salt and some emergency medicine, among others Coins with relatively high circulation are naturally prepared.

It can almost be said that as long as Zhang Yang takes this tactical bag with him, even if he is allowed to go to the virgin forest for a month or two, it is not a problem!

Once upon a time, this unremarkable tactical packet helped Zhang Yang to overcome difficulties many times. Even when Zhang Yang was reborn on the Orlando mainland, there was always such a functional backpack around him. Until ... Ophelia sent him the space bag, the safer and more convenient space equipment almost replaced the role of tactical pouches.

But even so, in Zhang Yang's space ring, he still keeps objects with the original functions. In addition, because of the huge capacity of the space ring, Zhang Yang's materials in it are far more than before. But this is the consequence of the journey of the Devil World.

No matter what kind of accidents have left him elsewhere, Zhang Yang relies on the material reserves in the space ring to survive alone for a year and a half without problems! Otherwise, he and Ophelia hurriedly entered the ancient trials afterwards, where could they live so dashingly, although it would not prevent Ru Mao from drinking blood, but do n’t think about it.

However, Zhang Yang never imagined that the power of the soul in his body would go wrong! This is good, the large amount of food and weapons stored in the space ring can't be used immediately, let alone the tactical packets just in case are no longer around ...

(Unconsciously, the vigilance drops ...)

Although he was so sighed in his heart, Zhang Yang knew that there was no way to do it. After all, he was always involuntarily drawn into space cracks, space doors and the like. None of these places is safe! Even if Zhang Yang kept the tactical packet on his body, I am afraid that after passing through the space channel, there will be nothing left ...

Thinking of these Zhang Yang, he touched the small package hanging on his waist, which contained all the food he had recently. However, I do n’t know if Zhang Yang ’s luck has become worse recently. Since he found some dried fruits under the mangrove tree that time, even if Zhang Yang found the mangrove tree growing on the Gobi, at most he could just get under the tree Some fresh water was collected in the soil.

As for the mangrove fruit? There are quite a few cores! Look like that, it should have been eaten up by the Warcraft and so on ...

(Although there are more than a dozen fruits in the package, if you do n’t find new food as soon as possible, then I ’m afraid I have to be hungry ...)

Supporting the 'slender head' mangrove tree beside him, he shook his head and sighed. The ears of the Meng tribe above Zhang Yang's head suddenly shook, and then he suddenly turned around to look west.

At this moment, on the extremely distant horizon to the west, Zhang Yang saw a group of moving black dots!

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