Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 878: Munch's decision

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What does she want to do? This is really a problem!

Whether it was Munch or Bass, or other caravan members on the scene, after hearing Mill's words, all of them suddenly fell into contemplation. Businessmen chase profits, members of caravans, whether they are guards or businessmen, have formed this inherent mode of thinking after running business for a long time, that is, there must be a reason for everything!

In this vast and barren land, in this orc kingdom of Campas, it seems to these merchants that there is no love at all for no reason! As for all kinds of malicious, it is the most common thing.

Therefore, when Mill asked questions, it was almost a bit of a brain, thinking about why the other party did this.

For example, the militant guard means: the other party is simply provoking provocation!

But the business people who value the benefits think that the other party may be dissatisfied with the food, so to show their strength, so as to ask for more and better food ...

Of course, there are also timid: no matter what she is doing, it is very dangerous!

And after these opinions were spoken by caravan members, Munch felt that his mind was suddenly more chaotic than before!

At this moment, the voice of a timid girl suddenly passed from behind Munch.

"Will, wouldn't that sister be purely mischievous?"


Hearing this voice, Munch turned sharply, but he saw a man only one meter tall, with a veil on his face, only a pair of eyes and delicate bangs, and the whole person was wrapped in taupe Slender girl among.

At this time, Munch's performance was very strange. He changed his anxious appearance and almost instantly turned into an ugly smile. He said to the slender girl who dressed as a thief:

"You're finally willing to show up, Mirenda! Aha! If that's said, I should have won our bet?"

Hearing Munch say so cheaply, the slender and thin female thief snorted. Although she covered her mouth and nose with a face towel at the moment, but because the material of the face towel was unexpectedly delicate and light, her pouting look was clearly seen at this time!

At this time, Beth's straight cousin Bailey was awake, but when he saw such a female thief who suddenly appeared in the caravan camp, he shouted with an axe:

"Who are you! Why do you want to sneak into our caravan? Isn't it a spy from a bandit group ?!"


"Tell your sister! Didn't Master Munk open his mouth and shouted the other's name? This shouldn't be an outsider!"

"But why have I never seen this chick? Could it be the boss of Munch ..."

bump! what!

In fact, Bailey's previous reaction also made the little girl secretly happy for a long time. After all, she has been hiding in the caravan for so long without being discovered by newcomers. This ability to hide herself is really enough for her to be proud of.

But the next words of Bailey's fool, let the little female thief's mouth just lifted up suddenly! Although Bailey hadn't spoken the following word, Munch suddenly found it difficult to step forward and kicked to the ground, but she also followed her parents to go south and north for so long, how could she not understand the meaning of the other side?

"Should be beaten!"

Poor Bailey had just been awake from the coma, and was stunned by several people ...

In fact, not only did Munch make a shot, oh no, it was a shot. Even Besac, who hadn't spoken much in the caravan, made a punch in Bailey's face. This is a good time, but Bailey's foolish man has been overshadowed by his response in the future.

"How can there be such a stupid guy among the newcomers this time? But if it is a shield warrior, it is barely enough ..."

"Ha, hahaha ~ That's the same thing! But Lunda, our bet ..."

Seeing the other party didn't seem to be in his heart, Munch asked, rubbing his hands together, smiling and moving forward.

"Huh! I'm so sorry to make a gamble? If I don't come out again, are you ready to carry the weapon to find the mysterious black sister theory?"

"Uh ~! How is it possible ..."

"Humph! Save your muscular head, what else can you think of?"

"Is this a compliment to us?"

"... Forget it, I can't talk to you. But I just want to tell you that there is nothing malicious in that person, and I said that you don't like to listen to it. With your strength, you are surrounded by swarms of bees. It ’s not that opponent, so save it! ”

After she said these words, she no longer spoke, but just glared at Munch, and then she walked over and walked behind Mill, and Mickey did not know what to mutter.

"Master Mir, Miss She ..."

