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In terms of Zhang Yang's past personality, he would hardly make such boring jokes. But now he is wearing a dragon tooth pendant and using the fraudulent orb to turn into a fox clan of the Meng clan. Now, somehow, there is a slight change in personality.

Or to put it this way, Zhang Yang is almost relaxed today, and he has nothing to do immediately, and the whole person has changed his appearance. In addition to a few people such as Hilia and Big Shaman Berris, he is almost It is completely like a person!

At this time, Zhang Yang can temporarily put down his thoughts about Neil Jielina and the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, without having to worry about how Ophelia is going, even even the inexplicably shouldered, rescued or revived Terna Human responsibility can also be put aside ...

It can be said that now Zhang Yang has completely put down the burden of his heart through the transformation opportunity brought by the fraudulent orb. At least in today's Campas orc kingdom, he can truly travel freely, freely. Exploration and adventure!

Perhaps it was this change in mentality that allowed Zhang Yang ’s original long-pressed personality due to self-discipline and responsibility to be completely released. This would seem to be a personal change, and even do what is now like a prank. .

It's just that Zhang Yang is so relaxed, but Munch almost sorrowed for it.

"You two wake me up! Damn it! How many times have I repeatedly emphasized? Do n’t sit there and watch the time during the vigil, walk around and patrol, otherwise you are asked to do something! It is better to put two scarecrows there , At least their eyes can stay open! "

It was already morning at this moment. The two guard soldiers who had been guarding all night were already too sleepy. They were almost half asleep and awake.

At this moment, the two of them suddenly heard the roar of Munch behind them, almost frightened to jump from the fire, and even the glass with the crooked and oblique end in their hands directly knocked the ground.

"Ah! Mang, Mangke boss! Me, that you are so early today!"

To be honest, these **** fighters in the Mil Caravan are actually quite good. After all, most of the members recruited by the Mil and Mank from the familiar village are more reliable than the casual caravan escorts they recruited. .

Although Munch is usually stricter, but it is for the safety consideration of the caravan and everyone. In addition, when encountering Warcraft or robbers on weekdays, Munch has always led the caravan guards to fight together. From where it is said, Munch is more respected by formal love, at least those who are scolded by him, never want to remember him.

Therefore, although these two unlucky night watch fighters were wronged, after all, they were really sleepy just now, and they started to doze before the time for shift change, so it was a little embarrassing to look at Mang, so much In a hurry, I couldn't figure out what I said.

"Let you keep a good night's watch, that's everyone's trust in you! Our caravan has forty lives up and down, almost all in your hands, but you? How lazy? You really ... let me say something good. ! "

"Master Munch, we know the wrong thing."

"Yeah, pay attention next time! Never dare to take a nap again!"

Munch, who is in anxiety, wanted to teach them a few words, but how can they not know how to get along with their personality? Besides, after staying up all night, it was normal to fall asleep in the morning, so I wanted to say a few important things, but I didn't say it when I reached my mouth.

In fact, these two vigil warriors were still more attentive. They turned around the camp more than ten times during the night. They did n’t say that. Before dawn, they were fighting hard to pay attention to the movements around them. Lazy for a while.

Now that the two of them admit their mistakes, Munch is not good to continue to scold, and this quarrel just now woke up the entire caravan.

"What's wrong, Brother Munch? This early morning, there was such a big fire. I told you long ago that you should find a wife to extinguish the fire ... Uh! It hurts!"

Rubbing his loose sleeping eyes, Mill's disheveled clothes didn't make a serious statement as soon as he opened his mouth, so before Munch rolled his eyes, he was severely pinched in the waist by his wife Mickey standing behind him!

"Master Mir, I'm sorry to bother you. I'm so sorry."

"Come on! Brother Munch! Everyone has been dating for more than ten years, so don't always be so sloppy, okay? But I am very strange, why are you angry?"

Seeing that the caravan members were almost watching him, Munch finally exhaled heavily, then raised his finger to the source of the problem and frowned.

"It's okay if it's usual, after all, there is almost no Warcraft on this barren Gobi. But last night it was different! Look, what is that !?"

