Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 874: Reasons to fight

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As Besac sat by the fire and took the hot water from the badger warrior, he looked at the curious people around him, then stared at the beating flame in front of him, whisper Speak out what happened just now.

Whether it is from the nature of the orc blood or the pride of being the strongest, when Besac heard that the man in black in the distance is likely to be a stronger man than Mang, He felt itchy in his heart, and even the blood in his body began to boil.

However, as Besac quietly left the caravan station and walked in the direction of the mysterious man in black in the dark, there was a little hesitation in his heart.

Although he was about to fight the strong man, he was very excited, but after thinking of some rumors about the man in black, Besac was somewhat hesitant. After all, listening to the new man named Beth said, this mysterious and powerful man in black should be a woman!

This is the only flaw in the United States.

Besac understands that there are many women in this world who are not as inferior as men. There is even a legendary powerful female warrior in the orc city!

She is the pride of the tiger orcs, God's darling to the royal family, the legendary white tiger princess Tiger Lisi has a white hair and black face.

But even so, perhaps because Besac himself has some masculinity ideas, he always felt that women should be the kind of gentle and well-behaved, virtuous and obedient.

Therefore, even if Besac thought that he should be able to defeat the mysterious man in black, the victory over a woman in his view was not worthy of boasting. And if Besac lost ...

(Should n’t you lose? If she is really an agile warrior like Beth said, then the one who uses long weapons should be more restrained of this type of warrior. Plus the other party does not Blood energy can protect you, so as long as you seize the opportunity, you probably do n’t need to use the axe in your hand. As long as you can hit her with a punch, should n’t she be able to afford it with her body?

Thinking of this, Besac tightened the handle in his hand with all the cast iron, and the position of the blade was a heavy axe made of stainless steel, and his heart calmed down again.

At this time, a slender figure almost completely integrated into the surrounding night, about twenty meters in front of him, suddenly entered Besac's eyes.

"You just stunned Bailey's man in black."

When Besac came to the black man ten meters away, he stared at the other person and asked. However, although what he said seemed to be asking questions, and he could listen to Besac's tone, he had completely confirmed what the other party did.

But until this time, the man in black who was still sitting on a dry trunk that fell to the ground, even if Besac approached, but still did not respond, gave Besac a light look, and then gently answered:

"It should be right, but I just kicked the reckless guy with a dizzy kick and didn't hurt him. There is no need to come here to avenge me for this little thing?"

Speaking of which, Zhang Yang glanced at the short horns above Besac's head, and the braids that were very characteristic of the bull clan orc. It looks a bit similar.

As for Besac holding a huge axe in his hand, Zhang Yang just glanced lightly in the corners of his eyes, without paying much attention. After all, Zhang Yang ’s eyesight can only be determined by a glance. This long and heavy axe is not a magic weapon. At best, it is just a big man who is still well-made, even Zhang Yang ’s back That straight knife is much better than this axe.

At first glance, Besac was slightly stunned when he heard the voice of the man in black opposite him. Not the same as the expected female voice, this voice is indeed cold and slightly neutral. But generally speaking, the voices of Besac and their rugged orc males are still too soft.

"No, although I was a caravan with the guy you were stunned before, it was his own business to lose in the battle, not to mention you didn't hurt his life, why should I take his place for him?"

"Well, why do you come to me now?"

"Of course to fight you! Although Bailey's strength is very poor, he is also a rough-skinned shield warrior. Anyone who can stun him, this strength makes me really look forward to it! So, please fight me! "

After saying this, Besac nodded slightly to Zhang Yang, and then picked up the axe in his hand to see if he was ready to fight.

However, Zhang Yang really didn't want to fight this guy for such a boring reason! So Zhang Yang simply shook his head neatly and refused:

"No interest, you should find someone to fight, go for a day, now I am tired and want to quietly."

After speaking, Zhang Yang was sitting back on the dried tree trunk where he was sitting, regardless of whether the opponent was still sculpting there. But this move made Besac angry, as if being flattened!

"Don't you have the honor of being a warrior? How can you retreat in the face of challenges? Could you look down on me?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yang felt a bit of a headache. It was almost impossible for him to reason with such a war-addicted guy. At least when the other party's addiction is fighting, you can't easily dispel the other party's thoughts!

And the only way to quickly extinguish the other party, Zhang Yang is really too lazy to do it! and so……

"I didn't look down on you, just that I didn't know you at first, and everyone didn't have any kind of hatred. Secondly, do you think someone suddenly came over to fight you? Isn't this kind of thing seem weird? If so Every day someone like you comes to me to fight him. I ’m not your sparring partner, and I do n’t want to kill you, but I ’m so annoyed in my heart. I do n’t want to do such meaningless things. What should you do? ? "

Hearing what the other person said, Besac was questioned for a while. He was not the kind of person who was good at speech. Apart from the combat wheel and axe, he was also good at drinking. So after holding back for a long time, Besac suddenly thought of a way!

"Hoo! You're right, if someone comes to me so annoyingly every day, I'm afraid I will want to kill someone. So how is this? As long as you can beat me, then I will stop others in the caravan from bothering you again! Not only that, if you walk alone on this barren Gobi, should you be short of food and drink? So as long as you can win me, I will send you hot food every night when you eat, okay? "

Zhang Yang didn't expect that this seemingly plain-hearted cow orc could come up with such a solution. To be honest, Zhang Yang is really unable to use the space ring at this moment, so there is really no soup pot around him!

And he didn't want to go to nibble the cake that was as hard as stone, and Zhang Yang's nose was also very sensitive. ! You know, before walking on this desolate Gobi, Zhang Yang only used hungry red fruits to fill his hunger, so Besac ’s proposal now sounds a bit tempting!

"Did you just want to be defeated by me?"

"What is meant to be defeated by you! I just want to fight a powerful opponent! As for the things I said before, if you are defeated by me, you will have nothing!"

"It ’s fine, so let ’s play with you for a while. Remember to let me give you some soup and some wine when you lose!"

"Arrogance! I promised to say it first!"

Originally Besac was not angry, after all, he always came across from the girl in black. But the other party looked down on him like this, as if Besac must have lost, but this made him finally irritated, and suddenly an axe slashed straight down the shoulder of the black man!

"So ... remember to talk and count."

With a light flash, Zhang Yang quickly passed the amazing blow of this power incomparably. It's just that, with Besac's furious shot, his strength is almost used!

Under these circumstances, if he wants to change his tactics, it is already very difficult, and if he is forced to control the castration of the axe, then his energy consumption of his blood energy is quite large. Besides, Besac did n’t even want to change his way, because in his plan, if the opponent dodges, he can definitely cut the dead wood under the opponent ’s foot into two pieces!

The two pieces of dead wood that bounced back at that time were nothing to Besac, it was just a pain when they were caught. But what if you change to the thin black man opposite?

I think if you get hit, there is more than 50% chance of hitting her directly or even knocking out? This is Besac's plan, but it is a pity that Besac's ideas are good, but the reality has not developed at all according to the script he envisioned!

In fact, when Bessac cut the dried tree trunk into two parts with a halberd, the man in black went forward three steps quickly and dexterously, directly standing on the cast iron grip of Besac in his hand!

You know that although this axe is huge and thick enough, but the handle is still just the thickness of the egg! But what about this man in black? Not only do you not walk on the ground, but after a few steps, she did not attack! And just with those deeper eyes than the night, I looked at the stunned Besac so lightly!

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