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(Fool, lie?)

Originally Besac knew that the mysterious man in black was very strong, but he couldn't think of how strong the opponent was!

You know, Besac has traveled many times with agile combatants like thieves and sword dancers, but he has never encountered this before. He has the courage and patience to stand on enemy weapons. Opponents who do not attack!

Being able to do so, even if Besac is stupid, he immediately understands that there is a considerable gap between himself and the other party! And this gap is not in terms of strength and blood energy, but the difference between combat experience and mentality!

But Besac has his own pride. He not only possesses the tough qualities of a warrior, but also has the stubborn nature of the cattle orcs and the spirit of not easily defeated in battle!

After all, in Besac's view, even if he can't win the opponent, he will never be like Bailey's guy, even if the opponent's weapon is not forced out, he will be knocked out by a kick!

Therefore, he seemed to be able to transport all the energy of blood gas in his body almost instantaneously. Dangerous breath of breath!

At the same time, because of the blessing of blood energy, Besac has more than doubled its strength! Therefore, the huge axe that was a little bit jerky in use was now easily waved by him!

At this time, Zhang Yang couldn't stand on it anymore, his toes were gently on the handle of the axe, and the whole person had already jumped into the air!

Seeing the other party jumped a few meters in height and came to the top of his head, Besac was not surprised but dissatisfied!

To know that the other party is in mid-air at this moment, no place to borrow, if the average professional in this position has almost lost more than 90% of the ability to dodge!

If the enemy uses short weapons or is slightly weaker, it ’s better to say that such a little volley time may not respond at all, but Besac is different! He not only has a good reaction ability, but also has a strong fighting instinct! In addition, the long-handled axe can reach the location of the other party, which is almost equivalent to someone giving a pillow when sleepy!

Besac even felt that if he did not attack now, he would be a little sorry for the opportunity that appeared at the moment!

These thoughts flashed through Besac's mind in no time, and he didn't hesitate at all. When the momentum of the other party's jumping was not stopped, he had fully lifted the long-handed axe in his hand and used the axe 'S side shot the mysterious man in black fiercely!

(Oh? Not bad. I know I ’m a little bit merciful and did n’t die. But in terms of the weight of this halberd, even if it is shot, I ’m afraid I will be quite injured?)

At the moment, Zhang Yang still has the leisurely feelings to make judgments, which already shows that he is really confident in his heart. But Besac's kind thought at this time saved his life! Otherwise, even if Zhang Yang wouldn't actually kill him, he must leave him with some profound lessons!

As for now ...

Seeing the sharp axe in Bessac's hands snapped at him with a whine wind, Zhang Yang, who was halfway in the air, actually huddled into a ball! When the side of the axe was about to shoot him, Zhang Yang suddenly kicked down!

Between these electro-optical flints, Zhang Yang's feet were exactly on the side of the axe!

So, with the power of Besac to lift the halberd, and the strength of his own pedal, Zhang Yang swooped straight into the air of tens of meters!

At this time Besac was dumbfounded! She didn't say that she had seen such a method, that is to make him want to break his head, I'm afraid I can't think anyone can do this at this moment!

You know that when Besac uses his full force to explode the blood energy in his body to swing the axe, that speed is really fast! If other professionals have poor eyesight, they can only see a shadow, not to mention the sharp edge of the axe!

What's more, this is the darkest moment after nightfall! In this environment, if you want to see the trajectory and appearance of Axe, the eyesight and reaction are enough to make Besac sweat cold just thinking about it!

As for the ability to take advantage of the sky ... Besac thinks he has encountered the most flexible assassin in the kingdom!

(But, it's really too dark! She is still in black, and I can't even see where she is now!)

At this moment Besac held the axe with both hands tightly, but his heart became more and more emboldened. Now he still has the last chance to win the game. Although the opponent jumped into the air, he will surely fall!

