Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 966: Batch after batch

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Don't look at Mir as a normal rat clan orc, but at some point he can play a role that is even greater than a fourth-order strong!

Just like this time, in the process of contacting with the four of Hussein, Mill actually relied on a clever mouth, stunned five good hands with more than three levels of strength.

Not only did he completely exclude his caravan from the entire incident, but also attracted the attention of this small team to Taolezu Village. The most important thing is that all of this is in a subtle way, seemingly done inadvertently.

To the extent that it was n’t that Munch and others knew the truth, that ’s not the case. I ’m afraid even they would believe what Mil said ...

"Huh, Lord Mir, you are so powerful, so easy to fool them over."

"That's not right! And the five glasses of spirits were not only unaccompanied, but they also made a profit in the end. Sure enough, they were born businessmen!"

"Hahaha ~!"


Since the five people learned from Mi Erkou the abnormalities in the village of Taolezu, they no longer have extra thoughts to stay here, but hurriedly resigned to Taolezu Village.

In fact, after they approached the caravan, they secretly watched the Mill Caravan up and down several times. As a result, apart from the small number of caravan members, they did not find any other problems.

And after learning that the caravan was so small because a few days ago it was attacked by a large group of erythema jackals, when Hussein and others looked at Munch and Mill and others, the contempt of the contempt in their eyes suddenly disappeared. A lot less.

Because of this, the corpse of the Kodo beast on the large scooter behind the caravan made sense. Hussain and others have not thought about checking the caravan's goods closer, but if they did, it would definitely be an insult to the caravan.

If only Munch is such a good player, Hussein might not be so polite. After all, in their view, the remaining guards in the caravan can still be tough, but if they are less than Tier 3, they ca n’t get into them. eye.

The reason why Hussein hesitated and finally suppressed the impulse in his heart was that he had been sitting next to the dead Kodo beast, slowly cutting the flesh and skin, and the beastly orc warrior Besac.

Although the strength of Hussein and others is not weak, if they are really stalemate with the Mill Caravan, then whether they can retreat smoothly in the face of at least two third-tier strongmen and the remaining elite guards is a problem. It's not good here to be seriously injured and damaged.

So Hussein and others left, which made Mill feel a little relieved, but instinctively felt more dangerous.

"Brother Munch, do you think they believe it?"

It's no wonder that Mill is not at ease. If Hussein and others find that they are actually being teased, then in terms of the current strength of the Mill Caravan, they can't bear the anger of the other party.

For Mill's question, Munch nodded first, then shook his head and sighed:

"It should be a letter, but when they found out that they were cheated, we were in danger. So we can only hope that we can go to the Colosseum in Orsay safely. At that time, everything is easy to say."

"That's right, it's just that a group of people has just arrived at night, and it looks like it can't calm down tonight ..."

"Yeah, there is no way. The rest can only be determined by luck."

The luck of the Mill Caravan is really difficult to say whether it is good or bad recently. If it is bad, they were afraid that they would all die long ago when they encountered a large group of erythema jackals. However, because of the inexplicable appearance of Zhang Yang, they resolved the crisis.

It's just that they took this task this time and they are already in a very dangerous situation. Once things are revealed, the consequences will only be more miserable than encountering red spot jackals!

But when Mir and Munch together prayed that they would never meet any more adventurers, the darkness in the far distance of the camp was again showing a few shadows ...

"I depend! What are you afraid of?"

"It's all your crow mouth, what good luck!"

"Uh? What does this have to do with ..."

"It doesn't matter, don't you know that luck can't be said?"

"... Forget it, I mean nothing but you. Everyone cheered me up! Let's see what they are going to say!"

Munch naturally knew that Mill did not really blame him for saying this, but rather relieved the tension and pressure in his heart through these words. Therefore, when the people in the distance gradually approached, Munch had put away the playful look, and turned to the solemn command of the caravan guards to prepare for defense.


This time it was still Beth speaking, but it was different from the time when he met Hussein. The people who came this time did not mean any answer at all, but they still walked slowly to the caravan camp Come.

