Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 867: Orc Caravan

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The Campas Orc Kingdom has a vast territory, but its distance from the west to the east is thousands of miles. I am afraid that many orcs have not been able to walk through their lives.

However, it is different from the orcs who keep farming on the barren land, or hunt and gather outside at the risk of various risks. There are some orcs who are not born with strong physical fitness. Not only can they safely escape the harsh military service in the orc kingdom, but they can also walk freely in this vast area.

Although these orcs need to pay a large tax to the kingdom every year for this, compared to those compatriots struggling on the food and clothing line, and the orcs forced to be sent to the front of the **** battle because they can't afford the tax, these guys are already worth I was lucky.

They are the blood vessels and blood in the economic lifeline of the orc kingdom. They are the orc caravans called ‘travellers’ walking on the vast wilderness.


Bess put the short spear in his hand firmly on the ground, and then raised his thick right hand to set up a pergola in front of his eyes, so as to slightly block the poisonous sunlight above his head, and he could better observe the situation in the distance.

Speaking of bass, as a rare hunter in the wildmane family, came out to make a living, it is really envious of many people in the same village. Although he is not the strongest fighter in the village, he can't even match Besac, the tall and quiet fighter of the same race in the caravan behind him.

But Bess was still chosen by the thief with a frivolous look.

Yes, although it seems that his employer is not so good, but Bass really thinks so.

In terms of the average height of the cattle orcs that can exceed two and five meters in adulthood, the caravan leader who is full of men and less than one meter tall, and the rat orc Mir, is really too cold.

It's just that even in the Campas Orc Kingdom, which is famous for its worship of force, and now want a stable life, it is really inseparable from these merchants who travel to the south and bring wealth and opportunities.

After all, except for some fierce orc villages, most other villages will not attack orc merchants. Although the raid of these merchants can get huge benefits at one time, if no merchants dare to come, then this village may not be able to pay the taxes required by the Kingdom next year!

After all, only trading is the way to convert the harvest into money. If you let the tax officials of those kingdoms go to share price accounting, the whole village will wait for all to become slaves!

And this time Bass left the village to make money with the caravan leader Mill. But what Bess did n’t know is that although he was nominally a member of the caravan, he was actually sold to the caravan by the village head!

After all, the five-year **** contract pays ten gold coins to the village at a time. It looks like a slave transaction instead of an unusual employment relationship ...

In fact, although the five-year time sounds short, but walking in the crisis-ridden Campas Orc Kingdom, the orc guards who can live safely for five years are really rare!

The reason why Mill chose Bass is more because he is good at throwing short spears. Because such a long-range attacker, whether in the face of Warcraft or the robber, the survival rate and lethality are more objective, at least much better than Bess cousin Bailey-mane.

In fact, the cattle and orcs themselves are a race between a strong warfare race and a weak race.

Say that they belong to a strong fighting race, but the chance of blood energy awakening in the cattle orcs is not too high under normal conditions. Although they are naturally physically strong, even without the aid of blood energy, the combat power of adult cattle orcs is no worse than that of second-order wolf warriors.

But as the strength increases, this advantage becomes smaller and smaller. To the extent that the number of high-level fighters among the cattle orcs is much less than that of ordinary fighting races, this has prevented them from truly entering the ranks of fighting races.

Bass, in fact, like most cattle orcs, is not a monster with a bull head. The reason why they are called cattle clan orcs is on the one hand because of the pair of horns with different shapes on their heads, on the other hand because of their strong physique and thick hair.

In addition, a cow orc like Beth is actually a wild and enlarged human.

"It's unlucky. It's been three days since I've encountered Warcraft. Could it be that they all lie down at home?"

Stepping on a millstone-sized rock whispering alone, a slightly mature voice came from behind Beth.

"Don't complain, isn't it good to have Warcraft? Or next time you will go ahead and stop the iguana."

"Brother! I'm a spearman! It's not like you are a shield warrior. Even if I pick up the shield and go to the front, I'm afraid that those Warcraft won't attack me?"

Hearing what his cousin said, Bailey suddenly picked up the corner of his eye, shook his left arm carrying the shield, and grunted:

"What's the matter? Do you mean that I am a natural mocking face?"