It's just that because of the problem of the sky and the other party's clothes, even if the mysterious man in black falls, Besac only has the chance of the last blow! If the blow still doesn't hit ...

Besac has a hunch that the opponent's counterattack is coming!

(Where? Where? Where? Even if she jumped into the mid-air of twenty meters, it should be dropped now? Although the sky is so dark, you ca n’t see each other, but two moments have passed. , Why should it fall down!)

Speaking of it, Besac is not nervous. After all, except for the legendary super powers above the legendary level, I have not heard of any race that can fly! Not only that, people who can jump and stay in mid-air are not as powerful as ordinary people can imagine!

So Besac ’s situation now seems to be a long time in the past, and when he began to watch around unsteadily above his head, an extremely obscure dark shadow finally fell from the air. !

(I found you! I will never miss this time again! Hey!)

When Besac rediscovered the figure of the man in black, the other party was actually behind Besac's head. Therefore, in order to make it easier to attack, Besac stepped back a little step, and then it was a good distance to thrust the axe in his hand straight up!

Speaking of this weapon, the axe is really a weapon for fighting at a medium distance. Aside from its heavy scoring amount, only the front edge of the blade looks like a small double-edged axe, although this axe The cutting edge is a shape of axe with a large side and a small side, but the barb behind it and the tip for piercing at the front end are really capable of hacking and piercing, and it is also a good thing to round and smash people.

Unfortunately, Besac was disappointed again. When the axe was stab in his hand, the black shadow in the air turned around and changed the appearance of his head and feet, but the whole person turned his head down. After the spiked spear, it was so close to the grip of the axe and went straight to Besac and fell!

In these postures, the hood that Zhang Yang had been wearing on top of his head was blown up by the airflow, which is good. The long black and blue hair suddenly spread out like a black cloud and formed a straight line behind him. Dazzling Milky Way.

At this moment, Besac was only less than two meters away from Zhang Yang above the head. Although the latter still had a half-section on his face, the beautiful face contour was directly reflected in Besac's eyes!

However, at this moment, Besac suddenly lost the other person's figure in front of him, and at the same time, a silvery blade of light was like a sudden lightning in the night, suddenly flashing over Besac's head!

When Bessac came back, he only felt a little cold on the top of his head, and the mysterious man in black, now had the knife in his sheath, still standing in front of him so quietly, Not far away. As Besac's eyes looked, the man pulled up the hood on his head again, as if nothing had happened just now.

And then……

"After that, I took the initiative to concede ..."

"Uh ~! This is really surprising, but it's an unexpected ending!"

As Besac spoke out the situation of the talent, Mill squeezed his beard with a pretentious look, and nodded as if he knew someone, then grabbed a dried fruit and threw it into his mouth to chew. stand up.

(Does this mouse think that you are listening to the story now ?! Even if I still eat and listen, I really ...)

Munch was not as heartless as Mill, he just listened carefully, and even no details were missed. So it can be said that at this moment Munch has really felt the power of that mysterious man in black!

"Okay Besac, although you did a stupid thing, your kid is really lucky! In this case, he can come back intact, I even admire you a little, stupid!"

"This ... Lord Munch ... I'm sorry, I'm in trouble again."

Seeing Besac sitting there in a rather depressed look, Munch was ready to scold him again, and suddenly couldn't say anything. But in any case, the strongest fighting force in the caravan was not injured, although he was shaved with a flat head ... but this is also considered a big fortune? After all, the other party can shave Besac's head in an instant, so it means that if the other party thinks, it is not a big problem to shave a head next time, right?

"Okay, I hope this time you can learn a lesson! It is good to challenge the strong, but you also need to be prepared to accept failure! And bear the consequences of failure!"

"The consequences of failure?"

"Yes! Did you forget to promise that thing? Broth and wine!"

"Could it be?"

"Want to understand? The previous battle was not for the caravan to let you go! In this case, our caravan is not obligated to pay for your personal decision. So the extra cost of this part is from your remuneration. Deduct it! "


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