Seeing this, Beth tightened his shot and was about to stop as usual, but at that moment Munch, who was not far away from him, suddenly raised his hand and stopped Bess directly. He said seriously:

"Do n’t act rashly, this group of people feels very dangerous to me. Their strength is definitely much stronger than those of Hussain just now! If I ’m not wrong, there should be a fourth-order strongman in the distance. 'S existence, otherwise it is impossible to be so arrogant! "

"Fourth-order strongman! Then aren't we ..."

"Yeah, we can't afford it. But they may not come to us. As long as they don't do anything that makes the other party misunderstand or directly touch the other party, I think there should be no problem."


"Don't wait for you to speak indiscriminately, I will deal with them!"


Munch deserves to be a veteran who has traveled a long time, and his judgment is not wrong at all!

Until the five people came to stand at ten meters in front of Munch, the talents of the Mill Caravan saw who was coming!

Unlike Hussein ’s team, which has little difference in strength between their members, the strength of the five people in front of them is actually uneven. The strongest of the cold-eyed Leopard men is already a veritable fourth-order strongman, and the remaining In the eyes of Munch, the four of them are not so much a teammate of this leopard clan, it is better to be his servants and followers!

Among them, the two strong horse men have about the third-order strength, but each of them holding a lance with a large bag of luggage behind them, so that the two horse men have already The spear as a crutches was still tired and sweaty.

In addition to the three of them, the other two are actually young girls of cats with exquisite figure! But what is obviously different from the other three is that the necks and wrists of these two cat-girls are tied together by a thin metal chain!

With the insight of Munch and Mill, I can understand the identity of these two cat-girls at a glance. They are simply the slaves and playthings of the strong leopard!

Seeing that there was no light here, Ke and Mir angered, that is, the guard soldiers behind them, when they looked at the leopard clan strongman, their eyes also showed obvious anger.

The guard fighters in the Mill Caravan are all ordinary people. Even though most of them are members of strong races, they have grown up together with weak races, that is, the "inferior" of the nobles. Therefore, he hated the behavior of capturing the vulnerable race orcs in the kingdom as slaves.

Now I see two pretty and cute cat girls who are locked in iron chains, like animals are being held in the hands of the powerful leopard clan. The cute little face is full of sadness and fear, Mill Caravan Everyone in the group suddenly didn't like the leopard clan.

"We are members of the Mill Caravan and are resting here, do not know what the lord has asked?"

Even if his heart is angry, but Munch will not be bothered, after all, the strength is there. As an orc nobility, the leopard clan itself has a stronger foundation than ordinary orcs, and now it is such a fourth-order strongman that its strength is enough to kill everyone in the Mir caravan!

Therefore, Munch's attitude is very respectful. Not only did he pay homage honestly, he couldn't even see any other emotions in his eyes.

"Mil Caravan? I haven't heard of it, but it doesn't matter anymore, since it's a caravan, should there be food and wine? I'm worried that I have no place to rest tonight, although your caravan is a bit smaller, but just make up It can be tolerated. "

After saying this, the leopard clan seemed to inadvertently sweep his eyes on the caravan, but everyone who was stared at by his cold eyes was tight for no reason. This made Munch and Mill feel nervous. The threat was so obvious that they were afraid they could not refuse it.

However, Mill understood the full set of acting and acting. If he didn't say anything, it would not be in line with the identity of the rat orc, and it would cause doubts. So he saw that Miertong fell to his knees on the ground, shouting with his mouth flattened while he couldn't stop.

"The aristocratic master is as bright as a torch! Our caravan is really not influential, only to make a few things like inferior animal skins, food, etc. Although the wine and meat are also a bit, but there is no good wine but only crude spirits and dried meat, where It ’s an aristocratic master! You ca n’t afford it! In case Yaxing is disturbing you, we ca n’t afford it! "

Mil's style is almost a real performance, and there is no trace of pretentiousness, and for the post-Jin noble leopard family, the noble master is definitely one of the most pleasing titles, so see the pitiful look of Mil at this moment, this leopard The clan strongman suddenly pulled the thin iron chain in his hand, and while pulling the two cat clan girls into his arms, he laughed:

"Hahahaha! Your mouse really doesn't change its nature! Does this mean you don't know what's going on in your heart? Which caravan doesn't order anything good? Or you're starved to death by the grain and the skin ! Hum! Is n’t it just that I ’m not worried about giving me money? "

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