"How can it be! Brother, you are domineering and exposed ..."

Speaking of this, Bailey is too lazy to talk to his cousin, to know that among the cattle and orcs, there are so few people who are so mouth-smooth like Beth.

"Okay, let's talk about the business, did you find anything? Is there any Warcraft or other danger ahead?"

Seeing that his cousin was upset and saying something was right, Bess laughed a little and stopped playing, but shook his head and said:

"Where is there any warcraft and danger! I just watched it for so long, I didn't even see anything that would gasp ..."

At this point, Bess suddenly found that Bailey's eyes around him were staring at a place for a long time, but when Bess wanted to ask, Baili suddenly raised his left hand and tied it with his arm. The shield hit the bass lightly and then whispered:

"You just said you didn't gasp? Then look at what this is! It's approaching us!"

Bess was hit, and when he heard his cousin say this, he was too late to look angry, and looked straight in the direction pointed by Bailey's right hand.

Only then did Bess realize that in the middle of the empty Gobi desert in the distance, there was an extra black spot that was getting bigger!

Be aware that Beth's eyesight is much stronger than Bailey, otherwise he will not become a spearman and scout.

And at this time he has already judged that what is moving here should not be a Warcraft, but a person? !

(God! How is this possible! How can a person survive alone on this Gobi? Is this not an orc at all, but some kind of monster that looks like a human? No, you have to go back and report!)

Thinking of this, Baston pulled up the short spear on the ground, hurriedly pulled his cousin Bailey and ran towards the caravan 100 meters away ...

The caravan led by Mill has grown from a scale of only five people and a few scooters in the past few years to now, and now all members add up to forty people.

In addition, at the beginning, the kind of scooter that only allowed people to walk has long disappeared. Not only that, but now in the entire caravan, there are only 11 Kodo beasts used to load goods. Too many heads!

Although this size is not the largest among the caravans in the Kingdom of Campas, it is also enough to be rated second-rate. So no matter where Mill ’s caravan goes, they will be extremely entertained. Of course, sometimes this enthusiasm is expressed by the robbers with swords, guns and battle axes.

Because of this, more than half of Mir ’s caravan members are **** fighters. Although some of these fighters will make temporary guest porters and coolies when they do not need to fight, even so, Mir still acted cautiously. In addition to the four-shift all-day arrangements for people to be alert, he even learned the business and regular legions, and got two excited hunters to act as scouts!

It is precisely because of Mill's caution that he has successfully avoided several dangers from Warcraft and Bandit in advance in this year. In the words of Mir, only when security is guaranteed can money be made. If life is lost, nothing will happen.

In this regard, some people once laughed at Mill as a timid rat orc, but Mill did not take it seriously at all. In fact, the monkey merchant who said these words was intercepted by the robbers shortly afterwards. Since then, everyone in the Mir caravan, even the third-level black iron senior cattle warrior Besak, has obeyed Mir.

But Bass was only absorbed after the caravan lost a scout because of the danger some time ago.

In fact, because of the existence of scouts, the safety of caravans has indeed improved a lot, but relatively, if scouts themselves are not alert enough, then they are the closest to danger and death ...

"Hello! Beth boy! Why did you run back so quickly? Looks panic? Is there any danger ahead? Won't it be fake news again! Hahaha!"

Perhaps because of the lack of sufficient entertainment items in the journey of the merchants, I do n’t know when, from the caravans in the Kingdom of Campas, this kind of teasing activity has become popular.

In fact, it can't be said that these veteran guards are malicious. They will not ridicule and suppress the new guards. After all, if they are in danger, they can save their lives by holding hands together. So, instead of saying that old-time guards are teasing newcomers, it is better to say that they are just making some harmless jokes.

This time, Bass and his cousin Bailey, who newly joined the caravan, were the targets of the veteran guards.

"Really there is a situation! I saw in the front a lone man in black approaching our caravan side!"

"What ?! Lonely person? Or in black clothes? You ’re right, Bass !? This is a barren Gobi! To the east, it ’s a psychedelic desert. How could someone walk alone ?! Clothes, do n’t you know how poisonous the sun is now? A black suit has been hot to death! "

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