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"Uh, that, hello, I'll give you the food box again."

Because from the beginning to now, the mysterious man in black didn't talk much, so that the people in the caravan now don't know what she is called, let alone news from where.

This may not be a big deal for Mill and Munch, but it is quite embarrassing for Bass who was sent to deliver meals. After all, he can't help but greet each other? But he didn't know what to call the other party, so he could only try to lower his posture every time, at least he couldn't make the other party angry?

(But there are so many people in the caravan, why do you have to let me come? If it ’s bad, would n’t it be easy to follow in the footsteps of my cousin? And even if I ’m not stunned, I ’m like Brother Besac. It ’s not so good to shave ...)

Not to mention how Basis stood there alone, Zhang Yang was in a good mood today, so Zhang Yang sitting on a pile of stones asked quietly:

"You look scared of me?"

"Uh! This ..."

Bess didn't expect the other party to speak, but he was stunned for a while, but the reason why he was sent to deliver things was because he responded faster to other caravan guards, so it was just a little stunned. , He reacted.

"How could I be afraid of you, I actually adore you!"


"Uh, this is actually a bit scary ... after all, we don't know your identity, what you want to do, even your name, plus you are stronger than us. It ’s normal for everyone ’s strong man to be afraid? ”

Hearing Beth saying this, Zhang Yang nodded gently, he could understand the feelings of the other party. After all, he was now wrapped in black, and he accidentally defeated the strongest player in the caravan, who was replaced, Will you whisper in your heart? and so……

"You can call me Heath."


Bess suddenly felt that he was scared by Master Munch because he got up in the morning, so he was so stupid that he just sent a lunch box like yesterday, but accidentally got this name!

(But speaking of it, the name Hess is great! And it ’s so called, most of them are fox tribes? Is she a fox tribe? And speaking of it, among fox tribes, there would be such a degree of strength Ah!)

Although the Orc common language can allow basic communication between orcs of different races, but because the pronunciation of many words is very similar, Zhang Yang now uses the name of Xiria as a model, and the pseudonym 'Hess' These two words were actually heard by Bass as 'Hiss!'

Of course, there are also some preconceived notions of this guy, Bass. After all, although the name ‘Hiss’ sounds very neutral, it still tends to be used more by men. In the case of ‘Hiss’, this is almost entirely a female name.

No matter how vomiting in his heart, Bass looks very honored. However, he wasn't fascinated by excitement, and he barely refrained from going to the bottom, but pointed to his nose and introduced himself:

"That, my name is Beth, Bess-Mane. In fact, it is very clear at a glance. I am a warrior of the Mane Tribe among the cows and orcs. Uh, but now they are serving the Mill Caravan and are currently only caravan guards. One of the scouts. "

Speaking of which, Beth smiled straight, even learning his cousin's appearance, and stretched his hand to scratch the top of his head. If this way is seen by an uninformed person, most of them will think that he has no mind, just like most cattle and orcs are straightforward.

It is a pity that Zhang Yang's mind is not on him as a little scout. What he is interested in now is information about the caravan ahead.

"If I understand correctly, is the leader of your caravan called" Mil "?"

"Yes! That's right! All the wealth of our caravan belongs to Lord Mill, even including our guards, and most of them signed a contract with him. Even if they are irrelevant within a few years, it will not work."

In Beth's view, this superficial information is not a secret at all. After all, most of the caravans walking in the orc kingdom of Campas are so constructed. And somehow, Bess stayed a little longer in front of the mysterious Heath ‘Miss’ before, and she felt more and more relaxed!

At least among the so-called powerhouses that Bass has seen, including Besac and Munch in the caravan, there are more or less powerhouses, and the one in front of him seems to be too mysterious, but Give him a feeling of inexplicably wanting a lot of closeness.

Therefore, since the chat box was opened, Beth introduced most of the basic situation of the caravan he knew. At this time, Zhang Yang opened the meal box in his hand while listening carefully to Beth's words.

I do n’t know if his mischief came into effect last night. In this lunch box, there is not only a bowl of broth soup that the caravan will make every night, half a stone-like pie, and the small wooden wine bottle yesterday, except In addition, Zhang Yang even saw a strip of meat with **** wide in the lunch box today!