"Actually, I do n’t think Mirenda ’s words are unreasonable. After all, have n’t you said that? Since this person can easily defeat Besac, even if he ca n’t feel the blood energy from her body, but his combat power is absolutely Above Tier 4 and we all know that in terms of the strength of our caravan's **** team, it can barely cope with the attack of a single Tier 4 professional, but if the other party wants to run, there is no way! What ’s more, do n’t you say that the mysterious man in black is still an assassin or a thief? Although I do n’t know much about professional things, I think it ’s better not to provoke others. ”

Mill rarely intervenes in defense or combat matters, but after all, he is the owner of the caravan, and his speech is still quite weighty. It's just that how could Munk not know what he said today? In fact, he is just venting his inexplicable anger and ... that trace of fear!

But now Munch does n’t care about this matter any more. Since Miss Miranda said that the other party is just a prank, then he will never object! After all, as a man who grew up watching Mirenda since his childhood, Munch is often more spoiled than Mirenda's father, Mir!

"So about the gamble ..."

"Uh ... I got up early today! I don't feel like I'm full of sleep! No, I have to go back to sleep a little bit and call me when I'm leaving ..."

"Master Mir ..."

Watching the family of three disappear in a tent in the center of Yingdi, Munch was only left shaking his head and sighing.

Until this time, Beth and other talents hesitated a little and then stepped forward and asked in a low voice:

"Boss Munch, what shall we do now?"

At the moment, Munch was depressed at the moment, and it was even more fueled by such a question. However, as the captain of the caravan, he can't lose his temper at will, but the tone of the speech is definitely not good.

"What else can I do? Cold mix! The taskless guard checks all the goods to see if they are damaged or missing! What else should I do!"

When everyone saw that Munch was angry, he almost shrank his head silently. But others can mix, but Bass has a sentence to ask! So he had to smile carefully and asked:

"That, Brother Munch ..."

"Who is your eldest brother! I'm a monkey orc, and a cow orc is less like me!"

"Uh ~! Is it ... But Master Munch, I just want to ask, tonight ... Would you like to give her dinner?"

Hearing this, Munch was even more angry in his heart, only to see him staring at him, and after looking fiercely hundreds of meters west of the camp, he answered:

"Send it! Why not send it! After all, it's the mess that Besac's guy made. Our businessmen attach the most importance to credibility. Since we said that we have to send messages before, we will naturally do it! Hum! Let's talk about it, we are such a big caravan It ’s not bad for her to eat and drink alone! "


(Huh! It ’s decided. I ’ll be the vigil tonight! Although my combat power may not be as good as you, but with my years of experience, I wo n’t be afraid of you as a thief! I ’m going to see how you will eat today. The box was returned and it was not found by me!)


So, with a bit of evil fire, Munch almost made the caravan busy this morning. The preparations before departure that needed to be completed in a leak, now only took 40 minutes to complete all the leaks. This is to make Mill have a little more expectations for the caravan's potential.

When the sun had emerged from the horizon, this caravan of Kodo beasts left the camping site completely, riding on the warm sunshine in the morning, accompanied by the breeze on the barren gobi, Going north all the way.

At this time, among the Gobi in the far southwest of the caravan, a man in black covering his whole body also leaned on a dead tree trunk and closed his eyes to rest. This man was the culprit that caused the Mir caravan to be restless all morning, Zhang Yang.

"Hmm? Have you already gone? Today their movements are much faster than usual. But it doesn't matter, after all, their speed is not fast, and the huge pack beast, it seems to be called Kodo? Their weight is enough, and the cargo, even on the Gobi, can leave clear traces. So ... it is so rare to relax, just sleep again. "


In terms of Zhang Yang's speed, even if he took a nap for nearly two hours after the caravan left, he still slowly caught up with the caravan in front before hitting three shots in the day.

In fact, Zhang Yang felt that such a large caravan should be more conspicuous, whether it is Warcraft or robbers, if there are nearby, if you see the campfire at night, you should have gathered there long ago. And even if they care about the number of caravans and dare not do it, but his brother is alone!

It seemed to be in a deep sleep again, and it was really obvious target.

It's a pity that Zhang Yang's bait plan ended in failure, nothing else, just because this Gobi is so desolate and barren. The chance of encountering Warcraft here is almost worth the psychedelic desert. The chance of encountering an oasis!

In this way, as the caravan couldn't keep going, the day passed in a hurry. When the night came again, Beth was holding the food box yesterday, and looked at the dark shadow in the distant dusk with a bitter face, and had to go forward with a scalp ...

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