With the direction of Munch's finger, the lunch box suddenly entered everyone's eyes. But including Mill and the two unlucky guards who guarded the night, almost most people did not understand what Munch really meant.

"Isn't this just a meal box? What's so strange, and if I remember correctly, it's a meal box for our caravan! Could it be that they stole something at night? No, even if they both Would n’t it be obvious if you ’re stupid? ”

(Uh, Master Mir, is it really good for you to say that we are stupid in front of us?)

Hearing this, Munch knew that most people did n’t understand what he was talking about, but when he looked at it, he found a guy staring thoughtfully at the lunch box and squeezing his chin.

"Hey! Boys, you should understand what I mean?"

Bass, who was called to his name, was obviously a little surprised, but he did feel this meal box ...

"Boss Munch, I do n’t know how many such lunch boxes are in our caravan, but in my opinion, this one is a bit like last night ... Do you mean that? Boss Munch? "

"You guys have finished speaking! It's like playing a puzzle, this morning. I haven't eaten yet!"

Mir was almost stunned by Munch and Bass, and I stopped each time when they talked about the key, which is too hateful!

Seeing the caravan master get angry, Baston closed his mouth. Not only that, he also made a gesture to Munch.

"... Okay, then I'll just say it. Master Mir, don't you see it? This meal box, when I saw it before I went to bed last night, wasn't there! And if I remember correctly, this meal The box is clear ... It is the lunch box that the bass boy sent to the mysterious man in black last night! Do you understand now? "

Milton was puzzled when he heard this. And what he said, he almost didn't get mad at him!

"Oh, it seems to be! But what about that? Do we still have to give her breakfast?"

(Send your sister's meal! You idiot mouse! Why did I follow you like a fool and idiot!)

Although Munch was almost mad at spitting blood, but after a few words of curse, his anger disappeared a lot. After all, as Mill said, after more than ten years of friendship, how could he not know what kind of person Mill is?

If there are natural warriors in the world, then Mill is the kind of natural businessman! You can do business, but when it comes to fighting, you do n’t even know the most basic things.

"Forget it, let me just say it."

I saw Munch stepped forward and carefully opened the lid of the lunch box and looked inside. After confirming it again, he said seriously:

"This lunch box itself is no different, it is just a normal thing. But the reason why I am angry is that this lunch box was not there last night, but it suddenly appeared here this morning! What does this mean? Someone sneaked into the camp of our caravan when we were sleeping last night. Not only did we return this meal box, but also put it on the pile of goods behind these two night watchmen! That's why I was angry! Our caravan's camp was infiltrated, and we have only discovered it now! If that person wants to kill us, then ... "

Speaking of which, Munch's face is already pretty ugly. His meaning is obvious, but it is easy to enter and leave the caravan camp without being discovered when someone is on a vigil, so from this point of view, it should be a breeze to whom the other party wants to kill!

"Oh hey!"

It wasn't until Munch explained this level that Mill suddenly shouted, but in Beth's sense, how could this call not be so frightening? But after listening, Munch smiled bitterly and comforted:

"Master Mir, do you finally understand the seriousness of the problem? But rest assured, starting from tonight, I will take them personally with a vigil! Such words ..."

Munch, as the captain of the caravan, was quite dedicated, but just after he said that he was going to personally watch the vigil, Mir, the caravan owner who was horrified and screamed before, turned and took the hand of his wife, shouting embarrassedly Road:

"Oh dear! It's terrible! It's terrible! If Captain Munch said, wouldn't it be possible for us two to be peeped when we were mice? Sure enough, it was terrible! Tent the tent tighter, otherwise ... uh! What do you beat me! "

(Shouldn't you deserve to beat you?)

At this time, Munch really wanted to vomit blood, but he said so much, but why did Mill think of going somewhere else? Although it is embarrassing to be peeped, is life safety more important than this?

And just when Munch wanted to reiterate the possible harm caused by this incident, Mill suddenly turned his head and looked at Munch seriously and said:

"Do you really think that if you go to the vigil in person, you can stop the other party? And more importantly, what does she want to do?"

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