This is the food that even Mill, the caravan owner, is reluctant to eat all the time. After all, if you put this thing in any city, it is nothing, but on this barren Gobi, on the journey of running a business , But it is already a relatively rich meal.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang suddenly smiled lightly, and even if he was stupid, he understood that this was the effect of his prank last night. However, this fight is also to use the style of the black belly to the end. Without making a big fortune, I have decided in my heart that I will continue to prank tonight ...

"No wonder I previously rejected my proposal to join the caravan as an **** temporarily. It turns out that as a caravan escort, I need to sign the contract of self-sale."

Hearing a lot of bass, Zhang Yang also heard some ways. But even if he knew the problem, he would not sign any contract. joke! Powerful professionals, and those who have evolved their spiritual power into the power of the soul, will deeply understand how powerful the power of the contract is!

That is not only a constraint of some mysterious power, but also a constraint set in my heart! Unless you don't want to advance to the Saint level, as the Orlando world plane powerhouse, you will definitely attach great importance to the commitments you have made and the contracts you have made.

Besides, Zhang Yang could never stay in the Campas Orc Kingdom for a long time, and it was impossible to be the guard of a small caravan in a serious manner.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang took the wooden bottle out of the lunch box, pulled the scarf underneath and drank up to take a sip.

This is great! Originally, Bass was still talking about why he would be the guard of the caravan and how difficult life was in the village where his family lived.

But when Zhang Yang inadvertently pulled down his turban and slightly tilted his head to drink, he looked at the suddenly exposed white cheeks, delicate jaws, and those pale red, moist and bright lips ...

Bess instantly looked crazy!

Just what he sees now makes him instantly feel that this person is definitely the most beautiful person he has ever seen in his life! Do not! Beth can even assert at this moment that even if he hasn't seen the other person's full picture, but with the eyes like the night sky and the second half of the face, he dare to say: This mysterious person in front of him may even be the whole Maybe the most beautiful orc in the orc kingdom!

(Gosh! No wonder she has to wrap herself completely with a mask and scarf. If she does n’t think so, would n’t it be the death of someone! Uh, how come she feels a little sweet in her mouth? Itchy nose? Not good!)

Suddenly returning to the **** Bes, he saw that the man in front of him was looking at himself with a slightly surprised look. He instantly felt the blood flowing up, and his big face suddenly turned red!

Not only that, but only a slight nosebleed came down now, but now it is running down like a flood in the gate! This made Bass no longer embarrassed to stay here even for a moment, and hurriedly said, "I'm going first". The whole person turned around and ran away in the direction of the caravan ...

"Young people are really energetic ..."

At this moment, although I understand that it is my own fault, Zhang Yang does not mean anything like guilt.

joke! If Bass knew that he was looking at someone with a nosebleed, he was originally a human being who was not much worse than him, I am afraid that he would have the heart to hang himself now?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang finally couldn't help but smiled happily, and if the arc of the corner of his mouth was seen by others at the moment, I was afraid that it would not be a simple thing like nosebleed ...

A smile in the city, a smile in the country. Perhaps only these few words can describe what Zhang Yang looks like at the moment? At the moment, in his heart, the person who really admired was the genius alchemist who was able to make such an anti-sky magic item. The one who was in the long river of history and did not even leave his name, the high elf Alchemist……

Let's not mention Zhang Yang sitting alone on the stone pile, sighing with a drink at the endless night.

When Bass ran back to the Mill Caravan camp with his nose covered in awkwardness, he almost misunderstood. At first, Munch thought that this kid had angered the mysterious woman, but now he was broken back and ran back.

But when Munch looked at Beth's head for a long while, and found that there was no trauma in the other party, it was inexplicable to ask why.

It's just that this kind of thing is what Bass meant to say! Although as a **** virgin, there is nothing shameful about things like bleeding nose, but it is always embarrassing to let him speak. What's more, Bass dare not say a word at all. In his view, that person's appearance still exists as a secret. After all, if it leaks out ...

God knows what will happen!

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